
上海Cool Your Jets

东方演出网 https://www.df962388.com 2023-04-12 19:02 出处:网络 热度:17
上海Cool Your Jets将于05月11日 20:30-05月11日 22:30在育音堂(凯旋店)上演,上海Cool Your Jets门票价格:¥60 预售票,¥80 全价票。Revival等重磅阵容。

上海Cool Your Jets时间、地点、门票价格

1、时间:05月11日 20:30-05月11日 22:30


3、门票价格:¥60 预售票,¥80 全价票

上海Cool Your Jets详情

上海Cool Your Jets


当时空和记忆堆叠时 · 当旋律和现实交错时当领悟不再需要感性的羁绊 · 当梦想不再需要灵魂的冲动纯粹 · 对音符的执着 · 我们坚持着不知该不该坚持的原则不断创作 · 不断升华只为了最初的那一点希冀涅槃 · 重生 · 复兴REVIVAL · 2009 · 上海 · 独立 · 摇滚

Slow Crash

Slow Crash是一个组建于上海的另类摇滚乐队,其成员来自世界各地。他们将摇滚乐作为自己的骨架(在摇滚乐的根基上),把电子音乐融入到了他们富有律动的吉他重复段和贝斯线中。抛开这些乱七八糟的不说,能让你度过一个肾上腺素飙升的夜晚的只有Slow Crash!

Slow Crash is a Shanghai-based alternative rock band formed by musicians from all around the world. Having grown up on a diet of Rock n’ Roll, the band has since taken a step to fuse electronic music into their driving guitar riffs and heavy bass lines. On top of a wide variety of influences, guaranteed is an unforgettably energetic and thrilling musical feast, served by no one but Slow Crash!

Doppler Drive

Doppler Drive是2022年在上海组建的一个摇滚三人乐队,主要受于超级经典乐队Nirvana(涅槃),Foo Fighters (喷火战机)的影响。他们以非常具有冲击力的节奏和吉他Riff为基调,给观众展现出来了具有力量、精准、抓耳、久违的摇滚乐体验。

Doppler Drive is a Shanghai based rock trio formed in late 2022. Their influences center around legendary rock bands such as Nirvana and Foo Fighters. Their music can be best described as energetic and powerful with catchy hooks that bring the audience in and then ask for more.

上海Cool Your Jets观演指南

