
Virgin Vacation《暴烈与温柔》亚洲巡回上海站

东方演出网 https://www.df962388.com 2024-04-30 09:49 出处:网络 热度:20
Virgin Vacation《暴烈与温柔》亚洲巡回上海站 将于05月16日 20:00-05月16日 22:00在育音堂(凯旋店)上演,Virgin Vacation《暴烈与温柔》亚洲巡回上海站 门票价格:¥100 预售票,¥120 全价票。Virgin Vacation,WeatherKing天气王等重磅阵容。

Virgin Vacation《暴烈与温柔》亚洲巡回上海站 时间、地点、门票价格

1、时间:05月16日 20:00-05月16日 22:00


3、门票价格:¥100 预售票,¥120 全价票

Virgin Vacation《暴烈与温柔》亚洲巡回上海站 详情

Virgin Vacation《暴烈与温柔》亚洲巡回上海站

近年开始得到海外乐迷关注的香港实验器乐乐队Virgin Vacation 擅长利用具节奏感的编曲风格和现场即兴的音乐演奏合成出迷幻的声景 。

若音乐就是对话的媒介 ,Virgin Vacation的音乐便像是拥有两个极端想法的人在尝试沟通 。 一端是强调结构简洁而具逻辑的编曲,近乎 Krautrock的推进力,多变且连绵不绝的节奏旋律 。 而另一端则是不受任何法则拘束的混合自由爵士乐及即兴新音乐的翻动 , 脱离调式音乐的概念, 着重于即兴奏乐结构性与非结构性之间 。

Virgin Vacation首张全新专辑《Dapple Patterns》是一趟未知的旅程,既是光与影的结合 , 涟漪跃动所生的波纹 ,也是一种幻想,一场光怪陆离的梦 。 黄丹与菜之花,马尔杜克与胡姆巴巴,颜色与神话 。 旅人们或许在铜管声与失真的音效中感受疯狂,从合成器中堕落无间的迷失 ,最终在钟片琴的奏鸣中找到一丝平静。

若你在不知不觉中被那不停重复的旋律荼毒,你可能已陷在Virgin Vacation的暴烈与温柔中难以自拔。

Virgin Vacation《暴烈与温柔》亚洲巡回上海站

演出单位:Virgin Vacation、天气王

演出日:2024.05.16 Thu.

演出时间:19:30 OPEN 20:00 START


票价:预售100 / 现场 120

Virgin Vacation, a Hong Kong experimental instrumental band who has begun to attract attention of oversea music fans draws myriad sources from krautrock, film soundtracks, free jazz, electronica and brews them into a carefully crafted concoction of controlled chaos. Virgin Vacation is a music experiment in exploring new sounding through combining both structural and non-structural music forms which is unique in their own right.

Virgin Vacation’s new album -“Dapple Patterns”is a voyage into the un- known, a bizarre dream. Ohni and Nanoha, Marduk and Humbaba, colour and myth. Dear travellers and dreamers, you may be driven to madness by the bass and distortion; you may get lost in the boundless synthesizers; you may find ultimate peace in the glockenspiel’s chimes. However, Dapple Pat- terns is not merely a journey, it is the dance of light and shadow, refracted ripples in shallow seawater, a catalyst for our endless imagination.

關於「砰鈴嘭唥Bing Ling Baang Laang Asia」

「砰鈴嘭唥」是2023年末成立於香港的演出經紀代理公司(booking agency),業務範圍主要以國際藝人演出預定為主,兼提供藝人經紀以及活動策劃的服務。由一群以內容、品質、人文為導向、最重要的是充滿熱情的專業人士組成。


「砰鈴嘭唥」 合作的樂團風格主要為(但不限於)電子實驗與各種音樂類型的融合。目前推廣來自香港、中國內地、東亞、東南亞以及歐洲地區的藝術家,並與以上各地的優秀音樂演出企劃團隊合作推出不同類型的音樂巡演活動。

Primarily Bing Ling Baang Laang Asia is a booking agency based in Hong Kong which consist of a collective of professionals that are content and quality driven and most importantly passionate.BLBL also provides services of artists management and event production.

Bing Ling Baang Laang Asia promotes bands and artists that are professional, experimental, fun, unique in their own ways and treasures the value of human relations. BLBL admire and respect their talents and are passionate about supporting and accompanying them to go further in the music and art industry.

Bing Ling Baang Laang Asia collaborates with bands that are mainly (but not limited to) the electronic experimental genre and promote artists from between the regions of Hong Kong, Mainland China, East & Southeast Asia and Europe for the moment.The agencyalso cooperates with outstanding live performance planning teams from places mentioned above to launch various types of tours and projects.


Virgin Vacation《暴烈与温柔》亚洲巡回上海站 观演指南

艺人:Virgin Vacation,WeatherKing天气王
