
上海6.28&29 Jeremy Sinclair and the Squintet

东方演出网 https://www.df962388.com 2023-06-26 12:09 出处:网络 热度:17
上海6.28&29 Jeremy Sinclair and the Squintet将于2023.06.28-06.29在林肯爵士乐上海中心上演,门票价格:168-488。

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上海6.28&29 Jeremy Sinclair and the Squintet

Trumpet - Jeremy Sinclair

来自美国达拉斯,毕业于世界闻名的伯克利音乐学院。其充满爆发力、创造力、高技巧的小号演奏使他的巡演脚步遍及美国及世界各地,包括日本、法国及中国。Jeremy曾在波士顿及纽约几个的爵士乐表演场所演出:包括Jazz Standard, Smalls, Wally’s Jazz, Sculler Jazz, Regattabar, The Apollo Theater,以及的Montreal爵士音乐节,Nancy Jazz Pulsation音乐节和达拉斯地区的所有重要表演场地。合作演出的音乐家包括Steve Winwood, Phillip Bailey, Rosa Passos等

Tenor Sax - Michael Hirsch

Born and raised in Boston, MA, Mike began playing saxophone at eight years old and, while in high school, studied with renowned recording artist and jazz educator Jerry Bergonzi. Receiving scholarship offers from the Berklee College of Music and The New England Conservatory, Mike attended Stanford University, where he led award-winning ensembles on campus and served on the Jazz Faculty at the Stanford Jazz Workshop. Mike has gone on to perform with such notable musicians as Wynton Marsalis, Jerry Bergonzi, Jon Faddis, Louis Bellson, Dee Dee Bridgewater, and Jon Nemeth in prestigious venues throughout North America and Europe, and currently splits his time between Shanghai and Los Angeles.

Piano - Zack/曾皓

青年电子管风琴、爵士风琴与爵士钢琴演奏家。4岁开始学习钢琴长达20年,后师从中国电子琴协会副会长王葆栋老师学习电子管风琴,2011年考入上海音乐学院现代器乐与打击乐系学习电子管风琴专业,师从电子管风琴教授朱磊老师、曾梦老师;师从上海爵士钢琴家黄健怡老师学习爵士钢琴,多次参加上海音乐学院的国际爵士研讨会,与诸多大师合作:与爵士女歌手Tina May一起在城市剧院演出等。并在各地爵士酒吧演出、并组青年爵士乐队CIRCLE,被广为好评称为上海最有实力的年轻一代爵士乐队。

Bass - Joseph Han

爵士贝斯手,2012年毕业于加拿大多伦多汉堡大学,师从于加拿大贝斯手Don Thompson,Neil Swainson,Mike Downes。2015年取得美国纽约皇后大学硕士学位。Joseph Han在首尔、多伦多、纽约、中国多地的爵士舞台、音乐节参加演出,自2016年底开始定居上海。

Drums - Yu Guojun/俞国俊

曾就读于上海音乐学院附中学习打击乐,第三届IPEA国际打击乐比赛爵士鼓演奏家组冠军。曾担任上音伯克利联合大乐队巡演鼓手。长期与李晓川、黄健怡、张雄关、赵可等国内知名音乐家合作,也曾与David Liebman、Terell Stafford、Dick Oatts等国际音乐家合作演出。

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