

东方演出网 https://www.df962388.com 2023-11-10 11:40 出处:网络 热度:40
武汉《美丽的磨坊女》舒伯特艺术歌曲音乐会将于2024.1.10 19:30 周三在琴台音乐厅上演,门票价格:80-680。


1、时间:2024.1.10 19:30 周三





2024年1月10日 周三 19:30

马蒂亚斯·格内与陈萨 《美丽的磨坊女》舒伯特艺术歌曲音乐会

● 马蒂亚斯·格内:德国著名男中音歌唱家,曾获ICMA国际古典音乐大奖、留声机奖、BBC音乐杂志声乐奖、法国金音叉年度唱片大奖、德国古典音乐回声大奖“年度歌手”奖和五次格莱美提名,被誉为“当今德国艺术歌曲的领军诠释者”。

● 陈萨:“当今最具魅力的钢琴家之一”,也是唯一一位曾在利兹、肖邦和范·克莱本三大国际钢琴赛事中均获大奖的中国人,波兰政府颁发的“肖邦艺术护照”获得者。

● 舒伯特著名声乐套曲《美丽的磨坊女》由二十首歌曲构成了一部具有戏剧性的音乐作品,是浪漫主义题材声乐套曲的典范。

2024年1月10日 周三 19:30

马蒂亚斯·格内与陈萨 《美丽的磨坊女》舒伯特艺术歌曲音乐会





7:30pm, Wednesday, Jan. 10, 2024

Concert of "Die schöne Müllerin" by Schubert with Matthias Goerne and Chen Sa

Matthias Goerne, baritone

Chen Sa, piano

Program: Schubert: Die schöne Müllerin, D.795








著名德国男中音歌唱家马蒂亚斯·格内(Matthias Goerne),因其在歌剧和音乐会中的精彩表演享誉全球,是顶尖乐团、著名音乐节和音乐厅的常客。

格内的艺术成就已经被很多唱片所收录,其中大量作品都获得了高度评价和著名奖项,包括五项格莱美提名、ICMA奖、留声机奖、2017年BBC音乐杂志声乐奖、法国金音叉唱片奖和德国古典回声奖2017“年度歌唱家”。在过去的两年里,他与德国留声机发行了三张专辑:与扬·利谢茨基(Jan Lisiecki)合作的贝多芬艺术歌曲;与赵成珍(Seong-Jin Cho)合作的瓦格纳、施特劳斯和普菲茨纳歌曲集、以及与丹尼尔·特里福诺夫(Daniil Trifonov)合作的新专辑舒曼和勃拉姆斯艺术歌曲,该专辑刚刚被Limelight授予“年度最佳声乐录音”。他的最新专辑《重温舒伯特》于2023年1月由德国留声机发行,该专辑将钢琴伴奏改编成交响乐团伴奏形式使作曲家的歌曲更加生动。


在过去乐季中,所合作的著名音乐家与交响乐团包括:由梵志登(Jaap van Zweden)执棒的阿姆斯特丹音乐会堂乐团;由克里斯蒂安·马塞拉鲁(Cristian Măcelaru)执棒的法国国家管弦乐团;由安东尼奥·帕帕诺(Antonio Pappano)执棒的波士顿交响乐团;由帕沃·雅尔维(Paavo Järvi)执棒的慕尼黑爱乐乐团以及与克里斯托夫·埃森巴赫(Christoph Eschenbach)、赵成珍(Seong-Jin Cho)、马库斯·欣特豪泽(Markus Hinterhäuser)、亚历山大·坎托洛(Alexandre Kantorow)和丹尼尔·特里福诺夫(Daniil Trifonov)合作的独唱音乐会。在柏林国家歌剧院,马蒂亚斯·格内出演了萨拉斯特罗(Sarastro),在巴塞罗那的里塞乌剧院中出演了贝尔格歌剧《沃采克》中的主角。2022年夏天他在好莱坞露天剧场与古斯塔沃·杜达梅尔(Gustavo Dudamel)执棒的洛杉矶爱乐乐团合作,由尤瓦尔·沙龙(Yuval Sharon)执导,演唱了奥丁(Wotan)这一角色。他还与芝加哥交响乐团一起出现在萨尔茨堡音乐节和拉维尼亚音乐节上。

2022/23乐季的巡演与合作亮点包括:与北德广播交响乐团、安德烈斯·奥罗斯科-埃斯特拉达(Andrés Orozco-Estrada)指挥的法兰西国家管弦乐团、克里斯托夫·埃森巴赫指挥的维也纳交响乐团、不来梅德国交响乐团以及曼弗雷德·霍内克(Manfred Honeck)指挥的匹兹堡交响乐团的音乐会,以及与法比奥·路易西(Fabio Luisi)指挥的达拉斯交响乐团的亚洲巡演。马蒂亚斯·格内将在图卢兹扮演Marke这一角色,并在里塞乌剧院扮演Amfortas。他将与安兹涅斯(Leif Ove Andsnes),马库斯·欣特豪泽(Markus Hinterhäuser)和维古京·奥拉夫森(Víkingur Ólafsson)于巴黎、伦敦和佛罗伦萨等城市举办独唱音乐会。

Matthias Goerne, baritone

“Goerne’s instrument, with its velvety crevices, catches darkness and light. (...) Few artists are so temperamentally suited to this repertoire - and fewer still possess such a plush, darkly inviting voice.”

- New York Times

"Today's leading interpreter of German art songs."

- Chicago Tribune

“One of the greatest singers performing today."

- Boston Globe

Celebrated around the globe for his opera and concert performances, German baritone Matthias Goerne is a frequent guest with leading orchestras and renowned festivals and concert halls.

Goerne’s artistry has been documented on numerous recordings, many of which have received rave reviews and prestigious awards, including five Grammy nominations, an ICMA award, a Gramophone Award, the BBC Music Magazine Vocal Award 2017, Diapason d’or arte, and the ECHO Klassik2017 in the category “singer of the year”. In the past two years, he has released three albums with Deutsche Grammophon: Beethoven Songs with Jan Lisiecki; a collection of Wagner, Strauss and Pfitzner Songs with Seong-Jin Cho and his new album of Schumann and Brahms Songs with Daniil Trifonov, which was just awarded “Vocal Recording of the Year” by Limelight.His latest album “Schubert revisited” was released in January 2023 by Deutsche Grammophon, which brings the composer’s songs to life in arrangements for voice and orchestra.

He was appointed an Honorary Member of the Royal Academy of Music in London, and, in past seasons, was an Artist-in-Residence at Hamburg Elbphilharmonie and at The New York Philharmonic.

Highlights of the past season included concerts with the Amsterdam Concertgebouw Orchestra conducted by Jaap van Zweden, the Orchestre National de France under Cristian Măcelaru, the Boston Symphony under Antonio Pappano, the Munich Philharmonic under Paavo Järvi, and recitals with Christoph Eschenbach, Seong-Jin Cho, Markus Hinterhäuser, Alexandre Kantorow and Daniil Trifonov. At the Berlin State Opera Matthias Goerne performed the role of Sarastro and at the Liceu in Barcelona the title role in A. Berg's Wozzeck. In the summer of 2022, he sang the role of Wotan with the Los Angeles Philharmonic under Gustavo Dudamel at the Hollywood Bowl in a production by Yuval Sharon.

He also appeared at the Ravinia Festival with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra and at the Salzburg Festival.

Season highlights in the 2022/23 season include concerts with the NDR Elbphilharmonie Orchestra as well as the Orchestre National de France conducted by Andrés Orozco-Estrada, the Vienna Symphony Orchestra under Christoph Eschenbach, the Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie Bremen as well as the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra under Manfred Honeck, and a tour of Asia with the Dallas Symphony Orchestra under Fabio Luisi. Matthias Goerne will perform the role of Marke in Toulouse as well as the role of Amfortas at the Liceu Barcelona. Recitals with Leif Ove Andsnes, Markus Hinterhäuser and Víkingur Ólafsson will take him to Paris, London and Florence, among other cities.






迄今陈萨拥有十张唱片全球发行。曾与日本的JVC和IMC厂牌、肖邦国际大赛和法国 Harmonia Mundi公司、荷兰的Pentatone唱片公司合作出版并发行多张专辑。其中《肖邦钢琴协奏曲专辑》被英国古典调频评选为当月最佳唱片,并称(她的演奏)是“发自灵魂深处的演绎”。另为瑞典唱片公司BIS录制了和台北国乐团合作的中国作品专辑,被英国BBC 音乐杂志称“这是迄今听过的最有意思、最成功的现代中国音乐专辑”。为了追求更多的创作自由和多元化探索,陈萨和她的工作室团队独立出品发行了独奏专辑《德彪西24首前奏曲》,合作的录音总监是与慕尼黑爱乐乐团、捷杰耶夫大师、小提琴家弗兰克·彼得·齐默尔曼等一起工作的约翰·穆勒先生,视觉设计由建筑设计师胡如珊和她的如恩设计研究室呈现。2021年9月,陈萨与环球音乐Decca唱片合作发行最新独奏专辑《肖邦夜曲全集》。陈萨热衷于支持中国原创新作品的演出,包括了2013年她受邀与巴塞尔室内乐团合作首演了中国作曲家王西麟的钢琴协奏曲以及2016年与国家大剧院管弦乐团合作首演了由澳籍华人作曲家于京君所创作的现代钢琴协奏作品《新起板》。

除了日常演出的行程之外,陈萨也积极参与慈善公益事业。作为受邀艺术家,她曾受到世界银行和挪威政府的邀请,加入到对其极为重要的环保项目之一,并与中国国家交响乐团首演了《呼唤绿色——多媒体协奏曲》并在各地巡演;2015年4月,她再次受邀在美国华盛顿举行的“全球公民地球日”活动中担任古典音乐嘉宾并为在场的上万观众现场演出并讲演呼吁环保;同时她也曾造访中国地区的特殊教育学校并为患有听觉障碍且正在恢复听力的学生们演奏;作为鹏瑞基金“瑞艺天使”导师团成员,陈萨与怀抱音乐天分的盲童女孩同台演出,共同联手传递音乐的力量。2020年疫情期间,陈萨受邀出席了联合国教科文组织 “ResiliArt坚韧艺术”全球首场线下论坛,分享对行业的反思与展望。

从2016年开始,陈萨在少量却意义非凡的国际钢琴赛事中出任评委,包括第11届悉尼国际钢琴比赛、第61届意大利费鲁乔·布索尼钢琴大赛、第19届英国利兹钢琴大赛,以及2021 年在波兰华沙举行的第18届肖邦国际钢琴大赛。



——德国著名乐评家Attila Csampai




——Joshua Kosman 美国《旧金山纪事报》



Chen Sa, piano

Chinese pianist Chen Sa has established herself as “one of the most charismatic pianists of her generation”. She has started with earning critical acclaims at Leeds, Chopin and Van Cliburn since her early teens then began her professional performing career worldwide with her evocative playing. Praised for her poetic sensitivity and intimacy of playing, her music was described as “makes you feel the lyrical beauty, but at the same time shows a volcanic underground and the enormous potential of desperation of the music.”

Sa performed with many prestigious orchestras:NHK Symphony Orchestra, the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra, San Francisco Symphony Orchestra, London Philharmonic Orchestra, Orchestre Philharmonique de Radio France, WDR Symphony Orchestra and so on. The enthusiasm of chamber music has brought her to appear in some historical music festivals such as Lockenhaus Festival, Salzburg Festival, Ruhr Piano Festival, Dusznicki Festival, and St. Petersburg Piano Festival.

Highlights of Chen Sa’s in recent seasons includes debut at Marinskii Theater in St. Petersburg, Champs Elysees Theater in Paris, the 26th Singapore International Piano Festival and Pyeong-Chang Winter Olympic Game 1st Anniversary Gala Concert. In March of 2023, Sa leads and toured as soloist/conductor with Hungarian Chamber Orchestra throughout Germany was overall highly acclaimed as:“…She knows about the contrasts of symphonic opulence and songlike chamber music intimacy that occur in both works and was able to interweave them brilliantly,She played with a clear sometimes silky tone,very gallant in the melodic arcs and extremely harmonious in the interplay”(by Johannes Seifert from augsburger-allgemeine);In the meanwhile Sa will tour with recital program of Bach, Beethoven and Bartok in China and Australia as well as concerti of Bach, Mozart, Rachmaninoff and Brahms, and tour with the Warsaw Philharmonic Orchestra with both Chopin Concerti in the Autumn.

Sa was nominated for the esteemed Tokyo series “The 100 Greatest Pianists” and as the cover artist of the launching issue of Gramophone magazine Chinese edition. She was also named by the French magazine “L’OFFICIEL” as one of the “Top ten Chinese Artists” and the Polish Government honored the Chopin Art Passport to Chen Sa in 2010, for her unique interpretation and achievement in Chopin’s music.

Up till now Sa has 10 audio albums. Three solo albums with JVC and IMC label in Japan, two live recordings from both Chopin and Cliburn competition were published by the Chopin Competition Warsaw and Harmonia Mundi, then three albums with Pentatone in Neatherland, of which two featured Chopin Piano Concerti, Grieg Piano Concerto and Rachmaninoff Concerto plus one Russian Solo Piano Works. Classical FM selected her Chopin Album as the “Best CD of the Month” for her “soulful performance”. She then recorded a Chinese Compositions album for BIS which she had experienced piano concerti with Chinese instruments instead, was described as “the most interesting and successful recording of new Chinese music so far” by BBC Music Magazine. In pursuance of wider comprehensive creativity freedom, Sa and her office ATELIERSA China came together with recording producer Johannes Mueller and Neri & Hu Design and Research Office, for her solo album of complete Preludes by Claude Debussy with a special graphic design. All albums are all published on Apple Music Global. The latest album of Chopin 21 Nocturnes was releasing in Sep.2021 with Decca lable.

Chen Sa continuously supports Chinese modern compositions and gave premiere performances of piano concertos “Xinqiban” (2016) by Australian based Chinese composer Julian Yu, and Piano Concerto (2006) by Wang Xilin, premiered it with Basel Chamber Orchestra in 2013.

Aside from her regular performance schedule, Sa engages herself in charity work as well. She was invited as Classical Artist to be part of project that World Bank and the Norwegian government premiered the multimedia piano concerto “Green Call” and toured it in China; also appeared as the only classical artist at the “Global Citizen 2015 Earth Day” event in Washington D.C. joined to help promoting environmental protection program. In 2020, Chen Sa was invited to attend the world's first offline forum of the UNESCO "ResiliArt" in Beijing, China.

Since 2016 Chen Sa had invitations to be jury in prestigious competitions, Busoni Concourse Bolzano Italy, Sydney International Competition, Leeds International Piano Competition UK, and the 18th International Chopin Piano Competition in Warsaw.

Press acclaim

“Chen shows off the range of her dynamic palette, charting a superbly calibrated crescendo while distinguishing the subtle changes in harmony from one chord to the next ... slow movement that followed, elicited nimble and often effortlessly dramatic playing from Chen. Most exciting, though, was the finale, with its alternation between fierce passage work and broadly lyrical, melodic writing - each of which Chen addresses with sophistication and flair. ”

Joshua Kosman /San Francisco Chronicle

“…makes you feel the lyrical beauty, but at the same time shows a volcanic underground and the enormous potential of desperation of the music. You can feel the inner pull, the sublime drama of Sa Chen’s play especially at the critical moments of the composition.”

Attila Csampai

"like an angel from heaven..."

Paul Badura Skoda

“one of the most charismatic pianists of her generation”...“soulful performance”

Classical FM




















