
南京2024“江南之声”音乐节——The Real Group真实之声阿卡贝拉音乐会

东方演出网 https://www.df962388.com 2024-04-04 01:38 出处:网络 热度:11
南京【积分兑换】2024“江南之声”音乐节——The Real Group真实之声阿卡贝拉音乐会将于2024.06.21 周五 19:30在江苏大剧院-综艺厅上演,门票价格:80-480。

南京【积分兑换】2024“江南之声”音乐节——The Real Group真实之声阿卡贝拉音乐会时间、地点、门票价格

1、时间:2024.06.21 周五 19:30



南京【积分兑换】2024“江南之声”音乐节——The Real Group真实之声阿卡贝拉音乐会详情

南京2024“江南之声”音乐节——The Real Group真实之声阿卡贝拉音乐会

开售时间:04月02日 16:56



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Composed and Lyrics by Anders Edenroth

安德斯·埃登罗什 词曲


Composed and Lyrics by Anders Edenroth

安德斯·埃登罗什 词曲

Big Bad World|《不完美的世界》

Composed and Lyrics by Axel Berntzon

阿克塞尔·伯恩松 词曲

Waltz for Stockholm|《斯德哥尔摩华尔兹》

Composed and Lyrics by Anders Edenroth

安德斯·埃登罗什 词曲


Composed and Lyrics by John Lennon & Paul McCartney

(Arr. Anders Edenroth)

约翰·列侬&保罗·麦卡特尼 词曲

(安德斯·埃登罗什 改编)


Composed and Lyrics by Eden Ahbez (Arr. Anders Edenroth)

伊登·阿贝兹 词曲(安德斯·埃登罗什 改编)

Nature Boy|《自然之子》

Composed by Tommy Emmanuel (Arr. Daniele Dees)

汤米·艾曼纽 曲(达妮埃尔·迪斯 改编)

Sanitarium Shuffle|《疗养院曳步舞》

Composed by Axel Berntzon|阿克塞尔·伯恩松 曲

Vackert Vissna|《美丽的凋零》

Composed by Neal Hefti (Arr. Johannes Rückert Becker)

尼尔·赫夫提 曲(约翰内斯·吕克特·贝克尔 改编)



Composed and Lyrics by Anders Edenroth

安德斯·埃登罗什 词曲

I Sing, You Sing|《我唱,你唱》

Composed and Lyrics by Anders Edenroth

安德斯·埃登罗什 词曲

Ett liv för mig/A Life for Me|《属于我的生活》

Composed and Lyrics by Anders Edenroth

安德斯·埃登罗什 词曲

Pass Me the Jazz|《爵士传递》

Composed and Lyrics by Anders Edenroth

安德斯·埃登罗什 词曲

It Becomes Her|《这就是她》

Composed and Lyrics by Axel Berntzon

阿克塞尔·伯恩松 词曲


Composed and Lyrics by Anders Edenroth

安德斯·埃登罗什 词曲

Chili Con Carne|《辣肉酱》

Composed by Alan Menken, Lyrics by Howard Ashman

(Arr. Johannes Rückert Becker, Joanné Nugas & Daniele Dees)

艾伦·曼肯 曲,霍华德·阿什曼 词

(约翰内斯·吕克特·贝克尔,乔安妮·努加斯&达妮埃尔·迪斯 改编)

Part of Your World|《你世界的一部分》

Composed and Lyrics by Gregory Porter (Arr. Axel Berntzon)

格雷戈里·波特 词曲(阿克塞尔·伯恩松 改编)

Liquid Spirit|《饥渴难耐》

Composed and Lyrics by Stevie Wonder (Arr. James Rose)

史蒂夫·汪达 词曲(詹姆斯·罗斯 改编)

You Haven’t Done Nothing|《你什么都没做》

  • 演出曲目及顺序以现场为准。
  • Programme is subject to change.


真实之声以人声为唯一的乐器,在爵士乐、流行音乐和北欧声乐之间创造了独特的音乐表达方式。 自1984年成立以来,真实之声的巡演足迹遍布世界各地。完美的演绎、鲜明的个人风格和原创曲目的结合使他们不仅受到广大音乐爱好者的喜爱,同时也征服了对音乐有着极高品味的观众。

1989 年,真实之声的创始成员以最高学位毕业于斯德哥尔摩皇家音乐学院,从那时起,他们定期举办音乐会,并经常受邀在重要的官方活动上演唱,比如他们曾合作瑞典著名的阿巴乐队ABBA的前主唱安妮-弗瑞德·林斯塔德在瑞典女王的生日派对上共同演唱ABBA的经典作品《舞蹈皇后》。他们也受邀在韩日世界杯开幕式上演出。



真实之声作为慈善计划 “生命之星”(艾滋病预防计划)的大使在瑞典和南非进行巡演。







The Real Group, A Cappella

With the voice as their sole instrument they have created a unique musical expression in the field between jazz, pop and Nordic European vocal music. The group has toured worldwide since it was formed in 1984. The combination of perfection and personal touch along with original songs have made them accessible to music enthusiasts in general as well as to the more demanding ear.

In 1989 the founding members graduated from The Royal Academy of Music in Stockholm with the highest degree and since then they have often been asked to perform at prestigious official events along with their regular concerts. Such an event was the Swedish queen’s birthday when they performed the ABBAclassic “Dancing Queen”together with the former ABBAmember Anni-Frid Lyngstad. The group also sang at the opening of the Fifa World Cup in South Korea and Japan.

Their wide repertoire has made it possible for the group to collaborate with symphony orchestras, jazz groups, pop bands and artists such as opera star Barbara Hendricks, jazz harmonica player Toots Thielemans and The Beatles producer sir George Martin.

The Real Group has made 24 albums in their own name. They have produced concert tours with over 2800 concerts worldwide. They have hosted their own TV show and been artistic directors for vocal music festivals in USA and South Korea and produced their own festivals in Sweden and Finland where the educational branch The Real Group Academy has contributed with the educational content.

The group has toured as ambassadors for the charity program Star for Life in Sweden and South Africa as part of an AIDS prevention program.

The current members are:

Clara Fornander, Soprano

Joanné Nugas, Alto

Johannes Rückert Becker, Tenor

Axel Berntzon, Baritone

Daniele Dees, Bass



Clara Fornander, Soprano



Clara Fornander grew up in the South of Sweden surrounded by music through participating in choirs and orchestras.After high-school Clara began to focus on jazz and song-writing and eventually moved to Stockholm where she studied her jazz bachelor at the Royal College of Music. She’s always loved singing with other people-both a cappella and with different kinds of bands. Now she is extremely happy to be a part of The Real Group and to have the chance to contribute and learn from her fellow group members.

Joanné Nugas, Alto


乔安妮·努加斯在7岁时加入瓦尔加尔儿童合唱团,第一次接触到合唱音乐,并因此在几年后进入阿道夫·弗雷德里克音乐学校学习,真实之声的所有创团成员都曾是这所学校的学生。真实之声的成员至今都是学校的偶像级人物,现在她也追随偶像的脚步,成为了这个组合的新成员之一。乔安妮随后继续在斯德哥尔摩音乐之家音乐学校学习声乐表演,自2012年以来,她一直以歌手的身份活跃于舞台,并与许多著名的瑞典艺术家一起演唱。如今,乔安妮活跃于灵魂乐、流行音乐、爵士乐和 R&B 等不同流派。除此之外,她还教授声乐和钢琴课程。

Joanné Nugas was first introduced to choir music at the age of seven when she joined Vårby Gård Children’s Choir. This led to studies at Adolf Fredriks School of Music a few years later, where all the original members of The Real Group attended primary school. Joanné remembered that the group were (and still are) icons, and now sheisone of the new members. Joanné then continued to study vocal performance at Rytmus Musikergymnasiet, and since 2012 she has been freelancing as a singer and she has sung with many prominent Swedish artists. Today Joanné is active in genres like soul, pop, jazz and R&B. Alongside this she gives vocal and piano lessons.

Johannes Rückert Becker, Tenor


约翰内斯·吕克特·贝克尔一直是声乐爱好者,他很早就离开了家乡斯莫兰,并深入研究学习无伴奏合唱。约翰内斯随后进入利杰霍尔曼民众音乐学校学习声乐合唱,音乐功底飞速猛进。成为 “真实之声”的一员圆了约翰内斯一直以来的梦想。约翰内斯过去十年一直住在马尔默,并在那里学习声乐老师和合唱指挥的课程。从那时起,约翰内斯曾在多所学校任职,教授流行音乐、爵士乐和音乐戏剧。除了教学,约翰内斯一直在厄勒海峡地区进行音乐表演,并曾作为国际声乐团体Touché的一员。

Johannes Rückert Becker has been an enthusiast of vocal music for quite some time and was quick to leave the woods of Småland to dive deeper into the field of a cappella music. Johannes then ended up on Liljeholmens Folkhögskola, studying vocal group singing and his interest skyrocketed! To be a part of The Real Group is truly a dream come true! Johanneshasbeen living in Malmö for the past decade where he has also studied to become a voice teacher/choir conductor. Since then Johannes has worked at a number of different schools specializing in pop, jazz and musical theatre.Alongside teaching, Johannes has been making music around the Øresund region and has had the pleasure of singing in the international vocal group Touché.

Axel Berntzon, Baritone



Axel Berntzon is from Värmdö and has played music all his life. Axel started out in a choir at the age of two and has since then studied a plethora of different instruments and has found himself in many disparate musical situations, playing anything from bass steelpans in a calypso band to harmonica with blues bands. Axel always had a big passion for vocal music and his biggest inspiration is the group Lambert, Hendricks and Ross. He is really excited to get to be a part of The Real Group, they are sort of childhood heroes of his!During his vocal studies in high school he took up trumpet and later attended the jazz trumpet program at the Royal College of Music in Stockholm. Today he is active as an arranger, singer, trumpeter and pianist and based in Stockholm.

Daniele Dees, Bass



It wasn’t until adulthood that Daniele Dees started focusing on his music interest, mainly by playing the guitar and later on singing. Daniele fell head over heels and skyrocketed through his musical development as he started singing in choirs and later on got accepted to a vocal group oriented education at Liljeholmens Folkhögskola. In addition to this, Daniele also had time to study sustainable development at Uppsala University. Since Daniele was a kid, he has appreciated and been inspired by The Real Group and he is so excited about his journey ahead with the group.

Press Reviews


At the core of this quintet’s repertoire are the standards on which every jazz artist…eventually must prove his mettle.


Chicaco Tribune


I wish I was in this group!


Jon Hendricks


南京【积分兑换】2024“江南之声”音乐节——The Real Group真实之声阿卡贝拉音乐会观演指南


