
【上海】Lady gaga & Taylor Swift & Pink时代红人致敬音乐会

东方演出网 https://www.df962388.com 2022-08-22 16:30 出处:网络 热度:23
【上海】Lady gaga & Taylor Swift & Pink时代红人致敬音乐会将于2022.09.03 周六 21:30在珍珠剧场The Pearl上演,东方演出网为大家详细介绍一下【上海】Lady gaga & Taylor Swift & Pink时代红人致敬音乐会门票价格、时间、地点等信息

【上海】Lady gaga & Taylor Swift & Pink时代红人致敬音乐会时间、地点、门票价格

演出时间:2022-09-03 周六 21:30

演出地点:珍珠剧场The Pearl


【上海】Lady gaga & Taylor Swift & Pink时代红人致敬音乐会详情

活动名称:Lady gaga & Taylor Swift & Pink时代红人致敬音乐会

         Lady gaga & Taylor Swift & Pink tribute concert






当日现场票价: 220元


温馨提示:门票仅包含当日演出内容,未包含座位。如需咨询座位预定可于购票前电话咨询珍珠客服联系。客服工作时间周二-周六下午2-11点。 现场不可外带酒水食物及宠物,18岁以下不可购买。



1. 入场时,请配合工作人员在 “数字哨兵”扫码核验 “随申码”或扫描相应 “场所码”。随申码码色为 “绿色”、且持有 48 小时内核酸检测阴性证明(从采样时间起算)并配合测量体温且无异常(低于 37.3°C)的观众,方可入场。


2. 所有观众,都必须持有 “随申码”绿码以及 48小时内(从采样时间起算)核酸检测阴性证明方可进入。




4. 有10天内境外旅居史或7 天内国内疫情中、高风险区所在县(市、区、旗)旅居史的观众将谢绝入场。


5. 如有身体不适,请及时与工作人员联系。如接到疾控等部门来电告知核酸检测异常等突发情况的,应第一时间告知工作人员,并积极配合落实相关临时性隔离措施,接受流调询问,耐心等待疾控等部门的后续处置








当然,随着音乐庆祝的同时,Chef Lung整晚准备了丰盛的晚餐,除了跳动的细胞之外,味蕾也将同样得到满足!


Lady Gaga / Taylor Swift / Pink 

Tribute Concert


The Holy Trinity of female rock vocalists are Lady Gaga, Taylor Swift, and Pink. These ladies are known not just for their songwriting abilities, but for putting on a show. 


They enthrall fans throughout the world with their vocal range, catchy tunes, dancing and all-around edginess. They have reached the heights in the music business for their ability to rock. Thus, empowering women around the world.


Who better to celebrate International Women’s week than with the music of Lady Gaga, Taylor Swift, and Pink songbook. And none better than the Pearl’s Red Stars band to deliver the goods. This is a night that will keep you dancing to hit after hit after hit.


There must be great eats when celebrating these esteemed songstresses and Chef Baidas is the man who can help. He will keep you satiated and ready to rock out late into the night.


Tickets are RMB 180 (early bird) or RMB 220 at the door. They can be purchased via WeChat by scanning the QR code or at the door. Doors open at 6pm, happy hour is from 6 to 8 pm, the Concerts are at _9:30_pm.