

东方演出网 https://www.df962388.com 2023-06-02 15:41 出处:网络 热度:16
杭州情景音画《听见良渚》将于2023.7.1 19:30 周六在余杭苕溪大剧院上演,门票价格:20-80。


1、时间:2023.7.1 19:30 周六





五千年前,就在这片大地上,我们的祖先用他们无以伦比的智慧和勇气,托起了中华文明的曙光。五千年后,就在这里,我们让您从瓯乐中听到五千年前的水吟风啸。Five thousand years ago, and right in this land, our ancestors held up the dawn of Chinese civilization with their unparalleled wisdom and courage. Five thousand years later, and right in here, we will make you follow the water chanting and wind roaring five thousand years ago from Ou music.


This is the mud moisturized by the water from the rice field, the adobe made by the earth from the fortification, and the kiln burnt hot by the fire for the sacrifice, firing Ou music like the warm and mild jade, which is held in our hands five thousand years later, and the five-thousand-year civilization is connected at this moment due to the excellent cultural gene of the nation.


The whole play is composed of seven parts: water, rice, jade, character, city, preface and epilogue, covering the important historical information of Liangzhu civilization. Through the performance of ancient Ou music, the pictures of historical relics and the interpretation of dramatic roles, the civilization ancientry five thousand years ago will be presented to today-five thousand years later, which makes you better understand the origin and unique charm of this civilization, your ears replace your eyes, and your heart to gain insight into Chinese civilization with the five-thousand-year history.

《听见良渚》Hearing Liangzhu

序《文明的回音》Preface- The Echo of A Civilization

风声划过竹林,蛙声伴着鸟鸣,在年轮的中间,古埙仿佛在轻声地诉说,五千年前那遥远的文明被尘封进历史的记忆深处……The wind blows across the bamboo forest, and the frog croaks with the bird's tweeting. In the middle of the growth ring,the ancient Xun seems to whisper that the distant civilization five thousand years ago was dust-sealed in the depth of the memory of history

这里是“水与人的家园”,这里是“神与王的国度”。Here is "the home of Water and Man", and here is "the kingdom of God and King".

水《生命之源》Water- Source of Life

那个时候,这里是一片水乡泽国,河道纵横,人们舟筏出行。良渚的先民们临水而居,因水而盛。而那些古老的水利工程,彷佛是人类要改变命运而镌刻在大地上的誓言。At that time, here was alandfloodedwithwater, with rivers crisscrossing and people rafting in and out. The ancestors of Liangzhu lived by the water and thrived thanks to it. And those ancient water conservancy projects seem to be the oath engraved on the earth by human beings who aspired to change their fate.

水引导着文明,也浇灌着文明。这些弯弯曲曲的河道,承载着中华民族最初文明,流向了更广袤的大地。Water is guiding the civilization, as well as irrigating the civilization. These sinuous rivers, bearing the initial civilization of the Chinese nation, have been flowing to the land lengthier and wider.

稻《大地之赐》Rice-the Gift from the Earth

巫毒鼓伴着沉重的脚步,扎根于坚实的大地。人们将清脆的声音埋藏进每一粒稻谷的心中,祈求来年大地能赐予更多的丰收。With the heavy steps, the voodoo drum entrenched itself in the firm and solid earth. People bury the silvering sound in the heart of every grain of rice, and pray for more harvest bestowed by the earth in the coming year.

玉《神王之器》Jade- The Artifact of God and King

国之大事,在祀与戎,在良渚文化中,政教结合,神王一体。最高统治者拥有至高无上的神权、王权、军权。The great events of the country lie in sacrifice and military affairs. In Liangzhu culture,politics was combined with religion, and god and king were integrated as a whole. The supreme ruler had the supreme theocracy, kingship and military power.

玉器是良渚文明礼制的典型物质载体,用以识别身份,区分等级。而在这些玉器上,一个统一的神徽随处可见,标志着良渚时期已经形成了相对统一的信仰崇拜并且影响了大半个中国。As a typical material carrier of the etiquette of Liangzhu civilization, jade was used torecognizeidentity and distinguish class. On these jades, a unified emblem can be seen everywhere, which indicates that during the Liangzhu period a relatively unified belief and worship has been formed, influencing more than half of China.

字《文明之印》Character-The Seal of A Civilization"

文字是人类记录、交流思想,承载语言的图像或符号。在良渚文明中出现的这些图形和符号,已经具备了简单的交流和记载的意义,可能是中国最早的原始文字。在那质朴、真诚的一笔一画中,我们发佛听到了人与山川河流、天地万物的喃喃私语。Characters are images or symbols carrying language for people to record and exchange ideas. These figures and symbols, appeared in Liangzhu civilization, have already possessed the significance for simple communication and recording, and may be the earliest primal characters in China. In these plain and genuine strokes, we seem to hear the murmur of people between mountains and rivers, and heaven and earth.

城《国家之初》City- The Beginning of A Country

今天,站在这旷野之上,想象着5000年前那片宏伟的宫殿,壮观的城墙,环抱着繁华的王城,年轻的神王站立于庄严的祭坛上,华丽的羽冠映射着太阳的光芒。码头上是川流不息的舟筏,送来高大的木料,分工细致的工匠们有条不紊的构筑着一个文明的雏形。Today, standing on this wilderness, and fancying the magnificent palace and grand walls 5000 years ago embracing the bustling king city, the young God king arises on the solemn altar with gorgeous crowns reflecting the bright light of the sun. On the wharf, there are never-ending rafts, sending big and tall timbers, and the craftsmen with meticulous division of labor are methodically building the prototype of a civilization.

尾声《华夏之光》Epilogue-The light of China

让文明传承,让文化延续,让今天的我们接过五千年文明的火种,迈向未来更辉煌的前程,让古老的中华文明,告诉世界,世界多元文化将由于中华五千年文明的绽放,而变的更加璀璨!Let civilization inherit, let culture continue, and let us at present take over the spark of five-thousand-year civilization and march forward to a more brilliant future. Let the old Chinese civilization tell the world that the global multi-culture will become more brilliant as a consequence of the blooming of five- -thousand-year Chinese civilization!


