
上海唱作音乐人Julius Black

东方演出网 https://www.df962388.com 2023-10-26 16:40 出处:网络 热度:13
上海唱作音乐人Julius Black将于2023.11.7 20:30 周二在林肯爵士乐上海中心 Jazz at Lincoln Center Shanghai上演,门票价格:100-120。

上海唱作音乐人Julius Black时间、地点、门票价格

1、时间:2023.11.7 20:30 周二

2、地点:林肯爵士乐上海中心 Jazz at Lincoln Center Shanghai


上海唱作音乐人Julius Black详情

上海唱作音乐人Julius Black

More than Jazz

新西兰新生代唱作音乐人Julius Black



JULIUS BLACK是一位冉冉升起的音乐家,在音乐界逐渐声名鹊起。他在中国上海出生长大,十三岁时移居新西兰。他对音乐的热情始于年幼时,当时他的父亲将巴赫以及披头士的音乐介绍给了他。于是Julius开始演奏乐器以及创作歌曲,很快,嘻哈和朋克带给了他青少年时期的最初的音乐热情。

JULIUS BLACK is a rising musician who has made a name for himself in the music industry. Born and raised in Shanghai, China, he relocated to New Zealand at the age of thirteen. His passion for music started at a young age when his dad introduced him to Bach and the Beatles. He began playing instruments and writing songs, and soon hip-hop and punk became his first musical passions in his teens.


终于,Julius拓展了自己的音乐品味,从福音到R&B,涵盖了几乎所有音乐风格。Struan Finlay和Ezra Vine对Julius在自己的EP专辑制作过程中找到自己的独特风格起到了很大的帮助。

He eventually expanded his musical taste to cover everything from gospel to R&B.Struan FinlayandEzra Vinehelped him channel his own unique sound through means of production in his EPs.


现在,让我们来看些好东西 - 音乐!JULIUS BLACK目前发行了两张EP,一张名为“Dopamine”,另一张名为“Together We Go Down in The Dark”。他非常希望可以将项目做成为一个具有强大凝聚力的音乐世界,让听众沉浸其中。

Now, let's get to the good stuff - the music! JULIUS BLACK has two EP’s currently out, one called "Dopamine" and the other called "Together We Go Down in The Dark."He cares deeply about making the project a cohesive world for the listener to submerge themselves into.


This EP is about relationships, ego, loneliness, heartbreak, and anxiety. While writing this EP, he thought about the concept of a protagonist descending into madness. He was really inspired by Martin Scroseseeand he wanted to create the soundtrack to Taxi Driver or The Departed.His songs are his experiences of being a vulnerable human.



另外让我们不要忘记他的新单曲 - WINGS 和 BODIES。WINGS的灵感来自电影”HER”。你知道那部电影 Joaquin Phoenix 爱上了他的操作系统吗?是的就是那个。JULIUS BLACK吸取了这个概念,并将其谱曲成了一首写给他手机的情歌。随着技术成为我们生活中必不可少的一部分,我们无法摆脱这种关系。那么,为什么不拥抱它并写一首关于它的歌呢?

And let's not forget about his new singles - "Wings" and "Bodies." "WINGS" is inspired by the film "HER." You know, that movie where Joaquin Phoenix falls in love with his operating system? Yeah, that one. Well, JULIUS BLACK took that concept and turned it into a love song written to his cell phone. As technology becomes an essential part of our lives, we are unable to escape this relationship. So, why not embrace it and write a song about it?


嘉宾乐队:Bobby Washington’s Olam Band



Growing up in a large family is not always an easy place to express one’s self. However, at an early age Bobby started expressing himself through music. By the age of 12 he started studying the cello in Atlanta, Georgia. After many years of performing with various symphonies in America and China, Bobby found his place of blissfulness. To further express his artistic range he began arranging and writing his own music, which was a talent discovered in church. Currently, Bobby uses his music for a much broader purpose. He bridges cultural gaps and language barriers with his global appeal in his music. With Bobby's musical skills and ability to speak both English and Mandarin he continues to share love and peace.

上海唱作音乐人Julius Black观演指南

