

东方演出网 https://www.df962388.com 2023-01-16 17:38 出处:网络 热度:23
上海致敬傅聪——盛原钢琴独奏音乐会将于2023.3.10 19:30 周五在上海东方艺术中心上演,门票价格:120-300。


1、时间:2023.3.10 19:30 周五






A Tribute to Fou Ts’ong: Piano Recital by Sheng Yuan

2023/3/10 19:30

周五 | FRI

上海东方艺术中心·音乐厅 | SHOAC CONCERT HALL

票价Tickets (CNY)| VIP 300/180/120




浪漫主义璀璨明珠 越古今重温旧梦

恩深情重青蓝师徒 跨时空追忆前缘

音乐会曲目 Program

肖 邦 升c小调前奏曲,作品45

Chopin Prelude in C-sharp minor, Op.45


24 Preludes, Op. 28

李斯特 彼得拉克十四行诗三首:第47, 104 & 123

Liszt Petrarca Sonnets Nos.47,104 & 123

舒 曼 大卫同盟舞曲,作品6

Schumann Davidsbündlertänze, Op.6







他作为独奏家曾经与国内外诸多交响乐团合作,包括西班牙泰奈利费交响乐团和大加纳利爱乐乐团、罗马尼亚国立奥拉迪亚爱乐乐团、哈萨克斯坦国家交响乐团、古巴国立交响乐团、菲律宾爱乐乐团以及包括中国爱乐乐团在内的各大中国主要乐团。同时,作为室内乐演奏家,盛原与小提琴家林朝阳、大提琴家朱亦兵组建了挚友三重奏,并曾与上海弦乐四重奏,及小提琴家亚伦·罗桑(Aaron Rosand)、阿诺德·斯坦哈特(Arnold Steinhardt)、瓦汀·列宾(Vadim Repin)、大提琴家安德烈·迪亚兹(Andres Diaz)等人合作。


盛原的唱片发行于各大国际唱片公司,包括荷兰Piano Classics, Brilliant Classics和国家大剧院唱片公司。他先后发行了巴赫、肖邦、舒曼、柴可夫斯基等16张现代钢琴、早期钢琴、羽管键琴、击弦古钢琴演奏的作品专辑。他用羽管键琴录制的《哥德堡变奏曲》(国家大剧院唱片发行)获得2019年唱工委音乐奖“最佳古典演绎奖”,他用早期钢琴录制的《舒曼作品集》获得2022年“德国唱片评论家奖”(Preis der deutschen Schallplattenkritik)最佳唱片提名。

他对巴赫作品的研究与演奏颇受国际乐坛瞩目。美国《纽约时报》称“盛原先生的(巴赫)演奏......好似来自另外一个世界的欢乐之音。”德国《钢琴新闻杂志》这样评论盛原的《巴赫哥德堡变奏曲》CD:“他的演奏呈现出风格准确,忠实于原作的特点。这位中国人没有在任何一个地方表现得夸张做作,而更多的是表现出一种不容置疑的对精确平衡感的直觉。这使他的演奏非常迷人。” 英国《国际钢琴杂志》称盛原为“中国诠释巴赫的领军人物。”

盛原出生于北京的一个音乐家庭,五岁开始随母亲学习钢琴,后在中央音乐学院师从于李其芳、李惠莉以及周广仁诸教授。1991年作为所罗门·米考夫斯基(Solomon Mikowsky)教授的奖学金学生赴美,在纽约曼哈顿音乐学院深造,并获得音乐学士和硕士学位。盛原先生在海外留学期间曾与世界公认的巴赫专家罗萨琳·图雷克(Rosalyn Tureck)潜心学习与研究巴赫的键盘作品。


Sheng Yuan

As a pianist and historical keyboardist, Sheng Yuan has gained international recognition through his extensive performances in more than twenty countries. New York Times wrote that“Mr. Sheng’s ear for balance is unfailing……the attraction was entirely visceral.” New York Concert Review proclaims that" Mr. Sheng is an artist of the highest quality" The renowned music author David Dubal states that:“Just listen to him,you will be touched!”

Mr. Sheng has performed in Carnegie Hall in New York, Cadogan Hall in London,Ford Performing Arts Center in Toronto, Seoul National Center for the Performing Arts as well as National Center for the Performing Arts in Beijing, and Shanghai Concert Hall in Shanghai,China. He has been heard and seen on WQXR in New York,WGBH in Boston,NPR in U.S.A, National Radio Station of Spain, National Radio Station of France,National Television of Poland,China Central TV,and Beijing Music Radio.

As a soloist,Mr. Sheng has performed with Tenerife Symphony of Spain,Oradea State Philharmonic of Romania, Kazakhstan National Symphony,National Symphony of Cuba,National Philharmonic of the Philippines as well as China Philharmonic. As a chamber musician,Mr. Sheng he has performed with the Shanghai String Quartet,violinists Aaron Rosand,Arnold Steinhardt,Vadim Repin,as well as cellist Andres Diaz.

Mr. Sheng’s performances and research on the music of Bach have attracted international attention in recent years. The New York Times said that“The A major and A minor Preludes and Fugues from Bach’s Well-Tempered Clavier Book I,were models of clarity,balance and proportion. That is not to say that they were straightforward or unmediated: Mr. Sheng made the A minor Prelude into a fiery drama,with the equally energetic but stunningly voiced Fugue as an otherworldly rejoinder.”The International Piano Magazine,considered Sheng Yuan“The nation(China)’s premier interpreter of Bach.”

His understanding and command on harpsichord,clavichord and early pianos has also generated highest proclaim. In reviewing his recital of All-Beethoven program on an 1805 Kathonig piano,the Boston Intellegencer states that“Sheng had absorbed this music so thoroughly that a listener might easily have imagined the composer at the keyboard.”

Mr. Sheng's recordings are released under international labels including Piano Classics, Brilliant Classics of Holland and NCPAClassicsof China. He has released 16 Albums of works of Bach, Chopin, Schumann, Tchaikovsky, etc. on modern piano, historical piano as well as harpsichord and clavichord. His recording of Bach’sGoldberg Variations on harpsichord(NCPA Classics)won 2019 CMIC Music Awards’Best Classical Performance Award and his recording of works of Schumann on period piano was nominated best records of Der Preis der deutschen Schallplattenkritik in 2022.

Born to a family of musicians in Beijing,Sheng Yuan began his music studies with his mother at age five,continuing them later at the Central Conservatory with Professors Qifang Li,Huili Li,and Guangren Zhou.From 1991 to 1997 Sheng Yuan was a scholarship student of Solomon Mikowsky at the Manhattan School of Music in New York City,where he completed his Bachelor and Master of Music degrees. His interest in the music of Bach inspired him to study intensively with Rosalyn Tureck.

Sheng Yuan is a professor of piano at the Beijing Central Conservatory of Music. he is also the founder of “Path to Brightness”, a music welfare project for the visually impaired.


