
上海Design Miami/ Podium x Shanghai 亚洲第二届设计迈阿密展会

东方演出网 https://www.df962388.com 2023-02-09 15:52 出处:网络 热度:38
上海Design Miami/ Podium x Shanghai 亚洲第二届设计迈阿密展会将于2023.03.11-03.12在上海张园上演,门票价格:80。

上海Design Miami/ Podium x Shanghai 亚洲第二届设计迈阿密展会时间、地点、门票价格




上海Design Miami/ Podium x Shanghai 亚洲第二届设计迈阿密展会详情

上海Design Miami/ Podium x Shanghai 亚洲第二届设计迈阿密展会

中外艺术荟萃百年张园,亚洲第二届“设计迈阿密(Design Miami/ Podium x Shanghai)”2023重磅官宣上海

The Second Edition of Design Miami/ Podium x Shanghai, A Made in House Production, Set to Open Doors this March 2023 at the historic ZHANGYUAN

【上海,2023年3月8日-12日】备受全球追捧的收藏级艺术与设计展会、巴塞尔艺术展姊妹展——Design Miami/ Podium x Shanghai, A Made in House production(以下或简称为“设计迈阿密”)将于3月8日-3月12日惊喜亮相上海地标性石库门建筑空间——张园,这也是“设计迈阿密”第二次登陆上海。今年,“设计迈阿密”上海站由Design Miami/ 继续携手主办方“垠舍制造 Made in House”于张园举办。继2021年11月在上海历史悠久的外滩一号成功举办首届后,第二届将汇集20余家参展机构,涵盖来自北京、杭州、伦敦、洛杉矶的国内外知名画廊及设计师。

[Shanghai, March 8-12, 2023] The second edition of Design Miami/ Podium x Shanghai, produced by creative consultancy and art advisory, Made in House, will be held this March 8–12, 2023 at the historic Shikumen compound, ZHANGYUAN. As the world’s preeminent platform for collectible design, Design Miami/ presents annual flagship fairs in Miami Beach, Florida and Basel, Switzerland, alongside sister fair, Art Basel. Following a successful first edition in November 2021 on Shanghai’s historic Bund at No. 1 Wai Tan Yuan, the second edition of Design Miami/ Podium x Shanghai is set to bring together more than 20 exhibitors, including international and regional galleries and designers from Beijing and Hangzhou to London and Los Angeles.

今年,“设计迈阿密”上海站的策展由中央美术学院设计学院设计策展与空间叙事方向召集人薛天宠与垠舍制造(Made in House)联合打造,设有Gallery、Podium、Design Talks Theater三大核心板块。以“象外 / Transcendence”为主题,探索提升生活福祉、塑造无界思维的设计力量之道。通过主题“象外 / Transcendence”, Design Miami/Podium x Shanghai将审视那些非凡设计超越目之所见的深层意涵。设计促使我们默观沉思并与之联结交互,能够将我们从物质形态引向至一个拥有无限潜力的扩展之地。

This year’s Design Miami/ Podium x Shanghai will be curated by Dr. Xue Tianchong, Director of Curating Design & Narrative Environments at the School of Design, Central Academy of Fine Arts, alongside Made in House. The program will be divided into three sections - Galleries, Podium, and Design Talks - and will be presented within the theme of “Transcendence,” a concept that will explore the power of design to elevate our lived experience, expand our minds and point to the intangible. Through the theme of “Transcendence,” Design Miami/ Podium x Shanghai will take a meaningful look at the ways in which extraordinary design represents more than meets the eye; that through contemplation and interaction, design has the ability to transport us beyond material forms to an expanded place of unlimited potential.

“设计迈阿密”策展人薛天宠表示“Design Miami/Podium x Shanghai作为全球具影响力的收藏级艺术与设计展会,以 “象外/Transcendence”为主旨,透过可见之形追寻更广阔的精神意涵,超越物质本体探讨更具人文关怀、哲学思辨角色的抽象身份。以多样性视角切入全球设计领域的过去、当下和未来,共鸣设计带给世界的价值,导向人类社会和全球资源共生发展的愿景。在Design Miami/Podium x Shanghai,我们期待以新理念、新材料、新的绿色可持续方式,共同塑造思想与面向未来的创新路径。”

Dr. Xue Tianchong, curator of Design Miami/Podium x Shanghai, says, "As one of the most influential design fairs in the world, this year’s edition of Design Miami/ Podium x Shanghai is led by the curatorial theme "Transcendence". The theme looks to explore the potential of design, and how through meaningful interaction we can be transported beyond the visual and material world that we are familiar with, and into a space of unlimited potential. Whilst revealing the diverse perspectives of the global design field, we look forward to presenting a united exhibition of works created for an ever-changing world. At Design Miami/Podium x Shanghai, together we will look to a future of new innovations, new materials, and new and more sustainable ways to shape design.”

Design Miami/ Podium x Shanghai 2023策展人:


Curator of Design Miami/ Podium x Shanghai 2023:

Dr. Xue Tianchong, director of Curating Design & Narrative Environments at the School of Design, Central Academy of Fine Arts

上海主办方垠舍制造Made in House联合创始人邵程 (Chris Shao)、蔡贝轶(Bryce Cai)及 顾芷宁(Jill Gu)表示“此次很高兴与薛天宠合作策展Design Miami/Podium x Shanghai,策展人将引领公众洞见艺术设计发展流变,以及拓展公众对于中国当代设计与艺术的认知。在第二届位于上海举办的收藏级设计展会,我们将带来更多本土的艺术家与设计师,发掘国际上出色的设计师作品,旨在促进设计各领域的跨界交流,和提供艺术与设计爱好者收藏的平台。”

Chris Shao, Bryce Cai ,and Jill Gu, founders of Made in House, say:, “It is a true pleasure to collaborate with Dr. Xue Tianchong to curate this year’s Design Miami/ Podium x Shanghai. With the second edition, we look forward to presenting various works from local artists and designers, as well as outstanding international galleries, with an aim to promote cross-border exchanges in various fields of design, and also to further support Design Miami/ as a platform for design collectors and enthusiasts around the world.”

上海主办方垠舍制造联合创始人Chris Shao, Bryce Cai 及 Jill Gu

Made in House Founders Chris Shao, Bryce Cai and Jill Gu

谈及二度登陆上海,“设计迈阿密”的首席执行官詹·罗伯茨(Jen Roberts)表示“我们很高兴回归上海。继2021年Design Miami/Podium x Shanghai首展告捷,第二届我们将携手垠舍制造(Made in House),向大众展出古今中外的设计藏品精萃。‘设计迈阿密’以作为全球性的创意和文化交流平台而自豪,伴随着中国设计界的持续繁荣发展,我们希望打造连接、启迪国内外收藏家、策展人、设计艺术爱好者的空间。“

Jen Roberts, CEO of Design Miami/, says: “We are hugely excited to see the return of Design Miami/ Podium x Shanghai. Following the success of our inaugural edition in 2021, this second edition of the Shanghai fair, a Made in House production, promises to capture the very best of Chinese and international collectible design, from the historic to the contemporary. Design Miami/ prides itself as a global platform for creative and cultural exchange. As the design scene in China continues to flourish, I hope the fair will serve as a platform to engage both Chinese and international gallerists, collectors and design enthusiasts alike, offering a space to connect, question and be inspired.”



此次展会将呈现当代设计师和历史上知名设计师玲琅满目的系列作品。Gallery Sohe(上海,杭州)艺廊将展示深受自然栖息地演变过程启发的法国艺术家Leo Orta的作品, 他的作品于2022年被巴黎蓬皮杜艺术文化中心永久收藏;Objective Gallery(上海,纽约)将呈现华裔美国设计师Rosie Li的雕塑照明作品,Rosie将几何形式与有机元素相结合,回归自然的原生形制,她的作品挑战了视觉感知,模糊了产品和雕塑之间的界限;20c Gallery (北京) 将展示法国设计新生力量代表人物Wendy Andreu的作品,其设计探讨在冷峻的金属和张扬的布料之间的碰撞之美。同时, Pearl Lam Gallery艺廊(香港,上海)和Gallery All艺廊(北京,上海,洛杉矶)也会带来珍稀的艺术藏品。

This year’s Design Miami/ Podium x Shanghai Gallery program will present a diverse range of works by contemporary and historic designers. Gallery Sohe (Shanghai, Hangzhou) will showcase the work of French designer Leo Orta, whose work was inspired by the evolution of natural habitats and is in the permanent collection of the Centre Pompidou in Paris. Objective Gallery (Shanghai, New York) will present sculptural lighting works by Chinese-American designer Rosie Li. Combining geometric forms with organic elements and natural native forms, Li's work challenges visual perception and blurs the line between product and sculpture. 20c Gallery (Beijing) will present the work of Wendy Andreu, an icon of the new French design force, who works between cool metal and flamboyant fabric.

Gallery Sohe – Leo Orta – 椅子

Gallery Sohe – Leo Orta – chair

Objective Gallery – Rosie Li – 银杏吊灯

Objective Gallery – Rosie Li – Fluted Ginkgo 12 - Chandelier



Podium展区是“设计迈阿密”精心策划的售买板块。在这里,知名画廊和设计师将根据“象外 / Transcendence”这一主题,展示精心挑选的国内外设计作品。该板块将特别关注中国的设计人才,旨在突出展览中每件作品背后的独特材料、工艺、叙述和历史。设计作品被英国V&A博物馆收藏的第一位中国艺术家邵帆,其作品注重人与自然,宏观与微观之间的呼应与交汇,对自身与自然的邂逅进行描绘,此次带来的作品是将中式古典家具进行解构表达。通过艺术家倪有鱼、商亮和张周捷的作品可以感受到对外界之“象”的观察将如何呈现在作品之中。Laffanour – Gallerie Downtown(巴黎)艺廊将呈现20世纪设计大师Jean Prouvé和Charlotte Perriand的经典作品,回溯现代主义运动过程中设计师对于功能主义和理性主义的深入思考与实践。

Podium is a curated selling exhibition of individual works of design drawn from celebrated galleries and designers and presented under a common theme. The Podium exhibition at Design Miami/ Podium x Shanghai will showcase a curated selection of regional and international design works within the “Transcendence” curatorial theme, as set out by Dr. Xue Tianchong and Made in House. The exhibition will take a particular focus on Chinese design talent and aims to highlight the unique materials, processes, narratives and history that exist behind each work included within the exhibition. Podium highlights include pieces from Shao Fan, who will present work that deconstructs and reinterprets classical Chinese furniture. Fan explores the boundaries between visual art and furniture and his work is included in the East Asia Collection at the Victoria & Albert Museum, London. In addition, the exhibition will feature works by artists Ni Youyu, Shang Liang and Zhang Zhoujie, all of whom will present works employing expertly-crafted ambiguity that encourages viewers to stop and ponder. Youyu's works pull away from modern trends, creating space for the viewer to explore untouched aesthetical territory. Liang’s “Sofa Man” series inspects the intricate relationship between the body and mind through exciting depictions of the human form. Chang’s work delightfully challenges the traditional perspective, highlighting interior details typically hidden from the eye. Along with contemporary highlights, Podium will also feature notable historic works from Laffanour – Galerie Downtown, Paris. The gallery will present 20th century pieces from Jean Prouvé and Charlotte Perriand that exude the mastery of materiality and functionalism embodied by the modernist movement.

邵帆 – 老树椅

Shao Fan – old tree chair

倪有鱼 – 行者们

Ni Youyu – Walkers

Laffanour – Gallerie Downtown - Jean Prouvé – 椅子

Laffanour – Gallerie Downtown - Jean Prouvé – standard chair

Laffanour – Gallerie Downtown - Charlotte Perriand – 扶手椅

Laffanour – Gallerie Downtown - Charlotte Perriand – rush armchair

Design at Large项目/

Design at Large Program/

Design at Large 展示了一系列大型的历史与当代设计作品,包括充满概念感和工业创新野心的建筑装置。该项目旨在为展会参观者提不同的发现空间,通过系列作品展示,探索由当前设计主题启发的特定哲思。在Design at Large中,意大利传奇艺术家加埃塔诺·佩谢 (Gaetano Pesce) 将以“多元化创造更美好的世界”为主题,展示涵盖产品设计和装置艺术的先锋性作品,重塑面对当下时代背景中所再现事件的多维度思考。著名设计工作室Joseph Walsh Studio将带来一系列充满张力的作品,他凭借对材料和工艺的敏感把握,使木材在他的设计作品中变得如水般流动。

The Design at Large program is a series of large-scale historic and contemporary design works, including architectural installations imbued with a sense of conceptual and industrial innovation. At Design Miami/ Podium x Shanghai, legendary Italian designer Gaetano Pesce will present pioneering works under the theme "Diversity is the most important value for a better world." Pesce’s bright, whimsical pieces tell stories of boldness and curiosity, and will leave visitors with a sense of optimistic wonder. The renowned Joseph Walsh Studio of Cork, Ireland will present a room punctuated with works that showcase Walsh’s incredible command over form. Visitors will be encouraged to traverse the room and view the pieces from multiple angles, as each perspective is brilliantly unique.

Joseph Walsh – 桌椅套组

Joseph Walsh - Enignum Free Form Seat and Connemara Marble Side Table


Design Miami/ Podium × Shanghai 艺廊名单/

Design Miami/ Podium × Shanghai Galleries/

20C Gallery / Beijing, Shanghai

DUMONTEIL / Shanghai, Paris

Gaetano Pesce Studio / Italy

Gallery ALL / Beijing, Shanghai, Los Angeles

Gallery Sohe / Hangzhou, Shanghai, Beijing

Objective Gallery / Shanghai, New York

Pearl Lam Galleries / Hong Kong, Shanghai

Joseph Walsh Studio / Cork

Design Miami/ Podium × Shanghai 展览机构/

Design Miami/ Podium × Shanghai Exhibitors/

Art+ Shanghai Gallery / Shanghai

Benwu Studio / Shanghai, Beijing

CoBrA GALLERY / Shanghai

Galleria M2 / Milan, Chengdu

Jiangjiaban / Xiamen

Laffanour – Galerie Downtown / Paris

MadeIn Gallery / Shanghai

Neooold / Hangzhou

O Gallery / Beijing

PARIS-B / Paris

ShanghART Gallery / Shanghai

Side Gallery / Barcelona

Studio MVW / Shanghai

SCRY/ Beijing

Ting-Ying Gallery / London

Tom Dixon / London

Anne Zhou

Hao Zhen Han

Huang Bo

Juno Shen

Matt Watterson

Ryan LaBar

Shao Fan

Zhao Jinya


Schedule of Events/

预览日/ 仅限邀请

Preview Day/ By Invitation Only


Wednesday, March 8/

首日贵宾和媒体预览/ 1-7:30PM

VIP and Press Preview/ 1-7:30PM


Thursday-Friday, March 9-10/

贵宾开放日/ 11AM-7:30PM

VIP Preview/ 11AM-7:30PM


Public Show Days/

星期六-星期日,3月11日-12日/ 11AM-7PM

Saturday-Sunday, March 11-12/11AM-7PM

关于Design Miami/ 展会

About Design Miami/

Design Miami/通过非凡藏品级设计连接世界,其数字交易平台designmiami.com及横跨三大洲的线下交易展览活动为画廊、设计师工作室、品牌、业内行家、收藏家、设计爱好者们提供理想的交流平台。每届Design Miami/均展出由世界专家画廊甄选的20世纪及21世纪馆藏级家具、照明灯具和艺术品,每年旗舰展于12月在美国迈阿密、6月在瑞士巴塞尔和巴塞尔艺术展同频展出。通过designmiami.com可全年365天访问Design Miami/,网站涵盖Design Miami/专家画廊可购作品、虚拟节目、及极具故事性的论坛杂志 (Forum Magazine)。

Design Miami/ connects the world through extraordinary collectible design, with live fairs and experiences on three continents that bring together galleries, designers’ studios, brands, experts, collectors, and enthusiasts, and designmiami.com, a content-rich digital marketplace. Each edition of Design Miami/ features museum quality 20th and 21st century furniture, lighting, and objets d’art from the world’s top, expertly vetted galleries with flagship fairs taking place alongside Art Basel in Miami, Florida, each December and Basel, Switzerland, each June. Design Miami/ is also accessible 365-days a year through designmiami.com, featuring shoppable works from Design Miami’s expert galleries, as well as virtual programming, and engaging storytelling at the Forum Magazine.

关于垠舍制造Made In House

About Made in House

垠舍制造 Made in House(MIH)是新一代创意策划和专业艺术顾问公司,办公室位于中国上海。MIH团队深耕于设计、艺术和品牌领域,打造兼具艺术文化、创意美学和商业价值的内容。MIH致力于创造富有未来想象力,促进文化交流,提升公众审美力的项目,同时为客户创造长效的价值影响力。MIH也是国际艺术设计博览会Design Miami/ 的中国主办方。

Made in House (MIH) is a creative consultancy and art advisory headquartered in Shanghai, China, with a focus in the commercial and hotel real estate sector. MIH was established by a team of specialists in design, art and branding. MIH creates impact and longevity for projects seeking to define their place in China’s real estate landscape. By helping companies build-out their art programs with a tailored voice, MIH strives to create both impact and relevance for the contemporary Chinese audience. MIH is the host of Design Miami/ in China, a world-renowed art and design exhibition.





ZHANGYUAN is located in the prime area of Nanjing Road West, at the center of Shanghai. With an expected gross floor area (above ground) of approximately 60,000 sqm, the project will create a world-class cultural innovation venue, high-end office spaces, unique residential apartments, a boutique hotel, and a wide variety of exciting retail and dining options. The underground area of more than 70,000 sqm will connect to three Metro lines (2, 12, and 13) at Nanjing Road West station and enjoy seamless access to nearby communities.

上海Design Miami/ Podium x Shanghai 亚洲第二届设计迈阿密展会观演指南


