

东方演出网 https://www.df962388.com 2022-06-16 18:30 出处:网络 热度:0







In the spring of 1872 , Gu Wenbin wrote a letter from Zhejiang province to Gu Cheng in Suzhou, proposing to build a mansion of collection. He named it Guoyunlou, implying“ painting and calligraphy are as transient as fleeting clouds to man ” – a quotation from the famous scholar Su Dongpo : " if my collections were taken away, I would not feel upset . It was like a fleeting cloud passing away, or the chirping of birds disappearing into the sky. "

Time flies . 150 years have passed . The camellia tree that Gu Wenbin planted in the courtyard of Guoyunlou is still flourishing , and Guanyunlou has made its name in the history of Chinese art collection. As a saying goes , “ collections to the south of the Yangtze River are top in China , while those in Guoyunlou rank among the best of the former ”.

Located at No. 2 Ganjiang West Road , Gusu District, Suzhou City , Guoyunlou is currently operated by Pan-National Arts , presenting exhibitions , lectures , and new books . In “ My . Art Lab ”, visitors are immersed in the scent of coffee . The annual " Art Suzhou " exhibition has attracted artists from all over the world. Apparently , Guoyunlou has been carrying on the humanistic and artistic spirit of Mr . Gu Wenbin .

This exhibition belongs to a series of activities marking the 150th anniversary of Guoyunlou . We invited many famous contemporary artists to join " Flowers and Hymns " , intending to pay tribute to our ancestors and contribute to the development of art in Suzhou .

时间飞快转眼间150年过去了。过云楼院子里顾文彬亲手种植的茶花树依然花繁叶茂。百年历史在苏州漫长的岁月中只是一朵浪花,但过云楼的这朵浪花变成了献给中国艺术收藏史的鲜花。任凭世代更替,浮生变迁,“江南收藏甲天下,过云楼收藏甲江南”的美誉依然耳边回响。 如今在苏州姑苏区干将西路2号,在艺术互动运营管理下,过云楼依然画展不断,讲座纷呈,书店新书满目,【我的。艺术品Lab】咖啡飘香人流如织,每年一届的“艺术苏州”更是吸引了全球艺术家的参与。俨然是顾文彬先生人文艺术精神的延续和发展。