
上海10.13&14 Spanish Jazz Passion Zorro’Tequila

东方演出网 https://www.df962388.com 2023-09-28 10:06 出处:网络 热度:22
上海10.13&14 Spanish Jazz Passion Zorro’Tequila将于2023.10.13-10.14在林肯爵士乐上海中心上演,门票价格:168-428。

上海10.13&14 Spanish Jazz Passion Zorro’Tequila时间、地点、门票价格




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上海10.13&14 Spanish Jazz Passion Zorro’Tequila

Alvaro Cárdenas, Jr. & the Latino Experience presentsSpanish Jazz Passion: Zorro’ Tequila佐罗的龙舌兰!来自西班牙的热情爵士西班牙语经典爵士与流行之夜 演出曲目:Set list1-Zorro song 2-Gitana (Flamenco song)3-Armando’s Rumba (instrumental)4-Fragile (Sting)5-Tu Boca (Rumba )6-Billie Jean (M. Jackson)7-Señorita (C cobello)8-Crazy Race (RH factor)9-Shape of You (Ed Sheeran)10-I’m Outta love (Anastasia)*The Program is subject to change.*曲目以演出当日为准。


Saxophone - Alvaro Cardenas, Jr. ALVARO于1967年7月25日出生于哥伦比亚卡塔赫纳,擅长拉丁爵士和古典;不仅是一位优秀的演奏家还是一位萨克斯老师。除萨克斯外,他还会演奏多种乐器如长笛,单簧管,贝司,键盘手;同时也是一位歌者、作曲和乐队队长。Alvaro Cardenas Jr. 十四岁开始跟随他的父亲学习萨克斯,并从此开启了他的音乐职业生涯。在2000年Alvaro和他的乐队受到马来西亚代理邀请进行亚洲巡演,由北京开始,先后到访曼谷、新德里、新加坡、婆罗洲岛,最后一站在南京。2001年夏,Alvaro收到了在美丽的城市上海的拉丁爵士三重奏的邀请。他利用10个月的时间演奏和了解上海的爵士现状。2003年,他和家人一同搬到上海定居,从此上海成了他的家。从小接受良好音乐熏陶和教育的他,在成年后录制了许多精彩的唱片,同时参加了亚洲各地举办的音乐表演活动和音乐节,始终活跃在世界舞台上。Singer - Annei Lee Annei是一位极具才华和多才多艺的创作型歌手和词曲创作者,出生并成长于乌克兰。她拥有乌克兰奥德萨法学院的法律学位。在短暂从事法律工作后,安妮意识到她真正的热情在于音乐。她决定追逐自己成为音乐人的梦想,并开始创作自己的歌曲。安妮的音乐融合了独立音乐、电子音乐和流行音乐的元素,以她独特的声音、易记的旋律和发人深省的歌词为特色。她的音乐作品展现了她的创造力和独创性,并赢得了国内外众多歌迷的支持。 无论是在舞台上演出还是在幕后工作,安妮始终致力于提供卓越的服务,并超越客户的期望。她对音乐的热情和对帮助他人实现梦想的承诺,使她成为任何项目或团队的宝贵资产。Annei is a highly talented and versatile singer-songwriter who was born and raised in Ukraine. She holds a degree in law from the prestigious Odessa Academy of Law. After working in the legal field for a brief period, Annei realized that her true passion lay in music. She decided to pursue her dream of becoming a musician and began composing her own songs.Annei's music is a unique blend of indie, electric, and pop, characterized by her distinctive voice, catchy melodies, and thought-provoking lyrics. Her songs showcase her creativity and originality, and have won her a loyal following of fans both in China and internationally.Whether she is performing on stage or working behind the scenes, Annei is committed to delivering exceptional results and exceeding her clients' expectations. Her passion for music and her dedication to helping others achieve their goals make her a valuable asset to any project or team.Piano - Tony Bott Tony Bott出生和成长于伊利诺伊州的芝加哥,最初是通过弹奏风琴接触音乐的,7岁开始学习鼓。后来移居洛杉矶,在南加州大学(USC)获得学士和硕士学位,学习古典打击乐。正是在这里,他对鼓、打击乐器和钢琴的综合兴趣在所有音乐流派中得以实现。学业后他移居日本,追求在演奏和创作爵士音乐方面的更多个人目标。在16年的时间里,Tony为自己的乐队、主题公园、音乐会、商业广告和几张唱片创作、编曲和制作音乐。后他移居广州,在AISG教授声乐、乐队和爵士乐长达11年,2020年移居上海。Bass - Ivan Del Campo Ivan was born in Cartagena, Colombia. He started his journey in music at a very young age studying piano and drums at the Bellas Artes Institute in Cartagena, Colombia.Coming from a family of lawyers after finishing high school, he decided to study law at the San Buenaventura University in Cartagena, Colombia, while at the same time he continue studying and playing music with local bands in private parties and events. During one of this gigs he had the fortune to meet one of the most outstanding musician in the province, a 65-year-old sax player music master who gave him the opportunity to travel around the country, and allowing him to begin a full time career as musician.In 2002 Ivan created his own band, a fusion of jazz, latin and folklore from his city, interacting in different instruments such as congas, trumpet, trombone, and his more beloved instrument, the bass.In 2005 ivan got a proposal to travel to asia, where he has been working in several five-star hotels and clubs, sharing his passion and musical talent with the goal of entertaining all types of audiences.Drums - Pascal Nalgom 毛里求斯籍爵士鼓演奏家,七岁开始学习打击乐,13岁开始在教堂演出。在毕业于Francois Mitterand 音乐学院之后,Pascal在2003年组建了自己的乐队,乐队的演出足迹遍布毛里求斯各演出场所Percussion - Toby Señor Tobby是一位鼓手以及打击乐器演奏家,他在打击乐上的学习及表演已有二十年的经验。Tobby出生于哥伦比亚卡塔赫纳,他的多才多艺,优异的节奏感以及良好的音乐理解能力使他成为一名优秀的音乐家。他为索尼音乐,环球,BMG等录制过上百张唱片。Tobby在哥伦比亚Saint-Laurent大学凯泽的指导下在鼓的演奏方面收获了很多,除此以外,他还参加了很多大师班,主要包括Clayton Cameron(东尼班尼顿)、Guy Nadon、保罗·布洛丘所教授的大师课。在近二十多年的打击乐学习中,最深得他心的乐器就是康加斯。他从1997开始学习,得以跟随著名的打击乐演奏家Partha Sarathi Mukherjee进行学习,这使得他在印度尼西亚学习了很长一段时间!自2002以来,Tobby一直在世界上数10个国家成功的工作及演出。自2015起在上海参加数百次活动,他所参与的音乐会及赛事足迹遍及宁波、杭州、福州、苏州、深圳,广州、武汉、北京、南通、无锡、南京等20多个城市多。

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