
【上海】朋克复兴 Green Day绿日乐队致敬音乐会

东方演出网 https://www.df962388.com 2022-08-22 16:30 出处:网络 热度:6
【上海】朋克复兴 Green Day绿日乐队致敬音乐会将于2022.08.26-08.27在珍珠剧场The Pearl上演,东方演出网为大家详细介绍一下【上海】朋克复兴 Green Day绿日乐队致敬音乐会门票价格、时间、地点等信息

【上海】朋克复兴 Green Day绿日乐队致敬音乐会时间、地点、门票价格

演出时间:2022-08-26 周五 21:00 、2022-08-27 周六 21:00

演出地点:珍珠剧场The Pearl


【上海】朋克复兴 Green Day绿日乐队致敬音乐会详情

活动名称:朋克复兴 绿日乐队致敬音乐会

          Green day tribute concert

活动日期:2022年 8月26日   8月27日





当日现场票价: 220元


温馨提示:门票仅包含当日演出内容,未包含座位。如需咨询座位预定可于购票前电话咨询珍珠客服联系。客服工作时间周二-周六下午2-11点。 现场不可外带酒水食物及宠物,18岁以下不可购买。



1. 入场时,请配合工作人员在 “数字哨兵”扫码核验 “随申码”或扫描相应 “场所码”。随申码码色为 “绿色”、且持有 48 小时内核酸检测阴性证明(从采样时间起算)并配合测量体温且无异常(低于 37.3°C)的观众,方可入场。近期有中高风险区域活动的观众不建议订购。



2. 所有观众,都必须持有 “随申码”绿码以及 48小时内(从采样时间起算)核酸检测阴性证明方可进入。




4. 有10天内境外旅居史或7 天内国内疫情中、高风险区所在县(市、区、旗)旅居史的观众将谢绝入场。


5. 如有身体不适,请及时与工作人员联系。如接到疾控等部门来电告知核酸检测异常等突发情况的,应第一时间告知工作人员,并积极配合落实相关临时性隔离措施,接受流调询问,耐心等待疾控等部门的后续处置







朋克复兴,高能来袭 !!!






---------- (新浪评)



绿日对于朋克的杰出贡献在于突破极限,打破朋克摇滚的局限性,从而将这种音乐风格提升到更高层次 。他们将朋克视作传达价值的方式,而不单纯只是一种音乐类型。


在《American Idiot》中,绿日将朋克摇滚艺术化,形式上动用概念专辑改造粗糙肤浅的朋克范式,音乐上引入歌剧概念提升这类摇滚乐的艺术含量,最终打造出了完整连贯有力的效果。


《American Idiot》之后,乐队进入灵感爆发期,连番挑战极限。比如将《American Idiot》打造成百老汇歌剧,再比如推行朋克“三部曲”《¡Uno!》、《¡Dos!》以及《¡Tré!》。诸多举措都是对“朋克”的深度改造以及推广。



--------- (摇滚名人堂官方网站综合评)





------- 绿日朋克精神





在Basket Case, Longview, When I Come Around, American Idiot, and Boulevard of Broken Dreams….节奏中摇摆


2022全新致敬系列 :时代偶像的再度降临! 



Punk was popular

But never as popular as Green Day made it



Green Day embraced all of the concepts of the punk esthetic; short, rapid-fire songs, social consciousness in their lyrics, and unstoppable energy throughout their shows. Whereas punk in the past was limited to small dirty bars played in front of a dedicated group of fans. Green Day played to stadiums full of frenzied kids from all walks of life, rocking out to their catchy, infectious punk-pop rock anthems.


At the time, the Pacific Northwest was renowned for the grunge movement. Yet, just south of there in Northern California, many of the bands were going a different direction that was just as popular with Green Day leading the charge. As the most talented band, Green Day continued to evolve and created concept albums that were ranked in the top 50 albums of all time. The band provided commentary on societal ills, the responsibility of the individual, and the greed of corporations; all jammed out to a rocking groove.


 the Pearl’s Red Stars band will perform the Green Day canon of endless hits. This show is not to be missed as this will be one of the most exciting and energetic shows to grace the Pearl’s stage. Songs such as Basket Case, Longview, When I Come Around, American Idiot, and Boulevard of Broken Dreams will be performed full blast to an adoring audience. There will also be hit songs by the Offspring, Blink-182, Sum 41, and the Red Hot Chili Peppers to add more fun to the evening. Expect a night of punk pop funk rock music!


Considering the amount of energy emanating from the stage, our Punk Priest Chef Lung will be on hand to fill your stomachs keeping you in high spirits. Combined with strong pours from the bar, bring out your inner rebel and have a real good time. Tickets are RMB 180 (early bird) or RMB 220 at the door. They can be purchased via WeChat by scanning the QR code or at the door. Doors open at 6pm, happy hour is from 6 to 8 pm, the Concert is at 9pm.