

东方演出网 https://www.df962388.com 2023-05-24 10:10 出处:网络 热度:29
上药国风2023青岛谭盾音薬周开幕式-谭盾歌剧《茶魂》将于2023.06.12 周一 19:30在青岛人民会堂上演,门票价格:120-380。


1、时间:2023.06.12 周一 19:30





指挥家/作曲家 谭盾


作为一名有思想、有创造力的中国作曲家,谭盾创作了很多具有世界影响力的交响乐作品:《敦煌·慈悲颂》;有机音乐《水乐》《纸乐》《垚乐》及打击乐协奏曲《大自然的眼泪》;多媒体协奏曲《女书》《地图》;网络交响曲《英雄》;歌剧《秦始皇》《马可波罗》《茶》《九歌》《Water Passion:马太受难曲》;电影音乐武侠三部曲《卧虎藏龙》《英雄》《夜宴》;以及小提琴、大提琴、钢琴协奏曲和民乐等一百多部音乐作品。谭盾还受邀为2008年北京奥运会、2010年中国世博会、2016年上海迪士尼开幕创作音乐,并在全球转播开幕式音乐会,获得了六千五百万人的点击量和收视率,刷新了世界音乐会转播记录,取得了世界性的成功;2019年应邀成为贝多芬250周年全球庆典音乐大使;2020年疫情期间,他为全球遇难者创作《Prayer and Blessing:武汉十二锣》,连线武汉、上海、纽约直播并赢得全球7000万收视率。

作为一名和平的音乐使者和环保卫士,他曾指挥世界众多乐团:费城交响乐团、荷兰皇家音乐厅乐团、伦敦交响乐团、波士顿交响乐团、洛杉矶爱乐、法国国家交响乐团、 英国 BBC交响乐团、米兰斯卡拉歌剧院团、慕尼黑爱乐、意大利圣切契利亚管弦乐团、美国大都会歌剧院乐团等。纽约时报曾评谭盾为“国际乐坛最重要的十位音乐家之一”,并被全球最重要的十家华文媒体评为影响世界的十位华人之一,2014 年还被“中华之光”评选为传播中华文化年度人物。谭盾还曾担任美国卡内基音乐厅中国委员会主席,荷兰尼德兰交响乐团终生荣誉指挥,中国青年交响乐团艺术总监指挥,费城交响乐团巡演创意总监,英国BBC交响乐团驻团作曲家与指挥,英国伦敦巴比肯中心现代艺术节总监,美国“Tanglewood”国际现代音乐节的艺术总监。

Conductor/Composer: Tan Dun

The world-renowned artist and UNESCO Global Goodwill Ambassador Tan Dun has made an indelible mark on the world’s music scene with a creative repertoire that spans the boundaries of classical music, multimedia performance, and Eastern and Western traditions. He is the winner of today’s most prestigious honors, including the Grammy, Oscar/Academy, Grawemeyer and Shostakovich Award; the Ordre des Arts et des Lettres of France; the Bach Prize; Italy’s Golden Lion Award for Lifetime Achievement, and the 50th Istanbul Music Festival Lifetime Achievement award. Tan Dun’s music has been played throughout the world by leading orchestras, opera houses, international festivals, and on radio and television. He is currently the Dean of Bard College Conservatory of Music, and the Hong Kong’s ambassador for cultural promotion.

As a conductor of innovative programs around the world, he has led the China tours of the Mahler Chamber Orchestra and Japan’s NHK Symphony. He led the Orchestre National de Lyon in a six-city tour; a four-city tour of Switzerland and Belgium with the Guangzhou Symphony; and conducted the RAI National Symphony, the Oslo and Hong Kong philharmonics, and the Melbourne Symphony, where he was named Artistic Ambassador. Next season, highlights include conducting the Orchestra dell’Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia, the Orchestra Philharmonique de Radio France, the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra and the Philadelphia Orchestra. He also serves as the Honorary Artistic Director of the China National Symphony Orchestra, and the Lifetime Honorary Conductor of Qingdao Symphony Orchestra .

Tan Dun records for Sony Classical, Deutsche Grammophon, EMI, Opus Arte, BIS, and Naxos. In 2016, Tan Dun conducted the grand opening celebration of Disneyland Shanghai which was broadcast to a record-breaking audience worldwide. Most recently, his new work “Prayer and Blessing” was also live streamed using 5G technology and subsequently broadcast worldwide by UNESCO. His recordings have garnered many accolades, including a Grammy Award (Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon) and nomination (The First Emperor; Marco Polo; Pipa Concerto), Japan’s Recording Academy Award for Best Contemporary Music CD (Water Passion after St. Matthew), and the BBC’s Best Orchestral Album (Death and Fire).

6月12日 周一







男中音 日本王子/ 高僧:黄佳楠

女高音 唐代公主:石钰

男高音 唐代王子:徐伟钦

女中音 影子/ 祀师/ 茶圣陆羽之女:刘倪汝

男低音 唐代皇帝:杨熠



