

东方演出网 https://www.df962388.com 2024-02-21 15:55 出处:网络 热度:14
上海摇滚闹元宵之英雄归来将于2024.02.24 周六 20:00在育音堂(凯旋路店)上演,门票价格:80。


1、时间:2024.02.24 周六 20:00





开售时间:02月21日 15:04


经历5年的暂别,曾经上海最优秀的独立摇滚乐队之一DAHAHA,将在育音堂(凯旋店)进行一场回归演出,当晚一起的乐队还包括Hogchoker、Doppler Drive、Cosmic Worm 和 失控108乐团。五支乐队的风格各异,从独立摇滚、斯卡朋克到金属,保证让你在冬季的末尾,摇动身体,狂热不止。One of Shanghai’s great bands return after 5 years in the UK – DAHAHA’s comeback gig with Hogchoker, Doppler Drive, Cosmic Worm and 失控108乐团! The greatest mix of darkness and light to leap around, dance like crazy, pump the air, sing along and bang your head to at Shanghai’s most historic music venue, YYT Kaixuan Lu. DAHAHA

DaHaHa 具有冒险精神的曲调、发人深省的歌词、大胆的翻唱创作- 无数的夜晚曾带给观众美好的时光与回忆。因疫情而停工的他们从死里复活*,他们今晚回来了,2024唯一的一场演出只是为了让你们再次哈哈大笑和跳舞。* 不是字面上的意思,除了偶尔的自我死亡之外。 DaHaHa的所有成员都是经过认证的人类而不是僵尸。DaHaHa is adventurous musicality, thought provoking lyrics, bold cover songs - a mile wide smile of a damn good time. Raised from the dead* of a pandemic enforced hiatus, they're back for one night only to make you all DaHaHance again.* Not literally, occasional ego death aside. All members of DaHaHa are certified humans and not zombies. Hogchoker 没有其他乐队能像 Hogchoker 那样将朋克、斯卡、莎莎、克莱兹默、爵士和放克混搭成美味可口的浓汤。“非凡的、有创意的、原创的和无所畏惧的”(Habibi 唱片公司)“疯狂的天才”(走出卧室)“今年您将听到的最不拘一格、最有趣的歌曲集”(添加到想要的列表)。西蒙的妈妈说:“长大了,找到合适的工作,别再吵闹了。” 出来咬一口 Hog——你永远不会后悔!Hogchoker are not a band, they are a sensory explosion,” Time Out Shanghai. “Extraordinary, creative, original and fearless,” Habibi Records. No other band mash-up punk, ska, salsa, klezmer, jazz and funk into as tasty and danceable a gumbo as Hogchoker. For almost a decade they’ve brought their blitzkrieg of high-octane sax and song to festivals and dancehalls across Asia, Europe and South America. Come and chew on a mouthful of Hog – you’ll never regret it! 失控108


Doppler Drive

Doppler Drive是2022年在上海组建的一个摇滚三人乐队,成员来自中国,加蓬,加拿大他们以非常具有冲击力的节奏和吉他Riff为基调,在2023年的夏天发行他们的第一张EP,计划在同一年内录制他们的第一张专辑。他们每一个现场都努力给观众展现出来具有力量,精准,抓耳,久违的摇滚乐体验。With members from China, Gabon, and Canada, Doppler Drive is best described as an energetic power trio with catchy hooks that know what they want with a plan to get there. They strive to keep audiences entertained at every show. The band released their first EP in the summer of 2023 with plans for a full-length album in 2024. Stay tuned. Cosmic Worm

长久以来,月之巫师一直嫉妒地俯视着地球,随时准备出手,将人类夺取为他邪恶的目的。为传承荣耀、大胆和灭亡的故事做好准备Long has the Wizard of the Moon looked down on the Earth with a jealous eye, ready to strike out and claim humanity for his own nefarious purposes. Prepare yourselves for tales of glory, daring, and DOOOOOM.



