
青岛交响乐团-雅乐惠民(九) 中秋节专场

东方演出网 https://www.df962388.com 2023-09-07 11:11 出处:网络 热度:19
青岛交响乐团-雅乐惠民(九) 中秋节专场将于2023.09.28 周四 19:30在青岛人民会堂上演,门票价格:30。

青岛交响乐团-雅乐惠民(九) 中秋节专场时间、地点、门票价格

1、时间:2023.09.28 周四 19:30



青岛交响乐团-雅乐惠民(九) 中秋节专场详情

青岛交响乐团-雅乐惠民(九) 中秋节专场



曲目:1.《我的祖国》 刘炽/曲

2.男声重唱《父亲的草原母亲的河》 乌兰托嘎/曲 《灯火里的中国》 舒楠/曲 演唱:李猛、隋天开、胡惟成

3.音乐与舞蹈《在希望的田野上》 施光南/曲

4.女声独唱《长鼓敲起来》 金凤浩/曲 《共和国之恋》 刘为光/曲 演唱:谢月静

5.《良宵》 刘天华/曲

6.音乐与舞蹈《我的青岛》 姜世奎/曲

7.二胡独奏《赛马》 黄海怀/曲 演奏:王林

8.女声独唱《青岛》 姜世奎/曲 《爱青岛》 姜世奎/曲 独唱:王蒨

9.《花好月圆》 黄贻钧/曲

10.音乐与舞蹈《玉兔奔月》 李文平/改编



陈彦霖青年指挥家、钢琴家,现担任上海音乐学院作曲指挥系艺术指导老师。自幼跟随上海音乐学院附中罗霄教授学习钢琴,6 岁开始登台演出, 受到著名钢琴家刘诗昆大师的指导,多次在全国级、省市级获奖!2014 年开始跟随赵晓鸥老师学习指挥,先后以优异的成绩考入上海音乐学院钢琴与乐队指挥本科双专业及研究生,先后师从林大叶、张国勇先生学习指挥,并跟随著名室内乐钢琴演奏家张薇聪教授学习钢琴与室内乐演奏。在校期间荣获三好学生、专业优秀奖等各类奖项。陈彦霖在校期间受到余隆、杨洋、 江浦琦、叶聪、GeorgePehlivabian、Jorma Panula、Ulrich Windfuhr、Valerion Paperi 等多位大师的悉心指导,曾与汉堡交响乐团、上海歌剧院乐团、上海爱乐 乐团、上海音乐学院交响乐团、上海音乐学院附中交响乐团、深圳交响乐团、青 岛交响乐团、贵阳交响乐团、四川爱乐乐团、内蒙交响乐团、河北交响乐团、浙江民族乐团、杭州爱乐乐团等有过愉快合作。2019 年赴德国汉堡音乐与戏剧学院参加 Ulrich Windfuhr 的大师班,并与汉堡交响乐团合作。 2017 年起担任西北民族大学交响乐团、合唱团助理指挥,排演了德沃夏克《第九交响曲》、《黄河 大合唱》、《长征组歌》等曲目,并与西北民族大学交响乐团、合唱团在兰 州、延安、临夏等地进行《黄河大合唱》巡演。现担任著名作曲家、指挥家谭盾先生的音乐助理。


Dr. Liu Yuxia is the Concertmaster, Deputy Executive Director and Artistic Director of the Chamber Orchestra for the Qingdao Symphony Orchestra, who graduated from Gnesin Russian Academy of Music majoring in violin performance. As a professor of the Department of Arts, Ocean University of China, she was awarded many titles of honor, including the special government allowance from the State Council of China, the “National Excellent Teacher” by the Ministry of Education and the “Top-notch Professional and Technical Talent” in Qingdao, etc.During her study in Russia, Dr. Liu Yuxia conducted three successful solo concerts and participated in several international music festivals and artistic exchanges. Her solo violin album “Light on the Strings (Xian Shang Xia Guang)” published by China Record Corporation has become a representative “icon” of Qingdao’s international cultural exchange. In the past decade, as the Concertmaster of the Qingdao Symphony Orchestra, Dr. Liu visited and performed in various countries and religions from Asia, Europe, America to Africa with the orchestra, playing the melody of China throughout the world, especially her “Greetings from Qingdao” symphony concert held in “One Belt, One Road” countries such as Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan, which was impressive and renowned in those countries. In addition, she held many violin solo concerts across China, with the most influential one, the performance on the National Day, 2019, “Celebrating the 70th Anniversary of the Founding of the People’s Republic of China and the National Day Gala in the Capital City” on Tianan’men Square, Beijing with her group. As a world-famous violinist, she also contributed to Youth Violin Competition in China as a judge and provided accompaniments for several international and domestic violin competitions.Academically, Dr. Liu and her team accomplished musical works including a large-scale symphonic poem “Poems of the Ocean (Bi Hai Shi Hua)” and a symphony “Beautiful Qingdao and the Blue Ocean (Qing Zhi Dao, Hai Zhi Lan)”, which inherited the traditional culture and created new versions to spread the marine culture widely. Her research was sponsored by “Philosophy and Social Science Research Planning Project” in Shandong Province and “High-quality Arts Works Project” with Qingdao Government, which exerted extensive academic influence on the field of symphony performance and research.

青岛交响乐团-雅乐惠民(九) 中秋节专场观演指南


