
【上海】涅槃乐队 颓废摇滚经典致敬专题音乐会

东方演出网 https://www.df962388.com 2022-08-22 18:00 出处:网络 热度:0
【上海】涅槃乐队 颓废摇滚经典致敬专题音乐会将于2022.09.10 周六 21:30在珍珠剧场The Pearl上演,东方演出网为大家详细介绍一下【上海】涅槃乐队 颓废摇滚经典致敬专题音乐会门票价格、时间、地点等信息

【上海】涅槃乐队 颓废摇滚经典致敬专题音乐会时间、地点、门票价格

演出时间:2022-09-10 周六 22:30

演出地点:珍珠剧场The Pearl


【上海】涅槃乐队 颓废摇滚经典致敬专题音乐会详情

活动名称:涅槃乐队 颓废摇滚经典致敬专题音乐会





当日现场票价:220 元


温馨提示:门票仅包含当日演出内容,未包含座位。如需咨询座位预定可于购票前电话咨询珍珠客服联系。客服工作时间周二-周六下午2-11点。 现场不可外带酒水食物及宠物,18岁以下不可购买。





27岁就英年早逝的Kurt Cobain当初在乐队鼎盛之际以自杀这一决绝的形式与深爱他的乐迷们告别,成为了他们永远的痛楚。乐队灵魂人物的离去虽然使乐队分崩离析,但他们的精神却永驻于乐迷心中,受人缅怀。


你还记得第一次听到《Lithium》和《 Smells Like Teen Spirit》时候所感受到的震撼吗?


现在The Pearl珍珠剧场为大家献上由明星驻场乐队Red Stars演绎的涅槃乐队经典曲目,让你有机会现场感受涅槃乐队炙热灼烧的摇滚激情。


Smells Like Teen Spirit Concert


The beginning of the 90s was awash in heavy metal bands, however, there was a growing scene coming out of Seattle that was about to dominate the music world. 


Known as the “grunge” scene and led by Nirvana, scores of Seattle based bands made flannel shirts, ripped jeans and combat boots popular. Albeit, these bands hated the word grunge. 


The term seemed to accurately describe the music which is gritty rock and roll with elements of punk and metal.


The Smells Like Teen Spirit concert will take the music of the grunge scene and deliver it loud and supercharged by the Pearl’s very own Red Stars band.


Expect cuts by Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Soundgarden and Alice in Chains just to name a few. Bust out your best flannel shirt and come on down to the Pearl to have your ear drums massaged by these rockers.


Don’t worry if you get there early as we can keep you satiated with juicy steaks and kabobs, succulent spring chicken, toothsome pastas, and a myriad of delectable appetizers.