

东方演出网 https://www.df962388.com 2024-02-25 17:47 出处:网络 热度:26







开售时间:02月26日 12:00


票价说明:门票价格(港币/澳门币):HKD/MOP $388/$288/$188/$88大麦人民币售价:CNY380/ CNY280/ CNY180/ CNY80配送说明:本项目不支持退换,购票成功的客户,请您提前规划好行程并办理好港澳通行证-中国澳门签注,门票将于演出前一周左右发出,请您耐心等待,现场当天如忘记带票及对票情况不予处理,感谢您的支持与理解。

剧目简介:这是一场向足球致敬舞蹈表演,演绎了足球中疯狂的美学思想。它重新定义了“普通运动”和“传世艺术”之间的区别,与此同时,弥合代表工人阶级的足球和属于上流社会的芭蕾之间的界限。The performance delves into the physical routine of football and elevates the aesthetic aspects of its insanity. It comments the difference between “common sports” and “eloquent arts”, likewise the concept of working-class football and upper-class ballet.

剧目亮点:一、近百年历史 传承足球精神:自1997年初开始,这场表演被认为是同类表演中独树一帜的存在。在这之前与足球有关的舞蹈表演都没有被记录下来。在这之前,有一位俄罗斯编舞在20世纪30年代制作了一部午夜芭蕾舞剧,其中由一名舞者扮演了一名足球运动员,但这部作品这件作品也未被记录下来。我们的舞蹈表演是古典音乐的技巧完成的。20世纪30年代,俄罗斯编舞制作了一部与足球相关的午夜芭蕾舞剧,其中由一名舞者扮演了一名足球运动员,使用了古典音乐作为技巧。1997年起,我们便开始了以足球为主题的舞蹈巡演。


故事背景:自1997年初开始,这场表演被认为是同类表演中独树一帜的存在。在这之前与足球有关的舞蹈表演都没有被记录下来。在这之前有一位俄罗斯编舞在20世纪30年代制作了一部午夜芭蕾舞剧,其中由一名舞者扮演了一名足球运动员,但这部作品这件作品也未被记录下来。我们的舞蹈表演是古典音乐的技巧完成的。 当我们带着这样一个简单而清晰的创意进行了广泛的巡演,对许多艺术家的创造力产生了惊人的影响。而后,许多以足球为主题的舞蹈表演开始在世界各地出现,且大多都有类似的编舞风格。这些作品的火花再次点燃了更多的节目和活动。我们一直不知道为什么安德鲁·劳埃德·韦伯在伦敦首映式上和他的制片人一起出现在第一排,并在整场演出中在笔记本上涂鸦。当然,我们既没有发明足球,也没有发明舞蹈,但我们仍然想知道,为什么没有人在20世纪30年代的俄罗斯和1997年的我们之间的巨大的时间洪流中做到这一点,即使那个时期的现代舞被认为已经打破了所有的障碍。 随着不同舞台上越来越多的足球比赛,我们决定结束这场演出。我们冒着被自己模仿的风险。而后,我们与其他公司合作制作了两部其他作品,以实现艺术以外的其他目标。SKÅNES DANSETEATER专门为年轻观众在瑞典巡回上演“En hyllning til fotbollen”,TANZENSEMBLE BIELEFELD在德国举办世界杯时为吸引新观众制作了“A remix Dance Tribute to Football”。 在首演诞生12年后,这个表演又复活了,我们从2009年开始重新开始巡演。Initiated in early 1997, the performance has proven to be the first of its kind. All research on possible earlier dance performances based on football has given no result. Except for a Russian choreographer who made a part-evening ballet in the 1930’s where one of the dancers portrayed a football player. This piece was unfortunately never documented. Apparently it was done with classical technique to classical music.Our extensive tours with such a simple and clear idea produced a surprising stimulus to the creativity of many others. In the time after our impact both on international audiences and the ever so efficient grapevine, numerous football-dance shows started to pop up around the world. Way to numerous to be a coincidence.And mostly with a similar choreographic touch. Sparks from those productions probably gave fire again to even more shows and events. We never knew why Andrew Lloyd Webber appeared on the first row at our London premiere with his producers and scribbling in his notebook during the whole show. We understood more when his football musical premiered in September 2000. We of course never invented neither football or dance, but we still wonder why nobody did the combination in the enormous gap between the Russian in the 1930’s and us in 1997. Contemporary dance in that period was supposed to have broken all barriers.With an increasing amount of football on different stages, we simply decided to close the show down. We risked being copy-cats of ourselves. We did however two co-productions with other companies to fulfill other goals than the artistic ones. SKÅNES DANSETEATER did ”En hyllning til fotbollen” with extensive touring in Sweden specially for young audiences, and TANZENSEMBLE BIELEFELD did ”A Remixed Dance Tribute to Football” to attract new audiences when Germany hosted the World Cup.12 years after its birth, the show however came back to life again. Due to a never-ending flow of requests and general demand from audiences, it’s has been back on tour from 2009 and on.



