

东方演出网 https://www.df962388.com 2022-07-20 18:00 出处:网络 热度:1
【深圳】复古电工团呈现:迎新生,喜蹦迪!——深圳站将于2022.08.26 周五 23:00在深圳MPK上演,东方演出网为大家详细介绍一下【深圳】复古电工团呈现:迎新生,喜蹦迪!——深圳站门票价格、时间、地点等信息


演出时间:2022-08-26 周五 23:00




复古电工团xHOU LIVE&MPK带来


深圳,简称“深”,别称鹏城,广东省辖地级市,是广东省副省级市,国家计划单列市,超大城市,中国经济特区、全国性经济中心城市、国际化城市 、科技创新中心、区域金融中心、商贸物流中心。而深圳同样也是中国电子音乐与派对文化的发达城市之一,多年来国外艺人,国内各地音乐豪杰与无数能玩爱玩的莘莘学子相聚于此,浅夜至清晨,无数舞客乐迷流连忘返。

2022年8月26日,又一年的暑假即将结束了,全国各地新鲜的人才将来到深圳大展拳脚!深圳好玩的HOU LIVE&MPK联手中国的复古蹦迪组织“复古电工团”带来:迎新生,喜蹦迪——深圳蹦迪新学期开学典礼

在这次开学典礼中,复古电工团将访问深圳!成立五年间,复古电工团曾在全国近四十个城市六十个俱乐部献艺。每个难忘的深夜里,每个炽热的舞池中,无数青年朋友一起跃动,欢唱每首回忆中的时代金曲!八月二十六的夜晚,复古电工团教师团队准备了多门蹦迪必修课:世界乐坛黄金时代DISCO/SYNTH-POP/Euro Dance,90年代家喻户晓的荷东&霹雳舞&跳舞机,Y2K华语乐坛神仙打架的每首好歌,日韩风暴hit songs,以及你小时候蹲守电视机前等待的每部动漫经典,全部叱咤乐坛劲歌金曲,来自你同桌的小耳机,好久没打开的唱片包,千千静听.exe,QQ空间!!特别提醒,课间操以及眼保健操时,同学们不要偷懒!


Senders Chen aka.Spyfi 老陈是复古电工团与沉睡电台的主理人。少年时期热爱流行舞曲文化,大学后在Techno与House音乐中成为电子音乐创作者并深入参与了北京的派对场景,中途聆听转向至UK Bass音乐阵型从而成立泛低音音乐派对组织沉睡电台,日以继夜的蹦迪生活中突然想起少年时的爱好又开始播放古早味的舞曲并不小心和朋友一起创办了复古电工团。无论身在何方,老陈觉得派对才是最重要的事情。旅途漫漫,老陈的舞池永远期待下一个永远年轻的你Senders Chen loved dance pop culture when he was young. After college, he became an electronic music creator in Techno and House music and deeply participated in the party scene in Beijing. In the middle of his listening, he switched to UK Bass music formation and founded the Bass party organization Slumber Station. In the middle of his day and night clubbing life, he suddenly remembered his childhood hobby and began to play old-school dance music. He accidentally founded the retro-style party group Retro Pie with his friends.  No matter where he is, Chen thinks the party is the most important thing. The journey is long, see u at the dancefloor !

Simon B将广博的知识和对舞曲的热爱带到了他的舞台上。他出生于英国,祖籍新加坡,其兼收并蓄的选曲在流派、节奏、时代和东西半球之间自如切换,融合了经典与前卫,也融合了东西方的品味:House,Techno,迪斯科,City Pop,香港复古, Italo,Indie Dance,UKG, K-Pop/K-Indie, 二次元/同人音乐,Old School Rave/Hardcore/Jungle等等。他曾为Jimmy Edgar、Om Unit、DJ Krush,Machine Girl和Roche Musique的Darius等多位国际知名艺人的华南巡演担任嘉宾,并与Marc Houle在广州锅炉房首秀上携手献演。他曾多次在草莓、迷笛等大型音乐节上打碟,还有在长城上迎着日出表演的阴阳音乐节。Simon B brings a broad knowledge and deep love of dance music to his sets. Born in the UK and with roots in Singapore, his eclectic selections cross genres and tempos with ease, combining classic and contemporary sounds from East and West: House, Techno, Disco, City Pop, Cantopop, Italo, Indie-Dance, UKG, K-Pop/K-Indie, Anime/Doujin Music, Old School Rave/Hardcore/Jungle, and more. He has supported international artists as diverse as Jimmy Edgar, Om Unit, DJ Krush, Machine Girl and Roche Musique’s Darius on their South China tour stops, and performed at the very first Boiler Room broadcast from Guangzhou with Marc Houle. He has appeared on multiple occasions at large national festivals such as Strawberry and Midi and even played at sunrise on the Great Wall of China at the Yin Yang Festival.


★ 总结 ★





地址Address:深圳HOU LIVE&MPK

福田区华府街道莲花一村社区皇岗路5001 深业上城三楼小镇九栋T3079

T3079, 3rd Floor, Upper Hills Town, No.5001 Huanggang Road, 

Futian District, Shenzhen





复古电工团是中国成立时间最长,涉猎城市较多,合作俱乐部较多的复古派对文化组织。我们是由一群热爱经典音乐和派对文化的小伙伴组成的联盟,致力于策划推广舞曲派对和相关文化活动,挖掘各领域不同时代的好听的音乐。我们选择的派对歌曲,不只有Disco和中国流行老歌,Funk,City-pop/J-Pop,Euro Dance,港台闽日流行,欧美摇滚,甚至是Jazz,Hiphop,Blues,R&B,Breaks……一切都可能是我们点燃舞池的下一首歌曲。


Retro Pie is China's longest established retro party culture organization with the largest number of cities and cooperative clubs. Retro Pie are a bunch of old-school song lovers and party culture enthusiasts. We strive to promote old-school dance music culture and parties, seeking cool music in all genres. The party music we selecting are not limited to Disco or Classic pop music, but also including Funk, City-Pop/J-Pop, House Music, Cantonese/Minnan Pop, Western Rock, Jazz, Hip-Hop, Blues, R&B, Breaks and more.Ever since 2016, we have hosted numerous grand parties including 11.11 Single's Day Party, New Year Count-Down Party, Spring Party, Children's Day Party, Back to School Party etc. Our parties holding include but not limited to: Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou,Chengdu,Shenzhen then more than 30 cities. We believe that regardless of your identity, you need a chance to get wild and get a good cry or laughters. We are always here to create such a party for you.