

东方演出网 https://www.df962388.com 2023-11-06 10:40 出处:网络 热度:65
大连亚美尼亚哈恰图良三重奏将于2023.12.15 19:00 周五在大连人民文化俱乐部上演,门票价格:80-260。


1、时间:2023.12.15 19:00 周五





亚美尼亚哈恰图良三重奏 Khachaturian Trio, Armenia













Khachaturian trio was founded as trio “Arsika” in 1999. It has toured extensively throughout the USA, Central and South America, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Canada, Germany, Austria, Spain, Japan, China, Lebanon, Bulgaria, Malta, Czech Republic, Australia, Moldova, Georgia, Lithuania, Latvia, Russia and Armenia.

They performed in such halls, as Musikverein, Wien, Laiezhalle, Hamburg, Gewandhaus, Leipzig, Elbphilharmonie, Gasteig-Philharmonie, Munich, Purcell Room, London, Suntory hall, Tokyo, Koerner Hall, Toronto. The Trio has participated in a number of prestigious festivals, the Festival de las Artes (Costa Rica), "Russiche Kammermusikfest" in Hamburg, Malta International Music Festival to name a few. Trio’s performances have been frequently broadcasted by TV and Radio. Nine CDs, dedicated to Armenian and Russian music, were recorded by musicians, including CD with music of Khachaturian and Maltese composer Alexey Shor, released by Sony, mono-CD of Alexandre Arutyunyan's music, double CD, dedicated to chamber music of Aram Khachaturian, trios by Tchaikovsky, Arensky (d-moll), Babadjanyan, Schostakovich (e-moll), CD, dedicated to the music of Armenian modern composers (Adjemian, Babayan, Chaushian), two CDs with most famous Armenian classical pieces.

In 2008 Trio took name of an outstanding Armenian composer Aram Khachaturian.

In 2010, together with philanthropist Assadour Guselian, who was close friend of Aram Khachaturian, musicians established Classical Music Development Foundation, which helped them to improve their educational and charity activity.

The critics have highly praised the Khachaturian Trio’s virtuoso performances, subtle sense of style, warmest sound, brilliant and deep musicality. Members of the Trio are involved in pedagogic activity by giving master classes in music schools of various regions of Armenia.

In 2013, to the Aram Khachaturian's 110th Anniversary Year, ensemble presented a colossal project, which continued in future: in several cities in Russia (Nizhniy Novgorod, Krasnodar, Vladimir, Murmansk), and in Armenia (with State youth symphony orchestra, conductor Sergey Smbatyan), musicians performed in on night three concertos by Khachaturian, for piano, for violin and Concerto-rhapsody for cello.

Also, during the Jubilee year, trio performed in Yerevan, in composer's House-museum, all his solo sonatas - for piano, for violin, for cello and for viola, (violist - Maxim Novikov).

Very important part of trio's repertoire is Triple concerto by Beethoven (played in Yaroslavl, Chelyabinsk, Yerevan).

The Trio works in tight collaboration with contemporary composers. It has premiered a number of new works, which were commissioned by them. The members of the Trio are three established and highly regarded chamber musicians. The Trio’s repertoire covers a wide range of music styles.

Trio is working in good connections with Aram Khachaturian's House-Museum in Yerevan, which is possible to name as a "laboratory" for musicians of a Trio. They recorded CDs here, their concerts are permanently taking place here, as well as several education projects, which were inspired by musicians of a Trio.


钢琴家阿迈恩·格里戈里安出生于埃里温。她毕业于埃里温音乐学院,随后在乔治·费耶尔和谢尔盖·萨拉詹教授的指导下取得硕士学位。她在俄罗斯、意大利、阿联酋、德国、波罗的海和独联体地区国家、黎巴嫩、比利时、美国和加拿大等地进行了巡回演出。格里戈里安是“Roma-2003钢琴国际比赛”的获奖者,她同时获得了特别奖和罗马众议院奖章。同年,她作为钢琴二重奏“Sonet”的一员与钢琴家Sona Barseghyan一起参加了罗马肖邦国际钢琴比赛并获得特别奖。她与许多著名音乐家有过合作,演绎多种风格的作品,包括贝多芬的10首小提琴与钢琴奏鸣曲等。作为独奏家,格里戈里安在多个国际比赛中获得特别奖。她参与录音的CD包括《鲜为人知的哈恰图良》等。



Armine Grigoryan, piano

Armine Grigoryan was born in Yerevan. She left Music School after Tchaikovsky and graduated from Yerevan State Conservatory, then post-graduated under the guidance of Professors Georgy and Sergey Sarajians. She has had concert tours throughout Russia, Italy, UAE, Germany, Baltic countries, CIS countries, Lebanon, Belgium, the USA and Canada. Armine Grigoryan is a prize winner of "Roma-2003" Piano International Competition, where she received also a Special prize and a Medal of the Chamber of Deputies of Rome. The same year she participated as a pianist of piano duet “Sonet” with a pianist Sona Barseghyan, gained a Special Prize and became a laureate at the competition after Chopin in Rome. She has collaborated with renowned musicians with versatile programs, including Beethoven 10 sonatas for violin and piano. Armine Grigoryan as a collaborative pianist has won Special prizes at several International competitions. CDs have been released with her recordings ("Unknown Khachaturian" among them).

From 2005 Armine Grigoryan is a pianist of Khachaturian Trio and together with the Trio she has travelled all over the world and performed in a number of famous concert halls. In 2005, for the first time in Armenia, Armine Grigoryan organized a festival of Art of Accompaniment. As a jury member she has participated in a number of International and Republic Competitions.

Since 2012 she has been the honorary president of the Pianist-Teachers Association of Armenia. In 2013 she was awarded a Medal of the Ministry of Culture of Poland. Armine Grigoryan is a Professor of Yerevan State Conservatory and since 2004, a director of Aram Khachaturian Museum.


凯伦·沙加尔迪安是当前俄罗斯最杰出的音乐家之一,巴布罗·萨拉萨蒂国际小提琴比赛的获奖者。他先后维克托·特列嘉科夫和M.格莱泽教授和的指导下,完成了在莫斯科国立音乐学院的本科及研究生学习。卡伦参加过叶胡迪·梅纽因、弗拉基米尔·斯皮瓦科夫、格里戈里·日斯林、叶夫根尼·丘加耶娃等名家的大师班。多年来,他在弗拉基米尔·斯皮瓦科夫指挥的莫斯科名家管弦乐团中担任小提琴演奏家。他曾在卡内基音乐厅、莫斯科大剧院、伦敦皇家节日音乐厅、维也纳金色大厅、汉堡音乐厅、伦敦普塞尔音乐厅、东京三得利音乐厅、东京歌剧城等场馆演出,并在美国、中国、韩国、德国、英国、日本、奥地利、澳大利亚、瑞典、西班牙、意大利、拉脱维亚、立陶宛、捷克共和国、格鲁吉亚、摩尔多瓦、俄罗斯和亚美尼亚等多个国家广泛巡演。2006 年起,他作为哈恰图良三重奏的小提琴手活跃在舞台上。

Karen Shahgaldyan, violinist

Karen Shahgaldyan is one of the most brilliant musicians of modern Russia. Laureate of Pablo Sarasate International Competition. He finished the Moscow State Conservatory at the class of Professor Victor Tretiakov and the Graduate School of the Moscow State Conservatory into the class of Professor M. Glezarova. Karen attended master-classes of Yehudi Menuhin, Vladimir Spivakov, Grigorii Zhislin, Evgeniia Chugaeva. Several years Karen performed in the orchestra "Virtuosos of Moscow" under the direction of Vladimir Spivakov. He performed at such halls as Carnegie Hall, New York, Bolshoy Hall, Moscow, Royal Festival Hall, London, Musikverein, Wien, Laeizhalle, Hamburg, Purcell Room, London, Suntory Hall, Tokyo, Opera City Hall, Tokyo and others. He visited with concerts more than 200 cities in such countries, as USA, China, South Korea, Germany, Great Britain, Japan, Austria, Australia, Sweden, Spain, Italy, Latvia, Lietuva, Czech Republic, Georgia, Moldova, Russia and Armenia. From 2006 violinist of Khachaturian trio.


卡伦·科恰良(Karen Kocharyan),毕业于埃里温·柴可夫斯基音乐学院(亚历山大·乔舒扬教授班)和埃里温州立音乐学院(Geronty Talalyan教授班)。他是Khachatyryan三重奏的创始成员之一,该乐团曾在30个国家和地区的100多个城市巡回演出。卡伦·科恰良也是亚美尼亚室内乐团(ACP)的第一位大提琴独奏家,亚美尼亚爱乐乐团的独奏首席。他曾与欧洲的亚美尼亚室内乐演奏家和亚美尼亚爱乐乐团一起巡回演出,并担任独奏家的角色。卡伦·科恰良自2017年起担任深圳交响乐团首席大提琴手,同时也是活跃的室内音乐家,与尤里·日斯林、鲍里斯·安德里安诺夫、亚历山大·金丁、川久保玉树、沃尔夫冈·迈耶、赞德拉·麦克马斯特、阿莱西奥·巴克斯、安东·索罗科夫、迪穆特·波彭、大神·卡希姆托等知名音乐家合作过。

Karen Kocharyan, cellist

Karen Kocharyan graduated from Yerevan Tchaykovsky School of Music (Class of Prof. Alexander Chaushyan) and Yerevan State Conservatory (class of Prof. Geronty Talalyan). Karen Kocharyan is one of the founding members of the Khachatyryan trio, he was first solo cellist of the Armenian Chamber Players (ACP), Associate concertmaster of the Armenian Philharmonic Orchestra. He has toured with the Armenian Chamber Players and Armenian Philharmonic Orchestra throughout Europe, featuring as soloist as well. In 2005 Karen Kocharyan, under conductor Alexander Ivashkin (UK), appeared as soloist with Armenian Philharmonic Orchestra and in 2006 with Eduard Topchjan and Pasadena LAC Symphony Orchestra took part in Beethoven’s Triple Concerto appearance. From 2017 concertmaster of Shenzhen Symphony Orchestra, China. Karen Kocharyan is an active chamber musician. As a chamber player Karen Kocharyan collaborate with such renowned musicians as Yuri Zhislin, Boris Andrianov, Alexander Ghindin, Tamaki Kawakubo, Wolfgang Meyer, Zandra McMaster, Alessio Bax, Anton Sorokow, Diemut Poppen, Daishin Kashimoto.


