
上海(n0321)一个人的微笑 英文专场

东方演出网 https://www.df962388.com 2023-03-13 17:28 出处:网络 热度:25
上海(n0321)一个人的微笑 英文专场将于2023.03.21-03.28在上海文化广场B2空间上演,门票价格:229。

上海(n0321)一个人的微笑 英文专场时间、地点、门票价格




上海(n0321)一个人的微笑 英文专场详情

上海(n0321)一个人的微笑 英文专场


One-on-One Theatre: The Smile Off Your Face



个人互动剧场先驱、欧陆实验剧场桂冠 比利时先锋剧团Ontroerend Goed创作,以颠覆性的剧场体验打开每个人的心灵 作品自2004年起,备受国际艺坛赞叹,是数万观众打卡的沉浸式心灵治愈力作,中文版登陆上海文化广场。 2023年2月这一经典力作将落户上海,授权改编中文版由原版主创培训、指导赴华创排,演员赴比利时排练。

在欧洲剧场被誉为“心理治愈疗法”和“解构剧场” 征服数以万计观众,横扫全球艺术节,享誉当代国际艺术界 请蒙上双眼 挑战在黑暗中结识另一个人类绊思的最短时间

Welcome to the dark stage of The Smile off Your Face, a performance that resolutely offers a totally different viewing experience. Actually it's not about viewing. You are blindfolded. You are tied up in a wheelchair. There is no stage. There's no audience, no place where actors perform under the lights. Actually you don't know where you are, but you have your suspicions. You are imagining something. Maybe you were here before. Maybe not.

Originally created by Gent-based theatre company Ontroerend Goed, this new version is co-produced by Shanghai Culutral Square, Tempest Projects and Fairchild Productions. We welcome you on the darkest stage for a new The Smile off Your Face, based on the international succes of 2003.

You can let yourself once more be guided by us.

You are safe. We'll take care of you.


《一个人的微笑》由Ontroerend Goed创作,上海文化广场和抱风屿Tempest Projects联合出品制作,仙童戏剧联合制作; 主创包括:Charlotte De Bruyne, Aurelie Lannoy, Sophie De Somere, Joeri Smet

Created by Ontroerend Goed including: Aurelie Lannoy, Charlotte De Bruyne, Sophie De Somere, Joeri Smet



The audience let the performers guide them throughout the show in darkness. An unexpected sensual experience, a series of questions that touch your soul. Every time the audience lift the blindfold reveals a surprise.

The performance has been called a message of the imagination, aroma therapy & a deconstruction of theatre.


21世纪五十部最佳当代剧场作品之一 ——《英国卫报》(Guardian)

One of “The 50 best theatre shows of the 21st century”

The Guardian

“这是一场关于信任极限的演出, 声音和身体之间互动意味着这种信任是双向的。 这是21世纪五十部最佳当代戏剧之一。” ——《英国卫报》 五星

…Astounding disorientating show… I am confident we will be seeing, and feeling, more of the Belgian company responsible – Ontroerend Goed.

The Guardian – Lyn Gardner ****





  1. 两部剧同时购买,建议间隔1.5小时。
  2. 建议16周岁以上购买。

Audience Admission Notice

  1. Venue address: Shanghai culture Square Musical Theater Center (Entrance: No. 188 Maoming South Road, Gate 4, Shanghai culture Square)
  2. The show lasts approximately 30 minutes, with one person per ticket. The audience will enter the venue on a first-come, first-served basis. Latecomers should follow the arrangements of the staff to enter the venue, however those who are 10 minutes late will not be allowed to enter the venue.
  3. Before you entre the performance of "The Smile Off Your Face", please put away your mobile phone, electronic watch and other objects that can glow in the dark, and set all communication devices to silent or flight mode. As part of the show, the audience will wear an eye mask and it is not recommended for those with claustrophobia and/or hyper senstive to darkness. If you leave the show in the middle of the performance you will not be able to re-enter.
  4. The two performances are purchased at the same time, and the interval is recommended to be 1.5 hours.

5.It is recommended that visitors over the age of 16 buy. The performance tickets are time-sensitive, and in principle, once sold, they are not refundable or exchangeable.

上海(n0321)一个人的微笑 英文专场观演指南


