
上海7.5&6 Tico Cardenas Trio - Latin Jazz bio

东方演出网 https://www.df962388.com 2023-06-29 12:08 出处:网络 热度:14
上海7.5&6 Tico Cardenas Trio - Latin Jazz bio将于2023.07.05-07.06在林肯爵士乐上海中心上演,门票价格:168-488。

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上海7.5&6 Tico Cardenas Trio - Latin Jazz bio详情

上海7.5&6 Tico Cardenas Trio - Latin Jazz bio

Piano: Tico Cardenas

Tico出生于哥伦比亚卡塔赫纳(Cartagena de Indias),并在哥伦比亚的巴兰基亚(Barranquilla)成长。Tico从 6 岁开始音乐学习。在哥伦比亚海岸巴拉圭拉大学(CUC)和哥伦比亚波哥大国立大学(UNAD)学习。钢琴家,作曲家,指挥和音乐制作人,与 Sayco 录制并隶属于 30 多种音乐作品和 40多种乐曲。


19 岁那年,Tico组建了自己的萨尔萨舞和热带音乐乐队:OrquestaLOS TIMIDS de Colombia,并在哥伦比亚制作了 5 张专业 CD 和音乐表演。

Tico赢得了 Barranquilla 乐团音乐节的两次金刚果奖,Pacho Galán 金酋长奖和金星奖,这是 1990 年代 Barranquilla 最好的萨尔萨舞钢琴家。

在 29 岁时,Tico成立了另一个乐队 LA FIESTA BAND,并在马来西亚,印度,中国澳门,越南和中国等亚洲国家工作。


Bass: Ivan Del Campo

Ivan was born in Cartagena, Colombia. He started his journey inmusic at a very young agestudying piano and drums at the Bellas Artes Institutein Cartagena, Colombia.

Coming from a family of lawyers after finishing high school, hedecided to study law at theSan Buenaventura University in Cartagena,Colombia, while at the same time he continuestudying and playing musicwith local bands in private parties and events. During one of thisgigs hehad the fortune to meet one of the most outstanding musician in the province,a65-year-old sax player music master who gave him the opportunity totravel around thecountry, and allowing him to begin a full time career asmusician.

In 2002 Ivan created his own band, a fusion of jazz, latin andfolklore from his city, interactingin different instruments such ascongas, trumpet, trombone, and his more belovedinstrument, the bass.

In 2005 ivan got a proposal to travel to asia, where he has beenworking in several five-starhotels and clubs, sharing his passion andmusical talent with the goal of entertaining all typesof audiences.

Drums: Pascal Nangon

毛里求斯籍爵士鼓演奏家,七岁开始学习打击乐,13岁开始在教堂演出。在毕业于Francois Mitterand 音乐学院之后,Pascal在2003年组建了自己的乐队,乐队的演出足迹遍布毛里求斯各大演出场所。

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