

东方演出网 https://www.df962388.com 2023-06-01 16:11 出处:网络 热度:24







演出信息编剧 贝尔托·布莱希特 Bertolt Brecht[德]导演 虓汉

剧目介绍《巴尔》是布莱希特于1918年创作的第一部短剧,从中可以感到非常明显的表现主义风格倾向。1918年夏季学期,布莱希特在选修课上处理了奥地利表现主义作家安德利亚斯·托姆的通俗小说作品《安布罗斯·玛丽亚·巴尔》,托姆笔下的巴尔生活富足、无所事事且自私自利,布莱希特从中找到了所需的材料并且构筑了一个属于布莱希特的巴尔形象——这是一部“反英雄主义”的作品,是年轻且才华横溢的“诗人”巴尔走向毁灭的故事。 “Baal” is the first play written by Bertolt Brecht in 1918, one can see a strong expressionism inclination in this piece. In the summer quarter of 1919, Brecht studied Andreas Tom's popular novel "Ambrose Maria Baal," he found out what he needed to create Baal from his perspective. This is a classic anti-hero play, telling the story of how a talented young poet, Baal, faces his damnation 剧作家简介贝尔托·布莱希特(1898-1956),德国戏剧家与诗人。年青时曾任剧院编剧和导演,曾投身工人运动,1933年后流亡欧洲大陆。1941年经苏联去美国,但战后遭迫害,1947年返回欧洲,1948年起定居东柏林。1951年因对戏剧的贡献而获国家奖金,1955年获列宁和平奖金。主要作品:《巴尔》、《马哈哥尼城的兴衰》《三分钱歌剧》《屠宰场里的圣约翰娜》《巴登的教育剧》《例外与常规》《圆头党和尖头党》《第三帝国的恐怖与灾难》《伽利略传》《大胆妈妈和他的孩子们》《四川好人》《潘蒂拉老爷和他的男仆马狄》《在第二次世界大战中的帅克》《高加索灰阑记》等。

Bertolt Brecht, was a German theatre practitioner, playwright, and poet. Coming of age during the Weimar Republic, he had his first successes as a playwright in Munich and moved to Berlin in 1924, where he wrote The Threepenny Opera with Kurt Weill and began a life-long collaboration with the composer Hanns Eisler. Immersed in Marxist thought during this period, he wrote didactic Lehrstücke and became a leading theoretician of epic theatre (which he later preferred to call "dialectical theatre") and the Verfremdungseffekt.During the Nazi Germany period, Brecht fled his home country, first to Scandinavia, and during World War II to the United States, where he was surveilled by the FBI. After the war, he was subpoenaed by the House Un-American Activities Committee. Returning to East Berlin after the war, he established the theatre company Berliner Ensemble with his wife and long-time collaborator, actress Helene Weigel.导演介绍虓汉 中国优秀青年演员,戏剧导演。毕业于法国佛洛朗戏剧学院,精英班。北京电影学院专业制片人专业。多次参与法国阿维尼翁戏剧节,乌镇戏剧节,阿那亚戏剧节,北京国际青年戏剧节等国内戏剧节。导演作品:《爱情偶遇游戏》、《怪梦养成指南》、《恶棍颂歌》等表演作品:《第七天》、《茶馆》、《伤心咖啡馆之歌》、《恋爱的犀牛》等。Xiao hanProfessional Chinese teenage theater actor and director. Graduated from Cours Florent, elite class—Beijing Film Academy, majoring in professional theater production. He was actively involved in Le Festival d'Avignon, Wuzhen Theater Festival, Aranya Theater Festival, Beijing International Teenager Theater Festival, etc.

Director pieces: “Love Encounters Game,” “Guidebook for Weird Dream,” “Carol for Villan,” etc.

Actor pieces: “Seventh Day,” “Tea House,” “Song of a Sad Café,” “Rhino in Love,” etc.

导演的话巴尔是一个可以给那些没有学会辩证思考的人带来各种困难的戏剧。毫无疑问,他们会把这看作是对极端的自我中心的美化,仅此而已。然而,这里其实是一个人站出来反对整个世界的需求,以及他所受到的挫折。他反对整个世界,因为这个世界的生产方式是为了剥削而不是真正有益于人。我们其实不知道巴尔原本会如何施展他的才华,他所抗拒的是才华被误用巴尔的生活艺术与资本主义下的其他艺术有着同样的命运: 遭受攻击。他是反社会的,因为他生活在一个反社会的社会里。

演职员表编剧:贝尔托·布莱希特 Bertolt Brecht[德]导演:虓汉 演员:易典、陈南西、王硕、张弛、吴桐、岳程GAKU



