

东方演出网 https://www.df962388.com 2023-07-28 16:07 出处:网络 热度:24
青岛《纪念勃拉姆斯诞辰190周年专场系列音乐会之一》将于2023.08.05 周六 19:30在青岛大剧院音乐厅上演,门票价格:40。


1、时间:2023.08.05 周六 19:30





青岛交响乐团在青岛市政府的直接支持下,重新组建于2005年,现任艺术总监为著名指挥家张国勇先生,乐团首席为小提琴演奏家刘玉霞女士、青年小提琴家姜宛书。重组以来,历经十多年不断发展,已成为中国优秀的职业交响乐团之一。青岛交响乐团以“外宣城市 内惠市民”为发展理念。作为城市的文化使者---“为你而歌 琴韵天下”:2007年,代表国家赴俄罗斯参加“中俄文化年”演出。2009年,为纪念中美建交三十周年,赴美多地进行巡演。2014年,代表国家赴法参加“中法文化年”系列演出;同年,受邀赴意大利、斯洛文尼亚等地参加“城市音乐节”演出。2015年,携手美国华盛顿合唱团在京、沪、穗、港等地进行了“华美和声”全国巡演。2016年,受国家委派,参加“中拉文化交流年”交流活动,赴阿根廷、智利两地进行巡演。另外,乐团还应邀参加“北京国际音乐节”等重要国内演出活动,并参与多部国家大剧院制作的歌剧演奏。作为一支城市乐团,普及高雅艺术是始终的责任,青岛交响乐团坚持古典音乐“大众推广 分众普及”的理念,相继推出“雅乐惠民”公益演出、 “音乐欣赏讲座”、“公开排练观摩”、“‘深入生活 扎根人民’公益演出”、“高雅音乐进校园”等活动。此外,乐团积极投入“音乐之岛”城市文化品牌建设,承担了第一、二、三、四届中国国际小提琴比赛和第八、九、十届全国青少年小提琴比赛的协奏,以及第一届李德伦全国指挥比赛的演奏任务。青岛交响乐团以“创建一流城市乐团”为目标。尊重艺术规律,坚定职业化道路,连续十余年推出音乐季演出,与许多国际知名音乐家进行过成功的合作,其中指挥家:格纳迪•罗日杰斯特文斯基、奥斯莫•万斯卡、约翰•尼尔森、里奥•夏巴多、克里斯蒂安•爱华德、托马斯•桑德琳、余隆、谭盾、吕嘉、李心草、俞峰等;演奏家:郎朗、什洛莫•敏茨、宓多里、张昊辰、林昭亮、娜塔莉娅•古特曼、吕思清、宁峰、秦立巍、陈萨等;歌唱家:廖昌永、和慧、宋元明、迪里拜尔、黄英、莫华伦、戴玉强等。特邀指挥:张橹独唱:宋倩乐团首席:姜宛书1、贝多芬《艾格蒙特》序曲2、理查·施特劳斯《最后四首歌》3、勃拉姆斯 根据《g小调第一钢琴四重奏》改编的管弦乐(改编:勋伯格)(具体演出曲目及演出顺序请以现场为准!)

指挥/上海交响乐团助理指挥:张橹中国青年指挥兼钢琴家张橹生于一个音乐家庭。1993年,他在俄罗斯功勋艺术家叶莲娜·卡敏斯卡娅门下开始学习钢琴,2006年进入上海音乐学院攻读乐队指挥和钢琴双专业,师从余隆、张国勇、吴迎、邵丹、盛一奇、孙颖迪。2013年前往芬兰学习乐队指挥,随后进入罗马“圣·切契里亚”音乐学院,师从卢坎托尼教授,并随斯卡拉歌剧院首席艺术指导内尔森·卡尔兹学习歌剧艺术指导。学习期间他也获得过指挥大师罗日杰斯特文斯基、夏尔·迪图瓦以及钢琴大师格拉夫曼、巴杜拉·斯柯达、傅聪等人的指导。幼年时期的张橹就表现出不俗的音乐潜质,曾两度获得莫斯科国际青少年钢琴比赛小年龄组第一名,1994年获“卡巴列夫斯基作品演奏比赛”第一名,还连续四年获俄罗斯“新人新名”国际文化艺术基金会所颁发的奖学金。大学期间,他也曾在2009年“金钟奖”钢琴比赛、2013年“金钟奖”钢琴与弦乐重奏比赛中获得银奖。1996年,年仅十岁的张橹与俄罗斯国家文化部交响乐团合作,在莫斯科的柴可夫斯基音乐学院大厅演奏贝多芬《第一钢琴协奏曲》,得到乐团与听众的高度赞扬。作为钢琴家和指挥家,张橹与国内外诸多乐团保持合作,如中国爱乐乐团、上海交响乐团、广州交响乐团、深圳交响乐团、杭州爱乐乐团、俄罗斯沃罗涅日州交响乐团、芬兰库奥皮奥交响乐团、芬兰塞伊奈约基市立交响乐团、匈牙利索尔诺克交响乐团、意大利托斯卡纳交响乐团等。1999年,张橹应美国旧金山市市长邀请,前往该市举办多场独奏音乐会。2013年,深圳交响乐团在其执棒下,与大提琴家苏珊·拉蒙合作灌录了一张包含埃尔加大提琴协奏曲、布洛赫《狂想曲》以及布鲁赫《晚祷》等曲目的专辑。2019年,张橹受意大利第五十二届多尼采蒂音乐节邀请,以指挥家的身份与意大利托斯卡纳交响乐团合作,又以钢琴家的身份与林大叶合作了该艺术节的闭幕式音乐会。张橹曾作为著名作曲家、指挥家谭盾的助理指挥,参加了谭盾音乐周、谭盾音药周、武侠三部曲音乐会、摇滚交响音乐会;同时他也积极参与中国现代原创歌剧打造,于2019年指挥了歌剧《双翼神马》的演出(导演陈蔚)。2020年,张橹成为上海交响乐团助理指挥。同年11月他执棒乐团携手黄英、杨小勇演绎福雷《安魂曲》,出色地完成了他的首秀。此外张橹还活跃在室内乐舞台上,于2021年7月登陆上海夏季音乐节。同年11月,张橹与上海交响乐团再次携手演绎马勒《第十交响曲》,获得观众与评论界一致好评。他参与演出并担纲节目策划的“莫扎特的音乐盲盒”系列音乐会获2022年权威音乐杂志《留声机》年度推荐。2022年,张橹入选由中宣部、中国文联、中国音协举办的“艺苑撷英”全国十大优秀青年指挥艺术人才展演。Conductor / Assistant Conductor of Shanghai Symphony Orchestra: Zhang LuYoung Chinese conductor and pianist Zhang Lu was born in a music family. In 1993, he started to learn piano with Russian pianist Elena Kaminskaya. In 2006, he entered the Shanghai Conservatory of Music to major in orchestral conducting and piano, working under Yu Long, Zhang Guoyong, Wu Ying, Shao Dan, Sheng Yiqi, and Sun Yindi. He went to Finland to further his study on orchestral conducting in 2013, then began to study in Academia di Santa Cecilia. At the same time, he perfected his opera conducting with the Principal Artistic Director of La Scala. During his study, he has received guidance from maestro Gennady Rozhdestvensky and Charles Dutoit, and great pianists including Gary Graffman, Paul Badura-Skoda, and Fu Ts’ong.Zhang has demonstrated great potential since an early age, obtaining the first place in Moscow International Teenager Piano Competition twice. In 1994, he won with the first place in Kabalevsky’s Piano Works Performance Competition. Moreover, he has obtained the scholarship from a Russian International Culture & Art Foundation four years in a row. During college, he has won silver prizes in 2009 Golden Bell Piano Competition and 2013 Golden Bell Piano and String Competition.In 1996, he started his career in the Main Concert Hall of Tchaikovsky Conservatory of Music in Moscow, performing Beethoven’s Piano Concerto No.1 with Russian Ministry of Culture Symphony Orchestra. This concert was highly approved by the orchestra and the audience. As pianist and conductor, he has joined hands with many major orchestras from China and abroad, including China Philharmonic, Shanghai Symphony, Guangzhou Symphony, Shenzhen Symphony, Hangzhou Philharmonic, Voronezhskaya Symphony, Kuopio Symphony, Seinajoki Municipal Symphony, Szolnok Symphony, Toscana Symphony, and so on.Under the invitation of San Francisco’s Mayor, Zhang held several recitals in this city in 1999. In 2013, he conducted Shenzhen Symphony Orchestra to record an album of Elgar’s Cello Concerto, Bloch’s Schelomo, and Bruch’s Kol Nidrei with cellist Susan Lamb. In 2018, he cooperated with composer Tan Dun and violinist Eldbjorg Hemsing to perform on the Norwegian King’s State Visit to China Banquet. In 2019, he was invited by the 52nd Festival Delle Nazioni to conduct Symphony and perform in the closing ceremony as a pianist under the baton of Lin Daye. As Tan Dun’s assistant conductor, he has joined Tan Dun’s Music Week, Martial Arts Trilogy Concert, and Rock the Symphony Roll Concert. Besides, he has been very active to promote Chinese modern opera, conducting The Magical Horse with Two Wings in 2019 (director: Chen Wei).In 2020, Zhang was appointed as the assistant conductor of Shanghai Symphony Orchestra. In November of the same year, he made his debut with the Orchestra, performing Fauré's Requiem with Huang Ying and Yang Xiaoyong.In June 2021, Zhang conducted the orchestra in a special concert including the premiere of the full version of Hao Weiya's We Run to the Sea and Look at the Stars, a commissioned work by SSO to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. Zhang is also a passionate chamber musician, and in July 2021 he made his debut on the stage of the Music in the Summer Air in Shanghai. Zhang participated in and organized the concert series "Blind Box", which was recommended by Gramophone in 2022.In 2022, Zhang was selected as one of the ten best young conductors in China by the Ministry of Propaganda, the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles and the China Music Association.

宋倩,旅意女高音歌唱家。国家公派访问学者。意大利威尔第音乐学院歌剧演唱和室内乐声乐双硕士。上海歌剧院独唱演员。国家专业技术人才高级研修班学员。英国皇家歌剧院青年艺术家培养计划学员。上海侨联代表,上海青联代表,上海音协会员等。2004年以优异成绩毕业于上海音乐学院,先后师从于胡逸文教授,周小燕教授,栾峰教授,殷秀梅教授等。2006年作为国家访问学者派往意大利米兰威尔第音乐学院学习,并享有意大利政府奖学金。跟随著名歌唱家Daniela Dessi、Giovana Canetti,斯卡拉歌剧院艺术指导MassimiglianoBullo学习。同时就读于意大利米兰音乐研究学院声乐专业,师从声乐家Nicoletta Zanini、Carlo Del Bosco,是该学院成立一百多年来目前唯一进入校史册的中国人。荣获第十一届阿莱桑德雷、佩尔提雷国际声乐比赛第一名, 第二十四届伊斯马爱乐、沃尔托里尼国际声乐比赛第三名,第六届马尔提尼国际声乐比赛第二名,第十届音乐人生国际声乐比赛第三名及多项比赛优秀演唱奖! 2014年受北京国家大剧院邀请出演歌剧《玫瑰骑士》而回国,至今分别在歌剧《卡门》,《丑角》,《唐璜》, 《茶花女》,《玛侬.莱斯克》,《蝙蝠》,《阿提拉》,《这里的黎明静悄悄》,《法尔斯塔夫》,《原野》,《风在哪一个方向吹》,《纳布科》,《茶花女》中文版,《田汉》,《晨钟》,《天地神农》等二十几部歌剧中担任女主角。先后合作于指挥家张国勇、李心草、林友声、汤沐海、许忠、郑小瑛、Bruno Dal Bon、Sebastian Lang-Lessing、John Nelson、Roberto Abbado、Antonio Pirol、Daniel Oren 等,和著名导演陈薪伊、王晓鹰、查明哲、易立明、陈蔚、Gilbert Deflo、Massimo Gasparon、Guy Montavon 等足迹遍布于米兰威尔麦歌剧院,曼托瓦比比耶那剧院,曼托瓦冈萨加皇室贵族宫殿露天花园,特里斯太威尔第剧院,康渡福马嘎丽歌剧院,伦敦大剧院,上海大剧院及意大利国际艺术节,意大利公共事业音乐会近百场,受到国内外乐报的极大好评!2015年在深圳,广州新年音乐会《贝多芬第九交响曲》《黄河大合唱》交响音乐会中担任领唱,“为艺术为人民-魏你歌唱全国保利剧院巡演特邀嘉宾。王宏伟珠海新年音乐会特邀嘉宾,梅赛德斯-中国三大男高音上海新年音乐会中特邀嘉宾。2016、2017连续两年出访英国伦敦大剧院和伦敦实验剧院,分别在歌剧《雷雨》演唱繁漪和中国现代歌剧《赌命》中演唱乞丐妻。2018年出访布鲁塞尔中国文化中心中秋晚会、爱沙尼亚国际歌剧节。第十五届珠峰艺术节援藏艺术家。多次参演全国电视台综艺节目;中央电视台国庆节“中国蛟龙号”特邀嘉宾,云南卫视中国情歌汇特邀嘉宾,上海新年音乐会特邀嘉宾,珠海电视台赈灾众星答谢音乐会等,央视“天天把歌唱”等综艺活动。2019年6月在上海交响乐团音乐厅成功举办了“归来的星光—独唱音乐会”。2020年上海辰山草地音乐节全球首演“贝多芬第九交响曲”领唱! “北斗三号”研究团队科学家表彰大会特邀演唱嘉宾。SMG全球直播“纪念贝多芬诞辰250周年,16小时马拉松音乐会”特邀嘉宾。SMG2021新年音乐会特邀嘉宾。东方艺术中心郑小瑛专场新年音乐会特邀嘉宾。上海大剧院纪念马勒逝世110周年音乐会特邀嘉宾。上海之春国际艺术节开幕式之《贝多芬第九交响曲》与巴黎管弦乐团云合作领唱。上海之春国际艺术节“复兴之光”原创作品音乐会《中国故事》首唱。深圳原创大型声乐交响套曲《英雄頌》全国巡演特邀嘉宾!2021年7月全球建筑规模最大上海天文馆开幕式特邀演唱嘉宾。2021年11月在上海大剧院“威尔第与瓦格纳—歌剧双雄音乐会”中担任特邀嘉宾。2022年2月在上海歌剧院开年大戏《微笑王国》中演唱女主角丽莎。03/2022郑小瑛歌剧中心演出季开幕式特邀嘉宾。09/2022上海SMG星广会40周年音乐会特邀嘉宾!10月在福建大剧院原创歌剧《船政往事》当中演唱女主角“阿美” !11月在上海歌剧院原创歌剧《归航》中演唱女主角“绮秀” !12月21/23分别在央视录制的福建省委宣传部“相约新时代”迎新年文化主题演出;“世遗奏响琴岛流声”2023鼓浪屿新年音乐会中特邀嘉宾!

姜宛书,小提琴演奏家。现任青岛交响乐团首席,新加坡交响乐团客席演奏员。青岛市青联委员,青岛市欧美同学会会员。Jiang Wanshu, as a violinist, is now the Concertmaster of the Qingdao Symphony Orchestra, and a guest performer of the Singapore Symphony Orchestra. She is also a commission member of Qingdao Youth Federation, and a member of Western Returned Scholar Association.以优异的成绩毕业于中央音乐学院。在校期间,曾任中国青年交响乐团副首席。获“国家留学基金委艺术人才培养计划”资金支持,公派赴丹麦皇家音乐学院攻读硕士学位,以专业满分成绩毕业。Jiang graduated with honors from the Central Conservatory of Music in 2017. In her college days, she has already been the Associate Concertmaster of the China Youth Symphony Orchestra. And then, she was sponsored by the “Art Talents Training Program” of the China Scholarship Council to further her study in the Royal Danish Academy of Music, where she got the Master Degree with full marks in her major.2021年,荣获意大利阿尔巴国际音乐比赛室内乐专业组一等奖。曾举办的个人独奏音乐会,均得到业内专家的高度赞许。撰写的多篇论文发表于专业核心期刊。Professionally, her solo violin performance has been highly applauded by numerous musical experts. She won the first prize in the professional chamber music competition of the Alba Music Festival in 2021. Academically, she published several papers in CSSCI source musical journals.2019 年,在青岛交响乐团面向全世界高层次人才引进计划中,以总分第一名的成绩,被聘为青岛交响乐团首席。In 2019, under the Qingdao Symphony Orchestra’s Recruitment Plan for High-level Global Talents, Jiang Wanshu was prominent with the highest total score to be the Concertmaster of Qingdao Symphony Orchestra.近年来,多次受邀与丹麦哥本哈根爱乐乐团、芬兰库奥皮奥交响乐团、德意志北欧青年交响乐团、中国国家大剧院管弦乐团、深圳交响乐团、河北交响乐团等国内外著名交响乐团合作演出,并与国内外著名指挥家、音乐家、演奏家,有着诸多的合作交流。In recent years, she has been invited and performed with many famous orchestras, including the Copenhagen Philharmonic, the Kuopio Symphony Orchestra, the German-Nordic Youth Philharmonic, the China National Centre for the Performing Arts Orchestra, the Shenzhen Symphony Orchestra and the Hebei Symphony Orchestra, which offered her the opportunity to cooperate and exchange with top-tier international and global conductors, musicians and performers.在多年的乐团首席工作中,积极参与世界音乐界的文化交流,受邀演出足迹遍布芬兰、丹麦、德国、波兰、奥地利、俄罗斯等国家。并担纲青岛交响乐团首席,受上合组织邀约出访乌兹别克斯坦、哈萨克斯坦等国进行委派演出。In the years working as the Concertmaster of the Qingdao Symphony Orchestra, Jiang is active in participating and promoting the cultural exchange in global music industry. She has been invited to perform in many countries including Finland, Denmark, Germany, Poland, Austria and Russia, to mentioned only a few. She was delegated by the Shanghai Cooperation Organization to play with the Qingdao Symphony Orchestra in “The Belt and Road Initiative” countries such as Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan.在庆祝新中国成立 70 周年系列音乐会中,姜宛书所展现的艺术感染力,受到市领导及社会各界的一致赞誉。同时,积极配合乐团,一起走进社区、部队、大中院校等部门演出,将高雅艺术传播到社会最基层。In the series of concerts celebrating the 70th anniversary of the People’s Republic of China, her infectious performance was highly spoken of by the local government and the audiences from all walks of life. She was keeping playing for the communities, the army and the colleges with the orchestra, with the enthusiasm and passion, spreading the classical music to the public.姜宛书以对音乐精准的理解,凭借出色的演奏技巧、独特的演绎能力,以及对整个乐团的带动力,受到国内外音乐界人士和乐评人的高度评价。Jiang’s precise understanding of music, superlative performance techniques, distinctive music interpretation and the influence she exerted to the entire orchestra won her a high reputation from domestic and international musicians and music critics.

青岛交响乐团在青岛市政府的直接支持下,重新组建于2005年,现任艺术总监为著名指挥家张国勇先生,乐团首席为小提琴演奏家刘玉霞女士、青年小提琴家姜宛书。重组以来,历经十多年不断发展,已成为中国优秀的职业交响乐团之一。青岛交响乐团以“外宣城市 内惠市民”为发展理念。作为城市的文化使者---“为你而歌 琴韵天下”:2007年,代表国家赴俄罗斯参加“中俄文化年”演出。2009年,为纪念中美建交三十周年,赴美多地进行巡演。2014年,代表国家赴法参加“中法文化年”系列演出;同年,受邀赴意大利、斯洛文尼亚等地参加“城市音乐节”演出。2015年,携手美国华盛顿合唱团在京、沪、穗、港等地进行了“华美和声”全国巡演。2016年,受国家委派,参加“中拉文化交流年”交流活动,赴阿根廷、智利两地进行巡演。另外,乐团还应邀参加“北京国际音乐节”等重要国内演出活动,并参与多部国家大剧院制作的歌剧演奏。作为一支城市乐团,普及高雅艺术是始终的责任,青岛交响乐团坚持古典音乐“大众推广 分众普及”的理念,相继推出“雅乐惠民”公益演出、 “音乐欣赏讲座”、“公开排练观摩”、“‘深入生活 扎根人民’公益演出”、“高雅音乐进校园”等活动。此外,乐团积极投入“音乐之岛”城市文化品牌建设,承担了第一、二、三、四届中国国际小提琴比赛和第八、九、十届全国青少年小提琴比赛的协奏,以及第一届李德伦全国指挥比赛的演奏任务。青岛交响乐团以“创建一流城市乐团”为目标。尊重艺术规律,坚定职业化道路,连续十余年推出音乐季演出,与许多国际知名音乐家进行过成功的合作,其中指挥家:格纳迪•罗日杰斯特文斯基、奥斯莫•万斯卡、约翰•尼尔森、里奥•夏巴多、克里斯蒂安•爱华德、托马斯•桑德琳、余隆、谭盾、吕嘉、李心草、俞峰等;演奏家:郎朗、什洛莫•敏茨、宓多里、张昊辰、林昭亮、娜塔莉娅•古特曼、吕思清、宁峰、秦立巍、陈萨等;歌唱家:廖昌永、和慧、宋元明、迪里拜尔、黄英、莫华伦、戴玉强等。特邀指挥:张橹独唱:宋倩乐团首席:姜宛书1、贝多芬《艾格蒙特》序曲2、理查·施特劳斯《最后四首歌》3、勃拉姆斯 根据《g小调第一钢琴四重奏》改编的管弦乐(改编:勋伯格)(具体演出曲目及演出顺序请以现场为准!)指挥/上海交响乐团助理指挥:张橹中国青年指挥兼钢琴家张橹生于一个音乐家庭。1993年,他在俄罗斯功勋艺术家叶莲娜·卡敏斯卡娅门下开始学习钢琴,2006年进入上海音乐学院攻读乐队指挥和钢琴双专业,师从余隆、张国勇、吴迎、邵丹、盛一奇、孙颖迪。2013年前往芬兰学习乐队指挥,随后进入罗马“圣·切契里亚”音乐学院,师从卢坎托尼教授,并随斯卡拉歌剧院首席艺术指导内尔森·卡尔兹学习歌剧艺术指导。学习期间他也获得过指挥大师罗日杰斯特文斯基、夏尔·迪图瓦以及钢琴大师格拉夫曼、巴杜拉·斯柯达、傅聪等人的指导。幼年时期的张橹就表现出不俗的音乐潜质,曾两度获得莫斯科国际青少年钢琴比赛小年龄组第一名,1994年获“卡巴列夫斯基作品演奏比赛”第一名,还连续四年获俄罗斯“新人新名”国际文化艺术基金会所颁发的奖学金。大学期间,他也曾在2009年“金钟奖”钢琴比赛、2013年“金钟奖”钢琴与弦乐重奏比赛中获得银奖。1996年,年仅十岁的张橹与俄罗斯国家文化部交响乐团合作,在莫斯科的柴可夫斯基音乐学院大厅演奏贝多芬《第一钢琴协奏曲》,得到乐团与听众的高度赞扬。作为钢琴家和指挥家,张橹与国内外诸多乐团保持合作,如中国爱乐乐团、上海交响乐团、广州交响乐团、深圳交响乐团、杭州爱乐乐团、俄罗斯沃罗涅日州交响乐团、芬兰库奥皮奥交响乐团、芬兰塞伊奈约基市立交响乐团、匈牙利索尔诺克交响乐团、意大利托斯卡纳交响乐团等。1999年,张橹应美国旧金山市市长邀请,前往该市举办多场独奏音乐会。2013年,深圳交响乐团在其执棒下,与大提琴家苏珊·拉蒙合作灌录了一张包含埃尔加大提琴协奏曲、布洛赫《狂想曲》以及布鲁赫《晚祷》等曲目的专辑。2019年,张橹受意大利第五十二届多尼采蒂音乐节邀请,以指挥家的身份与意大利托斯卡纳交响乐团合作,又以钢琴家的身份与林大叶合作了该艺术节的闭幕式音乐会。张橹曾作为著名作曲家、指挥家谭盾的助理指挥,参加了谭盾音乐周、谭盾音药周、武侠三部曲音乐会、摇滚交响音乐会;同时他也积极参与中国现代原创歌剧打造,于2019年指挥了歌剧《双翼神马》的演出(导演陈蔚)。2020年,张橹成为上海交响乐团助理指挥。同年11月他执棒乐团携手黄英、杨小勇演绎福雷《安魂曲》,出色地完成了他的首秀。2021年6月张橹活跃在室内乐舞台上,于2021年7月登陆上海夏季音乐节。同年11月,张橹与上海交响乐团再次携手演绎马勒《第十交响曲》,获得观众与评论界一致好评。他参与演出并担纲节目策划的“莫扎特的音乐盲盒”系列音乐会获2022年权威音乐杂志《留声机》年度推荐。2022年,张橹入选由中宣部、中国文联、中国音协举办的“艺苑撷英”全国十大优秀青年指挥艺术人才展演。Conductor / Assistant Conductor of Shanghai Symphony Orchestra: Zhang LuYoung Chinese conductor and pianist Zhang Lu was born in a music family. In 1993, he started to learn piano with Russian pianist Elena Kaminskaya. In 2006, he entered the Shanghai Conservatory of Music to major in orchestral conducting and piano, working under Yu Long, Zhang Guoyong, Wu Ying, Shao Dan, Sheng Yiqi, and Sun Yindi. He went to Finland to further his study on orchestral conducting in 2013, then began to study in Academia di Santa Cecilia. At the same time, he perfected his opera conducting with the Principal Artistic Director of La Scala. During his study, he has received guidance from maestro Gennady Rozhdestvensky and Charles Dutoit, and great pianists including Gary Graffman, Paul Badura-Skoda, and Fu Ts’ong.Zhang has demonstrated great potential since an early age, obtaining the first place in Moscow International Teenager Piano Competition twice. In 1994, he won with the first place in Kabalevsky’s Piano Works Performance Competition. Moreover, he has obtained the scholarship from a Russian International Culture & Art Foundation four years in a row. During college, he has won silver prizes in 2009 Golden Bell Piano Competition and 2013 Golden Bell Piano and String Competition.In 1996, he started his career in the Main Concert Hall of Tchaikovsky Conservatory of Music in Moscow, performing Beethoven’s Piano Concerto No.1 with Russian Ministry of Culture Symphony Orchestra. This concert was highly approved by the orchestra and the audience. As pianist and conductor, he has joined hands with many major orchestras from China and abroad, including China Philharmonic, Shanghai Symphony, Guangzhou Symphony, Shenzhen Symphony, Hangzhou Philharmonic, Voronezhskaya Symphony, Kuopio Symphony, Seinajoki Municipal Symphony, Szolnok Symphony, Toscana Symphony, and so on.Under the invitation of San Francisco’s Mayor, Zhang held several recitals in this city in 1999. In 2013, he conducted Shenzhen Symphony Orchestra to record an album of Elgar’s Cello Concerto, Bloch’s Schelomo, and Bruch’s Kol Nidrei with cellist Susan Lamb. In 2018, he cooperated with composer Tan Dun and violinist Eldbjorg Hemsing to perform on the Norwegian King’s State Visit to China Banquet. In 2019, he was invited by the 52nd Festival Delle Nazioni to conduct Symphony and perform in the closing ceremony as a pianist under the baton of Lin Daye. As Tan Dun’s assistant conductor, he has joined Tan Dun’s Music Week, Martial Arts Trilogy Concert, and Rock the Symphony Roll Concert. Besides, he has been very active to promote Chinese modern opera, conducting The Magical Horse with Two Wings in 2019 (director: Chen Wei).In 2020, Zhang was appointed as the assistant conductor of Shanghai Symphony Orchestra. In November of the same year, he made his debut with the Orchestra, performing Fauré's Requiem with Huang Ying and Yang Xiaoyong.In June 2021, Zhang conducted the orchestra in a special concert including the premiere of the full version of Hao Weiya's We Run to the Sea and Look at the Stars, a commissioned work by SSO to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. Zhang is also a passionate chamber musician, and in July 2021 he made his debut on the stage of the Music in the Summer Air in Shanghai. Zhang participated in and organized the concert series "Blind Box", which was recommended by Gramophone in 2022.In 2022, Zhang was selected as one of the ten best young conductors in China by the Ministry of Propaganda, the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles and the China Music Association.宋倩,旅意女高音歌唱家。国家公派访问学者。意大利威尔第音乐学院歌剧演唱和室内乐声乐双硕士。上海歌剧院独唱演员。国家专业技术人才高级研修班学员。英国皇家歌剧院青年艺术家培养计划学员。上海侨联代表,上海青联代表,上海音协会员等。2004年以优异成绩毕业于上海音乐学院,先后师从于胡逸文教授,周小燕教授,栾峰教授,殷秀梅教授等。2006年作为国家访问学者派往意大利米兰威尔第音乐学院学习,并享有意大利政府奖学金。跟随著名歌唱家Daniela Dessi、Giovana Canetti,斯卡拉歌剧院艺术指导MassimiglianoBullo学习。同时就读于意大利米兰音乐研究学院声乐专业,师从声乐家Nicoletta Zanini、Carlo Del Bosco,是该学院成立一百多年来目前唯一进入校史册的中国人。荣获第十一届阿莱桑德雷、佩尔提雷国际声乐比赛第一名, 第二十四届伊斯马爱乐、沃尔托里尼国际声乐比赛第三名,第六届马尔提尼国际声乐比赛第二名,第十届音乐人生国际声乐比赛第三名及多项比赛优秀演唱奖! 2014年受北京国家大剧院邀请出演歌剧《玫瑰骑士》而回国,至今分别在歌剧《卡门》,《丑角》,《唐璜》, 《茶花女》,《玛侬.莱斯克》,《蝙蝠》,《阿提拉》,《这里的黎明静悄悄》,《法尔斯塔夫》,《原野》,《风在哪一个方向吹》,《纳布科》,《茶花女》中文版,《田汉》,《晨钟》,《天地神农》等二十几部歌剧中担任女主角。先后合作于指挥家张国勇、李心草、林友声、汤沐海、许忠、郑小瑛、Bruno Dal Bon、Sebastian Lang-Lessing、John Nelson、Roberto Abbado、Antonio Pirol、Daniel Oren 等,和著名导演陈薪伊、王晓鹰、查明哲、易立明、陈蔚、Gilbert Deflo、Massimo Gasparon、Guy Montavon 等足迹遍布于米兰威尔麦歌剧院,曼托瓦比比耶那剧院,曼托瓦冈萨加皇室贵族宫殿露天花园,特里斯太威尔第剧院,康渡福马嘎丽歌剧院,伦敦大剧院,上海大剧院及意大利国际艺术节,意大利公共事业音乐会近百场,受到国内外乐报的极大好评!2015年在深圳,广州新年音乐会《贝多芬第九交响曲》《黄河大合唱》交响音乐会中担任领唱,“为艺术为人民-魏你歌唱全国保利剧院巡演特邀嘉宾。王宏伟珠海新年音乐会特邀嘉宾,梅赛德斯-中国三大男高音上海新年音乐会中特邀嘉宾。2016、2017连续两年出访英国伦敦大剧院和伦敦实验剧院,分别在歌剧《雷雨》演唱繁漪和中国现代歌剧《赌命》中演唱乞丐妻。2018年出访布鲁塞尔中国文化中心中秋晚会、爱沙尼亚国际歌剧节。第十五届珠峰艺术节援藏艺术家。多次参演全国电视台综艺节目;中央电视台国庆节“中国蛟龙号”特邀嘉宾,云南卫视中国情歌汇特邀嘉宾,上海新年音乐会特邀嘉宾,珠海电视台赈灾众星答谢音乐会等,央视“天天把歌唱”等综艺活动。2019年6月在上海交响乐团音乐厅成功举办了“归来的星光—独唱音乐会”。2020年上海辰山草地音乐节全球首演“贝多芬第九交响曲”领唱! “北斗三号”研究团队科学家表彰大会特邀演唱嘉宾。SMG全球直播“纪念贝多芬诞辰250周年,16小时马拉松音乐会”特邀嘉宾。SMG2021新年音乐会特邀嘉宾。东方艺术中心郑小瑛专场新年音乐会特邀嘉宾。上海大剧院纪念马勒逝世110周年音乐会特邀嘉宾。上海之春国际艺术节开幕式之《贝多芬第九交响曲》与巴黎管弦乐团云合作领唱。上海之春国际艺术节“复兴之光”原创作品音乐会《中国故事》首唱。2021年7月全球建筑规模最大上海天文馆开幕式特邀演唱嘉宾。2021年11月在上海大剧院“威尔第与瓦格纳—歌剧双雄音乐会”中担任特邀嘉宾。2022年2月在上海歌剧院开年大戏《微笑王国》中演唱女主角丽莎。03/2022郑小瑛歌剧中心演出季开幕式特邀嘉宾。09/2022上海SMG星广会40周年音乐会特邀嘉宾!10月在福建大剧院原创歌剧《船政往事》当中演唱女主角“阿美” !11月在上海歌剧院原创歌剧《归航》中演唱女主角“绮秀” !12月21/23分别在央视录制的福建省委宣传部“相约新时代”迎新年文化主题演出;“世遗奏响琴岛流声”2023鼓浪屿新年音乐会中特邀嘉宾!姜宛书,小提琴演奏家。现任青岛交响乐团首席,新加坡交响乐团客席演奏员。青岛市青联委员,青岛市欧美同学会会员。Jiang Wanshu, as a violinist, is now the Concertmaster of the Qingdao Symphony Orchestra, and a guest performer of the Singapore Symphony Orchestra. She is also a commission member of Qingdao Youth Federation, and a member of Western Returned Scholar Association.以优异的成绩毕业于中央音乐学院。在校期间,曾任中国青年交响乐团副首席。获“国家留学基金委艺术人才培养计划”资金支持,公派赴丹麦皇家音乐学院攻读硕士学位,以专业满分成绩毕业。Jiang graduated with honors from the Central Conservatory of Music in 2017. In her college days, she has already been the Associate Concertmaster of the China Youth Symphony Orchestra. And then, she was sponsored by the “Art Talents Training Program” of the China Scholarship Council to further her study in the Royal Danish Academy of Music, where she got the Master Degree with full marks in her major.2021年,荣获意大利阿尔巴国际音乐比赛室内乐专业组一等奖。曾举办的个人独奏音乐会,均得到业内专家的高度赞许。撰写的多篇论文发表于专业核心期刊。Professionally, her solo violin performance has been highly applauded by numerous musical experts. She won the first prize in the professional chamber music competition of the Alba Music Festival in 2021. Academically, she published several papers in CSSCI source musical journals.2019 年,在青岛交响乐团面向全世界高层次人才引进计划中,以总分第一名的成绩,被聘为青岛交响乐团首席。In 2019, under the Qingdao Symphony Orchestra’s Recruitment Plan for High-level Global Talents, Jiang Wanshu was prominent with the highest total score to be the Concertmaster of Qingdao Symphony Orchestra.近年来,多次受邀与丹麦哥本哈根爱乐乐团、芬兰库奥皮奥交响乐团、德意志北欧青年交响乐团、中国国家大剧院管弦乐团、深圳交响乐团、河北交响乐团等国内外著名交响乐团合作演出,并与国内外著名指挥家、音乐家、演奏家,有着诸多的合作交流。In recent years, she has been invited and performed with many famous orchestras, including the Copenhagen Philharmonic, the Kuopio Symphony Orchestra, the German-Nordic Youth Philharmonic, the China National Centre for the Performing Arts Orchestra, the Shenzhen Symphony Orchestra and the Hebei Symphony Orchestra, which offered her the opportunity to cooperate and exchange with top-tier international and global conductors, musicians and performers.在多年的乐团首席工作中,积极参与世界音乐界的文化交流,受邀演出足迹遍布芬兰、丹麦、德国、波兰、奥地利、俄罗斯等国家。并担纲青岛交响乐团首席,受上合组织邀约出访乌兹别克斯坦、哈萨克斯坦等国进行委派演出。In the years working as the Concertmaster of the Qingdao Symphony Orchestra, Jiang is active in participating and promoting the cultural exchange in global music industry. She has been invited to perform in many countries including Finland, Denmark, Germany, Poland, Austria and Russia, to mentioned only a few. She was delegated by the Shanghai Cooperation Organization to play with the Qingdao Symphony Orchestra in “The Belt and Road Initiative” countries such as Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan.在庆祝新中国成立 70 周年系列音乐会中,姜宛书所展现的艺术感染力,受到市领导及社会各界的一致赞誉。同时,积极配合乐团,一起走进社区、部队、大中院校等部门演出,将高雅艺术传播到社会最基层。In the series of concerts celebrating the 70th anniversary of the People’s Republic of China, her infectious performance was highly spoken of by the local government and the audiences from all walks of life. She was keeping playing for the communities, the army and the colleges with the orchestra, with the enthusiasm and passion, spreading the classical music to the public.姜宛书以对音乐精准的理解,凭借出色的演奏技巧、独特的演绎能力,以及对整个乐团的带动力,受到国内外音乐界人士和乐评人的高度评价。Jiang’s precise understanding of music, superlative performance techniques, distinctive music interpretation and the influence she exerted to the entire orchestra won her a high reputation from domestic and international musicians and music critics.



