
上海《弗里达 · 卡罗》

东方演出网 https://www.df962388.com 2023-04-12 12:39 出处:网络 热度:19
上海《弗里达 · 卡罗》将于2023.5.6 - 2023.5.7在FANCL 艺术中心上演,门票价格:100-400。

上海《弗里达 · 卡罗》时间、地点、门票价格

1、时间:2023.5.6 - 2023.5.7

2、地点:FANCL 艺术中心


上海《弗里达 · 卡罗》详情

上海《弗里达 · 卡罗》





Fly Theatre offers a visual performance based on the personality and work of Frida Kahlo. Devised by the company, using improvisation and a natural approach to narrative: a sensitivity to space, rhythm and theatrical play. Using projection and live video we paint the stage, creating Frida’s world of movement and life.

Frida, a symbol of persistence, endurance and freedom, compensates for her immobility by being moved, experiencing her life to the fullest. This led her to produce a unique body of work that, even while looking inward, expresses a universal and deeply meaningful image of the surrounding world.






Fly Theatre is based in Athens and run by Katerina Damvoglou and Robin Beer. Fly Theatre has worked with companies including English National Opera, De Nederlandse Opera, La Scala Milan, Lyon Opera, Festival d’Aix-en-Provence and Cirque du Soleil. Their work has travelled through Greece, Cyprus, Romania, France and Sweden.







Script: Katerina Damvoglou & Miranda Vatikioti

Production: Fly Theatre(Katerina Damvoglou & Robin Beer)

Set/Costume: Ermina Apostolaki

Lighting/Sound/Media: Robin Beer

Cast: Katerina Damvoglou & Michailis Valasoglou



"A true achievement, so authentic that it is not subject to comparisons.

Art is taking place... Mind, soul and body in complete harmony."

——Lila Papapaschou, Allios


“The whole show is a theatrical multi-media experience, a hand-crafted aesthetic revelation which can’t be described accurately with words, by two artists of the highest quality.”

——Dimitris Tsatsoulis, Imerodromos


“Katerina Damvoglou, with unparalleled humour, theatrical agility and irony, creates an enjoyable depiction of the painter. The real revelation is the scenic space created by [the video artist] with incredible speed and timing. From the few performances abroad where I have seen this technique, the work of Fly Theatre has nothing to envy.”

——Giorgos Voudiklaris, Popaganda


“When the lights come up and the actors take their bow to the audience, the cry of “More! More!” will come spontaneously to your lips.”

——Panagiotis Milas, Cat is Art

上海《弗里达 · 卡罗》观演指南

