

东方演出网 https://www.df962388.com 2024-04-07 13:25 出处:网络 热度:22
温州【摇滚一家人】自语&FYB&潮汐狩猎将于04月27日 20:00-04月27日 22:00在意空间·Meaning Space上演,温州【摇滚一家人】自语&FYB&潮汐狩猎门票价格:¥66 学生票,¥76 预售票,¥96 现场票,¥136 双人票。FYB (Fvck Your Birthday),潮汐狩猎等重磅阵容。


1、时间:04月27日 20:00-04月27日 22:00

2、地点:意空间·Meaning Space

3、门票价格:¥66 学生票,¥76 预售票,¥96 现场票,¥136 双人票



【摇滚一家人】“There Is Always Room For Family”


Some families are connected by blood, some by circumstance, and others simply by love. For example, a shared love of rock music! Rock is loud, noisy, and it excites the parts of our spirit that everyday life requires us to keep under layers of politeness and social etiquette. Rock gives us a chance to release that pent up energy in a joyous and unifying way. It’s all about the calamity of the drums, the burning hot guitars, the growl of the bass, and the impassioned vocals that speak to our souls. This kind of music isn’t for everyone, but if you feel it in your heart like we do, then like Dominic Toretto says, “there is always room for family”.


艺人:FYB (Fvck Your Birthday),潮汐狩猎
