
北京Summer Reggae Jam 纪念鲍勃马利雷鬼专场 - ONE DROP

东方演出网 https://www.df962388.com 2024-04-27 08:55 出处:网络 热度:17
北京Summer Reggae Jam 纪念鲍勃马利雷鬼专场 - ONE DROP将于2024.5.10 周五在黄昏黎明DDC上演,门票价格:100-120。

北京Summer Reggae Jam 纪念鲍勃马利雷鬼专场 - ONE DROP时间、地点、门票价格

1、时间:2024.5.10 周五



北京Summer Reggae Jam 纪念鲍勃马利雷鬼专场 - ONE DROP详情

北京Summer Reggae Jam 纪念鲍勃马利雷鬼专场 - ONE DROP

5/10 21:00 Summer Reggae Jam 纪念鲍勃马利雷鬼专场 - ONE DROP

阔别已久的北京最纯正雷鬼乐队ONE DROP回归DDC舞台!本次演出是ONE DROP的Summer Reggae Jam——纪念鲍勃马利雷鬼专场,该系列已经举办了10年之久。ONE DROP将再次带来纯正的雷鬼音乐,一音入魂,让你不自觉得起舞、摇摆。

One Drop

One Drop是一支由不同国籍的音乐家组成的雷鬼乐队,音乐家均来自非洲、古巴、美国、中国等地。乐队于2012年成立于北京,为了将宣扬“博爱”的雷鬼音乐带入到大众的音乐生活中,更加接近雷鬼爱好者,One Drop用它抒情诗般的旋律和唱词,继续传播“爱和团结”的讯息。

从2012年起,One Drop作为一年一度的雷⻤音乐之父纪念日音乐会“Bob Marley Day”的策划乐队以及驻场乐队,已经在北京连续成功举办10年该活动。

One Drop乐队的音乐⻛格丰富多样,从经典的传统雷鬼乐,到舞曲雷鬼乐,都会让人为之精神抖擞。

One drop is a reggae band that was created in 2012. Their players come from Africa, Cuba, US and China. Their shows are always filled by dancing and singing, often to the familiar tunes of the Reggae Legend Bob Marley, and other famous Reggae singers and some of their original songs.

Vocal: Johnson Lufungulo

Guitar: Parhat

Guitar: Mirzat

Keyboard: Seth


Bass: Robert Aurand

Guest: King Lion Minguel (KLM)

DJ: Ennoe Alpha

Guest: King Lion Minguel (KLM)

Guest: King Lion Minguel (KLM)

主唱歌手百音达(KLS Miguel ,The King Lion Son),原创歌手,外型俊朗,才华横溢,在家乡喀麦隆就曾经参与一支著名的雷鬼乐队。现已经发行有两张融入了舞曲元素的雷鬼风格专辑。第三张专辑正在录制中,很快会与大家见面。除了做音乐,KLS还是一个多面手,参与电视节目(CCTV)的专题采访, 出演(《智取威虎山》,《煎饼侠》等。),同时还是一名业余足球联赛运动员并获得过骄人的成绩。

他是北京Ultimate Band Crew (UBC)的成员之一。2016年6月至9月, 他与UBC一起进行了全国演出。UBC自创建以来,其人气日盛,博得了雷鬼界的赞誉,受邀参加了国内各种音乐节和晚会演出,并于今年3月签约于美国IMCG Global公司,七月二零仪七年应国际音乐理事会邀请,参加联合国科教文组织文化融合国际论坛的开场演出,赢得了来自50多个国家代表的极度认可和热烈掌声。

他演出的时候乐队与世界多个音乐团队有过合作,其合作对象包括中国雷鬼新秀乐队龙神道,Heavy HK, 法国Kerry James, 英国的Dancehall流派明星Tippa Irie和Ras Demo. 牙买加的Perfect Giddimani, ANTHONY B, SHAGGY, 特立尼达和多巴哥的Soca音乐之王MACHEL MONTANO.

King Lion Miguel (KLM) is a Cameroonian singer, songwriter Currently living in Beijing, China, signed with the United States IMCG Global inc. He is also the founder of Ultimate band crew in China 2011, has two albums to his credit. “Jah is my light” and “just one life”. after a year of careful preparation, his first solo reggae album, “Solitary Lion” has been released worldwide. His style ranges from reggae to dancehall, while going through the soul. He is also an actor in movies productions for television in Cameroon, China, even in Hollywood.

On stage, King Lion Miguelmade several cooperation during his career, either alongside his band UBC or solo, opening for the Chinese reggae band 龙神道 (Long Sheng Dao),the Jamaican artistsAnthony B and Perfect Giddimani but also for the UK dancehall stars Tippa Irie as well as Lady Chann, the UK dancehall queen, several collaborations with the Chinese pop star 章磊 (Zhanglei).

After He returned to his hometown to receive the 2017 Cameroon Best Reggae Singer Award. He won the international reggae star "SHAGGY" performance invitation as a guest at Los Angeles and the annual Hollywood Carnival alongside the king of Soca music “MACHEL MONTANO”.

DJ: Ennoe Alpha

Ennoe于2018年以DJ Ennoe Alpha这个名字开始活跃于各种音乐场景,不断精进自己的技术,并致力于研究如何将自己的音乐与舞池的观众连接到一起,他对音乐的热情使他成为音乐界最有影响力的人物之一。Ennoe擅长的风格有popular dancehall, Afrobeats, techno, deep house, hip-hop and reggae. 在2021年,Ennoe Alpha和他的商业伙伴创建了Coolout Sessions活动。

Him having a passion for music to become one of the most influential figures in the music industry, Ennoe joined the entertainment scene in 2018 and became well-known. DJ Ennoe Alpha often intrigued with spinning records and making people dance. He taught himself how to blend in mixed tracks from listening to superstar DJs and auto radio stations in numerous DJ mixes. He dominated popular dancehall, Afrobeats, techno, deep house, hip-hop and reggae environment. In 2021, Ennoe Alpha and his business partner founded the Coolout Sessions event.








北京Summer Reggae Jam 纪念鲍勃马利雷鬼专场 - ONE DROP观演指南









