
广州和美艺术中心预告|杨国辛个展:万物 ,相互蕴含

东方演出网 https://www.df962388.com 2023-09-26 14:09 出处:网络 热度:18
广州和美艺术中心预告|杨国辛个展:万物 ,相互蕴含将于2023.09.26-12.18在和美艺术中心上演,门票价格:30。

广州和美艺术中心预告|杨国辛个展:万物 ,相互蕴含时间、地点、门票价格




广州和美艺术中心预告|杨国辛个展:万物 ,相互蕴含详情

广州和美艺术中心预告|杨国辛个展:万物 ,相互蕴含






Everything containseach other

Reading this collection of fanart of paintings,I see a calmprophet who wrote in his diary the agonies and struggles of every human being on the planet in the past few years. The paintings cover every day of the entire world, making notes of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Russia-Ukraine war, the volcanic eruptions, and the greatearthquakes ....... It is important to realize that without a holistic view, we would not be able to develop a study of everyday life. The concept of totality has a specificity for artists who may deal more dialectically with the relationship between ambiguity and intensity, and are more adept at utilizing ambivalence to constitute the context of a picture, and develop a structure with layers by stirring between individuality, feeling and expression. These paintings involve various realities from ethics to aesthetics, and seeing them one gets a strong feeling that it is Yang Guoxin who bites open this society with his daily records and discovers its real components. In the fanpaintings, which has obvious compositional limitations, the images are derived from real life as well as historical allusions shared by mankind, and the handling of the images is entangled with chaos, tension, and sadness, which develops the fanpaintinginto a new "meaningful form".

Yang Guoxin's paintings are not unfamiliar to the audience, and "Good Fruit", which appeared in the first exhibitionof Guangdong Museum of Art's Fine Art Collection Index Series not long ago, belongs to his most representative works. If the pop method of that time period once demonstrated the creator's clear social attitude and personal consciousness of dealing with the subject matter, the changes and shifts shown in recent years are based on MrYang's deeper and more profound observation and thinking aboutthe fate of mankind.

There aremore than 200 paintings in the two periods exhibited at the Harmony& Beauty Art Center,they are Yang Guoxin's personal history of the world in terms of content; And also reapply metaphorical images from the history of art, such as "The Raft of Medusa," "Adam and Eve," The presence of Lessing, Sontag, and Zizek is interpreted and explained each other in relation to the artist's own questioning of human behavior. The attitude conveyed by the images is ultimately due to the artist's distrust and unwillingnessto accept the fate of mankind,somewhat like a struggle. These years we seem to be walking around a group of strangers, but in fact, don’tthey imagine us in the same way? Living feelings linger on, and Yang Guoxin responds strongly with his own full-threshold approach. Beyond the specifics of diary painting, I wonder if individuals can create an effective form of confrontation with society. Perhaps there is no need to be so regrettable. When I met Mr. Yang, his creation had already passed the period of attachment to idyllicpastoral songs and fantasies in mind,nor did he deliberately summon up a period of the past to contrast the ruthlessness of reality. On the contrary, by depicting the here and now as history, he records the powerful external social force and records the true feelings of life.

The relevance problems that artists need to face when dealing with reality is captured by Mr. Yang in different prioritiesand secondary, shades, strengths and weaknesses, blurring the relationship between the fragments and the whole. At this time, I recalled two lines from Yu Shinan's five-character quatrain"Cicada":

“Rising high ,far your voice will go,not on the wings of autumn breeze”.

广州和美艺术中心预告|杨国辛个展:万物 ,相互蕴含观演指南


