

东方演出网 https://www.df962388.com 2023-08-07 11:39 出处:网络 热度:15
海口上海四重奏成立40周年音乐会将于2023.10.8 20:00 周日在海口湾演艺中心上演,门票价格:80-380。


1、时间:2023.10.8 20:00 周日






在过去的40年里,上海四重奏已经成为世界上最重要的室内乐组合之一。他们优雅的艺术风格,高超的演奏技巧以及令人难忘的情感深度,使这个四重奏组合能够天衣无缝般地游走于西方音乐大师的杰作和传统中国民间音乐甚至最前卫的当代音乐作品之间。1983年,上海四重奏在上海音乐学院成立,之后前往美国完成他们的学业。 从那以后,四重奏的成员们就一直在美国生活工作,同时在北美、欧洲和亚洲进行大量的室内乐系列巡演。


长期以来,上海四重奏不断致力于当代作曲家作品的倡导和推广,特别是对东西方音乐传统的兼收并蓄充满热情。四重奏组已经从我们这个时代最重要的作曲家的百科全书式的名单中挑选了许多作品加以诠释,其中包括威廉·博尔科姆、塞巴斯蒂安·柯里尔、谭盾、娄厄尔·利伯曼、周龙、克日什托夫·潘德列茨基、盛宗亮、陈怡和杜韵。四重奏组与潘德列茨基有着特别密切的关系。他们在这位作曲家75岁生日音乐会上首演了他为上海四重奏谱写的《第三弦乐四重奏〈不曾写下的日记页 〉》,并在他的80岁和85岁生日庆典上再次演奏该曲目。还有一些即将与大家见面的委约作品来自于朱迪丝·韦尔、谭盾、马科斯·巴特列。



Shanghai Quartet

Over the past forty years the Shanghai Quartet has become one of the world’s foremost chamber ensembles. The Shanghai Quartet’s elegant style, impressive technique, and emotional breadth allows the group to move seamlessly between Western masterpieces, traditional Chinese folk music, and cutting-edge contemporary works. Formed at the Shanghai Conservatory in 1983, the group came to the United States to complete its studies and, until recently, the members were based in the U.S. while maintaining a robust international touring schedule at leading chamber-music series throughout North America, Europe, and Asia.

Recent performance highlights include performances at Carnegie Hall, Lincoln Center, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Freer Gallery (Washington, D.C.), and the Festival Pablo Casals in France, and Beethoven cycles for the Brevard Music Center, the Beethoven Festival in Poland, and throughout China. The ensemble also frequently performs at Wigmore Hall, the Budapest Spring Festival, Suntory Hall, and has longstanding collaborations with China’s NCPA and the Shanghai Symphony Orchestra, of which the quartet was recently announced as artist-in-residence for the 2021-2022 season.

The Shanghai Quartet has a long history of championing new music, with a special interest in works that juxtapose the traditions of Eastern and Western music. The Quartet has commissioned works from an encyclopedic list of the most important composers of our time, including William Bolcom, Sebastian Currier, David Del Tredici, Tan Dun, Vivian Fung, Lowell Lieberman, Zhou Long, Marc Neikrug, Krzysztof Penderecki, Bright Sheng, Chen Yi, and Du Yun. The Quartet had a particularly close relationship with Krzysztof Penderecki; they premiered his third quartet – Leaves from an Unwritten Diary – at the composer’s 75thbirthday concert and repeated it again at both his 80th and 85th birthday celebrations. Forthcoming and recent commissions include new works from Judith Weir, Tan Dun, Wang Lei, and Marcos Balter.

A diverse array of media projects run the gamut from a cameo appearance playing Bartók’s String Quartet No. 4 in Woody Allen’s film Melinda and Melinda to PBS television’s Great Performances series. Violinist Weigang Li appeared in the documentary From Mao to Mozart: Isaac Stern in China, and the family of cellist Nicholas Tzavaras was the focus of the film Music of the Heart, starring Meryl Streep. The Shanghai Quartet is the subject of a full-length documentary film, Behind the Strings, that was released in the fall of 2020.

For just under two decades the Shanghai Quartet served as Quartet-in-Residence at the John J. Cali School of Music at Montclair State University in NJ.In the fall of 2020, the Shanghai Quartet returned to China to join the resident faculty of the Tianjin Juilliard School.





Honggang Li, violist

Honggang Li is a founding member of the Shanghai Quartet, which is now in its 40th season and has performed nearly 3,000 concerts in 35 countries and recorded over 30 albums.

Mr. Li began studying the violin with his parents at age seven. When the Central Conservatory of Music in Beijing reopened in 1977 after the Cultural Revolution, Mr. Li was selected to attend from a group of over five hundred applicants. Among his teachers were Li-Na Yu and Shmuel Ashkenasi.

He co-founded the Shanghai Quartet with his brother while studying at the Shanghai Conservatory. The ensemble soon became the first Chinese quartet to win a major international chamber music competition (the London International). Mr. Li received a master’s degree from North Illinois University and served as a teaching assistant at The Juilliard School in New York. In 1987, he won the special prize (a 1757 DeCable violin) given by Elisa Pegreffi of the Quartetto Italiano at the First Paolo Borciani International Quartet Competition in Italy.

Mr. Li started his teaching career at the Shanghai Conservatory of Music in 1984. He served as Artist-in-Residence at the Montclair State University from 2002 to 2021. He also is a resident faculty member at the recently opened Tianjin Juilliard School and viola professor at the Bard Conservatory. He has been a guest professor of both the Shanghai and Beijing’s Central Conservatory for the past two decades. Mr. Li has also been the guest principal violist of the Shanghai Symphony Orchestra since 2009.


李伟纲1964年出生于上海的一个音乐世家, 5岁起就跟随父亲李克强和母亲陈慧尔学习小提琴,14岁考入上海音乐学院附中。1981年作为上海和旧金山的姊妹城市文化交流的第一个项目被选派到美国旧金山音乐学院学习一年。1983年李伟纲与上海音乐学院另三位伙伴组建了上海四重奏,并在1985年的第三届英国朴茨茅斯国际四重奏比赛中一举获得第二名。同年从上海音乐学院毕业留校任教,随即与上海四重奏一起离开了中国赴美国继续在北伊利诺伊大学随世界著名的维米尔(Vermeer)四重奏学习。从1987年到1989年,李伟纲在茱莉亚音乐学院随茱莉亚四重奏学习同时担任罗伯特·曼(Robert Mann)的助教。

作为小提琴独奏家,李伟纲17岁就与英国BBC交响乐团合作公演, 其它还曾和上海交响乐团、中国爱乐乐团、BBC苏格兰交响乐团和亚洲青年管弦乐团等合作演出。除了父母之外,他先后还师从谭抒真、李牧真、阿什肯纳基(Shmuel Ashkenasi)和汀克曼 (Isadore Tinkleman) 学习。

作为世界著名的上海四重奏创始人之一和第一小提琴,40年来李伟纲的足迹已遍及于35个国家,演出过近3000场音乐会,灌录了专辑唱片30多张。他曾在1980年奥斯卡获奖纪录片《从毛泽东到莫扎特: 艾萨克·斯特恩在中国》和伍迪·艾伦的电影《双生美琳达》中出现。



小提琴家于翔曾在2010年梅纽因国际小提琴比赛夺得冠军。2019年3月,他更是荣获了音乐界久负盛名的艾弗里-费舍尔职业大奖(Avery Fisher Career Grant),成为此奖项成立43年以来首位获此殊荣的中国大陆小提琴家。同年2月,他获得林肯中心新锐艺术家奖(Lincoln Center Emerging Artist),这也使得于翔成为史上第一位在同一乐季获得林肯中心两项大奖的艺术家。

作为一名卓越的小提琴独奏家, 他与诸多世界知名交响乐团合作,包括北美的旧金山、匹兹堡、底特律、多伦多、休斯顿等,新西兰交响乐团、上海爱乐、奥克兰爱乐、挪威广播交响乐团、慕尼黑室内乐团和奥斯陆爱乐等。






大提琴家尼古拉斯·萨瓦拉斯,出生于纽约市东哈莱姆区, 过去20多年里,作为室内乐演奏家、独奏家和音乐教育家,他的足迹遍布全球。从纽约的卡内基音乐厅到苏黎世音乐厅,再到东京卡萨尔斯音乐厅,他在世界各地举办了超过1600场音乐会。自2000年以来,萨瓦拉斯一直为国际著名的上海四重奏乐团的大提琴演奏家。萨瓦拉斯近年来参加过的音乐节包括法国普拉德的布勒瓦德音乐节、拉霍亚音乐节、涛斯音乐节和卡萨尔斯音乐节,还有澳大利亚的墨尔本音乐节和万宝路音乐节。在过去的12年里,萨瓦拉斯先生一直担任上海交响乐团客座大提琴首席。他为Naxos、Delos、BIS、Centaur、Camerata和New Albion唱片公司录制了超过25张唱片,包括贝多芬弦乐四重奏全集,还与吴蛮合作录制了盛宗亮为琵琶和大提琴所做的作品。

A native of East Harlem in New York City, cellist Nicholas Tzavaras has toured the globe as a chamber musician, soloist and educator for over two decades. He has performed well over 1,600 concerts worldwide, from Carnegie Hall in NY to the Tonhalle in Zurich to Casals Hall in Tokyo.Since 2000, Mr. Tzavaras has been the cellist of the internationally renowned Shanghai Quartet. Notable festival appearances have included the Brevard, La Jolla and Taos festivals, the Casals Festival in France, the Melbourne Music Festival in Australia and the Marlboro Festival. For the past 12 years, Mr. Tzavaras has held the esteemed title of guest principal cellist of the Shanghai Symphony Orchestra. He has recorded more than 25 albums for the Naxos, Delos, Bis, Centaur, Camerata, and New Albion labels, including the complete string quartet cycle of Beethoven and Bright Sheng’s songs for pipa and cello with Wu Man.

萨瓦拉斯两岁时随母亲——著名音乐教育家罗贝塔·瓜斯帕利(Roberta Guaspari)开始学习小提琴,八岁时开始学习大提琴。萨瓦拉斯拥有新英格兰音乐学院学位和纽约州立大学音乐硕士学位,先后师从劳伦斯·莱瑟(Laurence Lesser)和提摩西·艾迪(Timothy Eddy)。他参与了获得奥斯卡奖提名的纪录片《小小奇迹》、电影《弦动我心》等拍摄,并随上海四重奏参加了电影《双生美莲达》的拍摄。从2002年到2020年,萨瓦拉斯先生先后执教于蒙特克莱尔州立大学约翰J.卡利音乐学院、波士顿朗基音乐学院弦乐系。萨瓦拉斯先生也是天津茱莉亚学院弦乐系主任,大提琴和室内乐常驻教师。

Mr. Tzavaras began the violin at age 2 with his mother, the celebrated pedagogue Roberta Guaspari, and moved to the cello when he was 8.A graduate of the Bronx High School of Science, he went on to receive degrees from the New England Conservatory and the State University of New York at Stony Brook working exclusively with Laurence Lesser and Timothy Eddy. Mr. Tzavaras can be seen in the Academy Award nominated documentary “Small Wonders,” the motion picture “Music of the Heart” and with the Shanghai Quartet in Woody Allen’s “Melinda Melinda.”From 2002-2021 Mr. Tzavaras was coordinator of the string department and Artist-in-Residence at Montclair State University’s John J. Cali School of Music.In addition, he served on the string faculty at the Longy School of Music in Boston from 2015-2020.Mr. Tzavaras is chair of the string department and resident faculty for cello and chamber music at the Tianjin Juilliard School.


When not with his cello, Mr. Tzavaras considers himself to be an avid cyclist, occasional triathlete, backyard chicken farmer, enthusiastic but unfortunately average chess player, and, perhaps most importantly, loving father of three children all under the age of 13.


海顿:D 大调弦乐四重奏,作品 20 之 4

Haydn: String Quartet in D major, Op. 20 No. 4, Hob. III:34

1. 很快的快板 Allegro di molto

2. 稍柔板,富有感情地 Un poco adagio e affettuoso

3. 吉普赛风格的小步舞曲 Minuet. Allegretto alla zingarese

4. 诙谐的急板 Presto e scherzando


Zhou Long : Seven Chinese Folk Songs

1.蓝花花Lan Hua Hua

2.赶牲灵Driving the Mule Team

3.小河淌水The Flowing Stream

4.茉莉花Jasmine Flower

5.一根扁担容易弯A Single Bamboo Can Easily Bend

6.走西口Leaving Home

7.放马山歌A Horseherd's Mountain Song


巴伯:B小调弦乐四重奏,作品 11 第二乐章:柔板

Barber: Adagio from String Quartet in B minor, Op. 11


Dvořák: String Quartet No. 12 in F major, Op. 96 "American"


Allegro ma non troppo




Molto vivace - Trio


Finale. Vivace ma non troppo











