
广州“新现场”高清放映 英国皇家歌剧院《费加罗的婚礼》

东方演出网 https://www.df962388.com 2023-09-22 12:39 出处:网络 热度:16
广州“新现场”高清放映 英国皇家歌剧院《费加罗的婚礼》将于2023.11.26 19:30 周日在广州大剧院上演,门票价格:150。

广州“新现场”高清放映 英国皇家歌剧院《费加罗的婚礼》时间、地点、门票价格

1、时间:2023.11.26 19:30 周日



广州“新现场”高清放映 英国皇家歌剧院《费加罗的婚礼》详情

广州“新现场”高清放映 英国皇家歌剧院《费加罗的婚礼》

“新现场”高清放映 英国皇家歌剧院《费加罗的婚礼》




男仆费加罗与侍女苏珊娜的婚礼举行在即,伯爵却心怀不轨,强行要行使领主的“权力”霸占苏珊娜。好在足智多谋的费加罗勇敢抗争,又有苏珊娜巧妙周旋,伯爵夫人暗中相助,才合力挫败了伯爵的念头。喜歌剧《费加罗的婚礼》是天才作曲家莫扎特和意大利剧作家洛伦佐•达•彭特(Lorenzo Da Ponte)根据博马舍喜剧“费加罗三部曲”创作的,剧中讴歌平等的抗争,小人物的智慧更是大放异彩,因此在首演时即触怒了法国和罗马帝国的贵族,一度遭到禁演。

时过境迁,平凡又朴素的幸福追求在莫扎特的音符中保有了永恒的感染力,《费加罗的婚礼》成为歌剧史上毋庸置疑的明珠。著名导演大卫•麦克维卡于2006年为英国皇家歌剧院创排的版本对闹剧元素有着出色的调度,完美平衡了整部作品的喜剧气质和进步意义,舞美设计塔尼娅•麦卡林(Tanya McCallin)的加持更显恢宏气势,至今长演不衰。2022年全新录制的这一版由英皇音乐总监安东尼奥•帕帕诺亲自担纲指挥,里卡尔多•法西(Riccardo Fassi)、茱莉娅•塞门扎托(Giulia Semenzato)、费德丽卡•隆巴尔迪(Federica Lombardi)等新秀演员的加盟焕发年轻活力。


Royal Opera House Live: The Marriage of Figaro

Time: 26 November 2023 (Sun.) 7:30pm

Venue: Experimental Theatre, Guangzhou Opera House

Price: TBC

Duration: 223 minutes (with 15 minutes intermission)

*HD Screening

*Sung in Italian with Chinese Subtitles

*Each ticket can only be used by one person. No children below 1.2m should be admitted.Suitable for people over fifteen years old.

Servants Figaro and Susanna are filled with excitement on their wedding day, but there’s a hitch: their employer, the Count Almaviva, has dishonourable intentions of his own towards the bride-to-be.

With more twists than a page boy’s stockings, the story of Mozart’s comic opera will surprise and delight you at every turn. Come for the music and stay for the cross-dressing hilarity, all unfolding over the course of one crazy, topsy-turvy day in the Almaviva household. Royal Opera Music Director Antonio Pappano conducts a truly international cast in David McVicar’s timeless production.

New Live HD Screening Series, established by Beijing ATW Culture Media Co., Ltd., aims to present the best theatrical content from British and international stages through lens and cameras. Since June 2015, 208 titles from the Royal National Theatre, Royal Shakespeare Company, Royal Opera House, Shakespeare's Globe, Kabuki, Bolshoi Theatre, Comedie-Francaise, Broadway and Russian Theatres have been distributed through New Live HD Screening Series in direct and exclusive collaboration with National Theatre Live, Trafalgar Releasing, Universal Pictures, Shochiku, BroadwayHD, Pathé Live, Version Digital and various content providers and distribution partners around the world. So far, an audience of more than 710,000 has come to over 9,000 screenings in mainland China, Taiwan and Hongkong.

广州“新现场”高清放映 英国皇家歌剧院《费加罗的婚礼》观演指南




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