
“柏林爱乐在上海” 音乐会

东方演出网 https://www.df962388.com 2024-05-23 17:15 出处:网络 热度:18
“柏林爱乐在上海” 音乐会将于2024.6.25 19:30 周二在上海大剧院上演,门票价格:180-680。

“柏林爱乐在上海” 音乐会时间、地点、门票价格

1、时间:2024.6.25 19:30 周二



“柏林爱乐在上海” 音乐会详情

“柏林爱乐在上海” 音乐会

Philharmonisches Streichquartett 柏林爱乐弦乐四重奏

“柏林爱乐在上海” 音乐会


欧洲主流音乐杂志Rondo Magazine盛赞他们的演出:“从第一个音符就极具吸引力”。 柏林爱乐弦乐四重奏成员深知,他们正沿着伟大的足迹前进——传承柏林爱乐乐团的悠久传统,以最高水平演奏室内乐。四位成员均在各大顶级音乐比赛中获奖,并在不同编制的室内乐演出中积累了丰富的经验。弦乐四重奏组合为每一位成员提供了展露自己音乐表现形式的机会,不拘泥于特定的风格,而是追求精湛的技艺。

The Philharmonic String Quartet represents chamber musical excellence of the Berlin Philharmonic: cosmopolitan, versatile and artistically passionate.Out of a desire to make music together with enthusiasm, the Philharmonic String Quartet was founded in 2018, and features three members of the Berlin Philharmonic. The balance between powerful freshness and rich, philharmonic sound particularly distinguishes this ensemble. “The Philharmonic String Quartet captivates the audience from the first note.” (Rondo Magazine 5/14/2022). The musicians are aware that they are following in great footsteps: with the Philharmonic String Quartet they are continuing the venerable tradition of the Berlin Philharmonic’s ensembles of making chamber music at the highest level. All four musicians have won various top-class competitions and have vast experience in various chamber music formations. The Philharmonic String Quartet offers them the opportunity to create their own musical expression. They feel less committed to a certain style than to their virtuosity, and they follow the motto of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: “…because we love to talk to all kinds of masters – with the old and modern.”


《F大调弦乐嬉戏曲》K. 13812’莫扎特

Divertimento in F Major, K.138W. A. Mozart

  1. 快板
  2. Allegro


  1. Andante


III. Presto

《F大调第十二弦乐四重奏》Op. 96“美国人”28’德沃夏克

String Quartet in F Major No. 12,Op. 96,“American”A. Dvorák

  1. 不太快的快板
  2. Allegro ma non troppo
  3. 广板
  4. Lento

III. 生动活泼的-三重奏

III. Molto vivace — Trio

  1. 终曲不太快的活板
  2. Finale. Vivace ma non troppo




String Quartet No. 14 in D Minor, D810,“Der Tod und das Mädchen”F. Schubert

  1. 快板
  2. Allegro
  3. 流畅的行板
  4. Andante con moto

III. 谐谑曲,很快的快板-三重奏

III. Scherzo. Allegro molto– Trio

  1. 最快的急板
  2. Presto - Prestissimo

* 以当日演出曲目为准/Program subject to change



Dorian Xhoxhi, Violin


Helena Berg, Violin


Naoko Shimizu, Viola


Stephan Koncz, Cello

“柏林爱乐在上海” 音乐会观演指南

