
「恍如月白 Suddenly Moon White」 戴莹苏州个展

东方演出网 https://www.df962388.com 2023-03-10 00:07 出处:网络 热度:19
「恍如月白 Suddenly Moon White」 戴莹苏州个展将于2023.03.11-04.20在艺术互动x过云楼上演,门票价格:30。

「恍如月白 Suddenly Moon White」 戴莹苏州个展时间、地点、门票价格




「恍如月白 Suddenly Moon White」 戴莹苏州个展详情

「恍如月白 Suddenly Moon White」 戴莹苏州个展


3月10日,艺术家戴莹最新个展“恍然月白”(Suddenly Moon White)即将于苏州过云楼文化艺术中心揭开帷幕,带来艺术家近期17件全新系列油画作品、三组空间装置,以及创作于2017-2022年的7件重要架上绘画和1件雕塑装置等。这是戴莹在苏州举办的首场个展项目,以艺术家个人创作历史的视角,和承载150年历史文化的过云楼在地构建深层对话。作品在时间、地域、人生阶段的跨度上有其丰富的表达张力,从纽约时期、北京时期到以苏州为灵感的全新阶段,以多种艺术思考和体验诠释了一场极具个人突破意义的超然表达。

展览主题“恍然月白”(Suddenly Moon White),灵感源于过云楼清代主人顾文彬后花园“怡园”中的一副对联。原文“竹边松底,只赠梅花,共结岁寒三益;薜志苔荒,摩挲峭石,恍然月白千峰”,表达了古代文人曾在顾家园中雅集会友的美妙场景和超然心境。“恍然月白”四字,与艺术家戴莹身处过云楼时恍如隔世、超以象外的感受,月影相照、无二无别。“恍然”,诠释出艺术家身处此地如梦似幻的飘然状态,时移世易,不知今夕何夕。“月白”记载于《史记·封禅书》中,古意为透着淡淡微蓝光泽的月色,是古代文人尤为钟情的一种颜色和意境。同时,也是清代皇帝在祭祀中制定所需穿着祭祀朝袍的颜色,具有既诗意、高古而又厚重的文化寓意。


On March 10, artist Dai Ying's latest solo exhibition "Suddenly Moon White" will open at Suzhou Guoyunlou Culture and Art Center, bringing 17 new series of oil paintings, three sets of spatial installations, as well as seven important shelf paintings and one sculpture installation created from 2017 to 2022. This is Dai Ying's first solo exhibition project in Suzhou, which builds a deep dialogue with the Yunlou, which carries 150 years of history and culture, from the perspective of the artist's personal creative history. The work has its rich expressive tension in the span of time, region and life stage, from the New York period, the Beijing period to the new stage inspired by Suzhou, and interprets a transcendent expression with a variety of artistic reflections and experiences.

The theme of the exhibition, "Suddenly Moon White", is inspired by a couplet in the back garden of Gu Wenbin, the owner of the Qing Dynasty of Guoyunlou. Original text "Bamboo side pine bottom, only give plum blossoms, together with the cold and three benefits; Xue Zhi Moss Desolation, Cliff Rock, and Suddenly the White Thousand Peaks of the Moon", expresses the wonderful scene and transcendent state of mind of the ancient literati who once gathered friends in Gu Homeland. The four words "suddenly white of the moon" are indistinguishable from the feeling of artist Dai Ying when she was in the cloud tower, beyond the image, and the moon shadow is no different. "Suddenly" interprets the artist's dream-like floating state here, and the time is changing, and I don't know where it is. "Moon white" is recorded in the "Shiji Feng Zen Book", which means moonlight with a faint blue light, which is a color and artistic conception especially loved by ancient literati. At the same time, it was also the Qing Dynasty emperor who formulated the color of the sacrificial robes required in the sacrifice, which has both poetic, ancient and heavy cultural meanings.

In the view of artist Dai Ying, as a present-day person, she is here to carry out a dialogue with the ancients, using her personal artistic creation as a clue to express, discuss, pay tribute to, and commemorate the prosperity of the civilization passed down by Yunlou, and look forward to the future of Yunlou's reputation. It is worth mentioning that artist Dai Ying uses Suzhou's local culture and regional materials as inspiration to inspire a different creative experience. In the latest series of oil paintings, the artist uses the documents of Guoyunlou as a carrier, and uses the combination of brush and oil painting to bring a new series of shelf paintings full of chance and expression. In addition, in this exhibition, the artist also combined the ancient architectural space and cultural context to create a number of spatial installation works, which is a new experience in materials in his artistic career. It's worth looking forward to!


戴莹,艺术家,VIS ART CENTER (微斯艺术中心)创始人、VIS ART MAIMAI 品牌主理人,艺术项目发起人,艺术项目策划人,现工作生活于北京、纽约、洛杉矶。近年来多次参加国内外艺术展览和艺术项目发起、策展。





德国柏林Kommunale Galerie berlin 美术馆【未来游戏】(柏林,2019年),


贵阳798艺术中心《今日 未来》(贵阳,2017年),

空间站【进化论】 (北京,2017年),

美国洛杉矶帕萨迪纳会展中心 【中国关注】(洛杉矶,2016年),

美国纽约 【Art Expo New York】(纽约,2016年),

美国巴尔的摩市世界贸易中心【愿景共享艺术展】(巴尔的摩,2015年) 等等。



微斯艺术中心【缦合·北京 首个当代艺术展】(北京,2021年)。


Dai Ying, artist, founder of VIS ART CENTER, VIS ART MAIMAI BRAND MANAGER, ART PROJECT INITIATOR, ART PROJECT CURATOR, CURRENTLY LIVES AND WORKS IN BEIJING, NEW YORK AND LOS ANGELES. In recent years, she has participated in many domestic and foreign art exhibitions and art projects. Exhibitions include: Solo exhibitions Today Art Museum "For the Remembrance of Forgetting" (Beijing, 2020), Weiss Art Center [Painting] (Beijing, 2021), Asian Art Museum [Rubik's Cube] (New York, 2015), USA. Kommunale Galerie berlin Museum of Art, Berlin, Germany [Future Games] (Berlin, 2019), Chikuchu Art Museum [Tian Tian Up] (Beijing, 2017), Guiyang 798 Art Center "Today, Future" (Guiyang, 2017), Space Station [Evolution] (Beijing, 2017), Pasadena Convention Center, Los Angeles, USA [China Focus] (Los Angeles, 2016), Art Expo New York, USA (New York, 2016), World Trade Center, Baltimore, USA [Vision Sharing Art Exhibition] (Baltimore, 2015), etc. Art project initiation and planning: Wess Art Center [Big Hospital] (Beijing Abandoned Hospital, 2021), Wess Art Center [Manhe Beijing's First Contemporary Art Exhibition] (Beijing, 2021). At the same time, he has won many personal honors and awards in his artistic creation: American Art Outstanding Talent, American World Art Center Fellow, Asia Art Foundation Director, United Nations Association of Artists Outstanding Achievement Artist Award, World Art Center Outstanding Artist Award, American Asia Art Foundation Outstanding Artist Award.



Monday toSunday10:00-17:00



No. 2 West GanjiangRoad, Gusu District,Suzhou



Line 1 / Line 4, Le Qiao Station, turn right 50m distance at Exit 8,


Tips: public transportation is recommended due to limited parking spaces.

「恍如月白 Suddenly Moon White」 戴莹苏州个展观演指南


