

东方演出网 https://www.df962388.com 2023-10-09 18:40 出处:网络 热度:23
青岛尤里·马尔提诺夫独奏音乐会将于2023.12.15 19:30 周五在青岛大剧院上演,门票价格:19.90。


1、时间:2023.12.15 19:30 周五

















YURY MARTYNOV – Piano, Harpsichord, Fortepiano, Clavichord, and Organ





尤里·马尔提诺夫毕业于莫斯科中央音乐学院钢琴专业师从于谢尔盖·列昂尼多维奇·迪佐尔和 音乐理论专业师从于尤里·尼古拉耶维奇·霍洛波夫,之后进入莫斯科国立柴可夫斯基音乐学院钢琴师从于传奇钢琴家米哈伊尔·沃斯克列辛斯基,随帕辛教授学习管风琴演奏,并担任米哈伊尔·沃斯克列辛斯基的助教。1993-1994年,他在法国波比尼高等音乐学院和巴黎德彪西音乐学院担任I.Vyunisky教授的助教,教授大键琴和数字低音记谱法。

自 1989 年以来,尤里一直积极在世界各地巡演,他的演出足迹遍及俄罗斯、独联体国家、许多欧洲国家、日本、中国和美国,在最好的音乐厅以独奏家和室内乐团的形式带来各种类型的演出节目。


尤里·马尔提诺夫还是众多国际比赛的获奖者,包括:西班牙玛丽亚运河国际音乐比赛首奖、(Maria Canals),意大利卡利亚里恩尼奥·波里诺(Ennio Porrino)国际钢琴大赛首奖、法国埃皮纳勒国际钢琴大赛(The Epinal International Piano Competition)第二名、萨尔茨堡莫扎特国际音乐大赛首奖(W.A. Mozart)。他曾获邀在众多顶级音乐节上亮相,其中包括:莫斯科里赫特12月之夜音乐节、维尔茨堡莫扎特音乐节、波茨坦无忧宫音乐节、圣彼得堡巴洛克音乐节、莫斯科之秋(当代音乐节)、博日山音乐与自然音乐节、科隆早期音乐协奏曲音乐节、芬兰万塔巴洛克音乐节等。




尤里发行过20余张唱片,他的唱片曾获得众多国际专业音乐评论奖,包括:BBC月度选择奖、法国《古典》(Classics)杂志的Choc de la Musique奖、法国5个《音叉》(Diapason)和金音叉奖(Diapason d'or)奖、英国《卫报》杂志的5星奖等等。他还为 奥菲斯广播电台、BBC、法国广播电台、ORT 1、WDR等录制了大量唱片。

他是第一位(也是目前唯一一位)在古钢琴(同时代乐器)上录制李斯特-贝多芬交响曲的钢琴家。(埃拉尔Erard circa 1837 and 博兰斯勒 Blutnher circa 1867)。他录制的李斯特-贝多芬第九交响曲获得2016年英国《卫报》年度十佳唱片。


“Yury Martynov is one of the few pianists around with the technical resources, musical grasp and conviction to recreate this legacy persuasively.”

Patrick Rucker, Gramophone about Beethoven-Liszt project.

Graduated from the Central School of Music at the Moscow Conservatory with a degree in piano (class of Prof. S. L. Dizhur) and "theory of music" (class of Prof. Yu. N. Kholopov), then the Moscow State Conservatory. PI Tchaikovsky in piano classes prof. M.S. Voskresensky and the organ of prof. A. A. Parshin, as well as an assistant-internship under the guidance of M. S. Voskresensky. In 1993-1994 he worked on probation in France with Professor I. Vyunisky at the Higher School of Music in Bobigny and at the Conservatory named after C. Debussy in Paris, specializing in harpsichord and basso-continuo.

Since 1989, the musician has been actively touring, performing with various programs as a soloist and chamber ensemble in the best concert halls in Russia, the CIS countries, in many European countries, in Japan, China and the USA.

Among his stage partners are N. Gutman, A. Lyubimov, S. Sondeckis, P. Schreier, S. Keiken, B. Tevlin, A. Rudin, V. Jurowski, A. Sladkovsky, D. Liss, M. Brunello, M. Inoue, B. Kelemen and many other outstanding performers and conductors.

Yu. Martynov - laureate of international competitions: Maria Canals (Barcelona, 1st prize), Ennio Porrino (Cagliari, 1st prize), Ville d'Epinal (2nd prize), W.A. Mozart (Salzburg, 1st prize). The musician has taken part in many prestigious festivals both in Russia and abroad. Among them are Svyatoslav Richter's December Evenings, La Roque d'Antheron, Rheingau-festival, York Christmas festival, Earlymusic in St-Petersburg, Moscow Autumn, White Lilac, Vantaa-baroc, etc.

Since 1994, Yu. Martynov has been teaching at the Moscow Conservatory, from 2006 to 2010 he headed the Department of Keyboards and Chamber Ensemble of the Faculty of Historical and Contemporary Performing Arts. Currently - Professor of the Department of Special Piano under the leadership of Professor M.S. Voskresensky and the department of keyboard instruments of FHCPA

He has held master classes in Russia and abroad many times: in the USA, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Croatia, Turkey and Kazakhstan.

For the first time in Russia he performed a number of works of the Renaissance, Baroque and early Classicism on original instruments, carried out the Russian premiere of the entire cycle "The Well-Tempered Clavier" by I.S. Bach on the clavichord.

The artist's discography includes over 20 CDs. The musician's recordings were awarded the most prestigious international awards of music criticism: BBC Monthly choice, Choc de la Musique of the French magazine "Classics", 5 diapasons and Diapason d'or, 5 stars of the British magazine The Guardian and others. He also made a number of fund recordings for radio "Orpheus", BBC, Radio-France, ORT 1, WDR, etc.

Today, he is the first and only musician to have recorded a complete collection of Beethoven's symphonies transcribed by F. Liszt for piano solo on instruments of the time (Erard 1837 and Blutnher 1867). His recording of Beethoven-Liszt's Ninth Symphony is included in The Guardian's Top 10 CDs of 2016.

尤里·马尔提诺夫 2023年中国巡演曲目



Piano Sonata No. 6 in F major, Op. 10, No. 2Beethoven

F小调第23号钢琴奏鸣曲“热情” 作品57号-21分钟贝多芬

Appassionata" Piano Sonata No. 23, Op 57Beethoven

中场休息 Intermission

D小调第一钢琴奏鸣曲,作品28 号-38分钟拉赫马尼诺夫

Piano Sonata No. 1 in D minor, Op. 28Rachmaninov



