

东方演出网 https://www.df962388.com 2023-08-30 09:49 出处:网络 热度:18
南京江苏大剧院“名家名团”系列音乐会——格莱美天团史温格歌手合唱团阿卡贝拉音乐会将于2023.10.21 周六 19:30在江苏大剧院--综艺厅上演,门票价格:80-480。


1、时间:2023.10.21 周六 19:30





*温馨提示:请您全程佩戴口罩,保持安全社交距离,有序入场观演*本场演出谢绝1.2米以下儿童入场 *演出票一经售出谢绝退换,一人一票,对号入座!



娜娜(摇篮曲)- M. De Falla,编曲 J. Goldsmith-Eteson

大协奏曲 - A. Corelli,编曲 R. Eteson

G弦上的空气 - J. S. Bach,编曲 W. Swingle

小型风琴赋格 - J. S. Bach,编曲 W. Swingle

舞曲 - J. S. Bach,编曲 W. Swingle

再见,英格兰 - L. Marling,编曲 E. Randell

云上的蓝色 - E. Randell

雪绒花 - R. Rodgers/O. Hammerstein,编曲 J. Goldsmith-Eteson

柔软的着陆地 - S. Bareilles,编曲 J. Smith

纳尼亚 - J. Goldsmith-Eteson/O. Griffiths/S. Davey


亲爱的耶稣 - J. S. Bach,编曲 B. Parry

F小调前奏曲 - J. S. Bach,编曲 W. Swingle

挪动这片天空 - J. Goldsmith-Eteson

红色的雨 - P. Gabriel,编曲 K. Fox

布吉米什 - 保加利亚传统,编曲 C. Wheeler/E. Randell

婚礼之歌 - A. Mitchell,编曲 R. Dietz

恋人之欲 - 阿富汗传统,编曲 E. Randell

紫色夏天之歌 - D. Sheik/S. Sater,编曲 J. Goldsmith-Eteson

油脂是真理 - B. Gibb,编曲 Jon Smith

坐下,你在摇晃船 - F. Loesser,编曲 D. Meader

星期天 - S. Sondheim,编曲 E. Randell

  • 演出曲目及顺序以现场为准。


The Swingles


The Swingles


The Swingles are one of the world’s most admired and loved vocal groups. With a natural flair asentertainers, their stylish, classy shows take them to venues and festival stages across the world. Theyhave earned 5 Grammy® Awards and are recipients of multiple prestigious international accolades. Withgenerations of fans from their live performances and appearances on film and TV soundtracks, TheSwingles’ musical evolution and creative drive makes them as relevant today as when Ward Swinglestarted the group nearly six decades ago.

With their trademark vocal dexterity and innate musicality, The Swingles are reimagining jazz, classical,folk and pop from their ever-growing repertoire of arrangements alongside a rich vein of new originalmaterial. The group’s secret ingredient is the ability of the seven singers, soloists, songwriters andstorytellers to combine as one seamlessly blended and timeless sound. The Swingles have always madecreativeuse of close-mic amplification, and in the last decade, they have addeduniquelive audio loopingtechniques to their stage performances – an immersive layering up of vocals to mesmerise the audience.

American-born Ward Swingle first assembled a group of Parisian session singers (originally named LesSwingle Singers) to sing Bach’s music for the keyboard in 1962. The resulting album ‘Jazz SebastianBach’ was a huge hit, breaking new musical ground and launching The Swingles to fame. Since then, thegroup has released more than 50 albums encompassing a huge variety of music, fuelled by WardSwingle’s pioneering spirit and wide-ranging musical tastes.Carrying forward this legacy,today’s Swingles are Mallika Bhagwat (India/UK), Joanna Goldsmith-Eteson (UK), Imogen Parry (UK), OliverGriffiths (UK), Jamie Wright (UK), Jon Smith (US) and Tom Hartley (UK).



